* Checkbox.js
* Released under LGPL License.
* Copyright (c) 1999-2015 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved
* License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
* Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
* This control creates a custom checkbox.
* @example
* // Create and render a checkbox to the body element
* tinymce.ui.Factory.create({
* type: 'checkbox',
* checked: true,
* text: 'My checkbox'
* }).renderTo(document.body);
* @-x-less Checkbox.less
* @class tinymce.ui.Checkbox
* @extends tinymce.ui.Widget
define("tinymce/ui/Checkbox", [
], function(Widget) {
"use strict";
return Widget.extend({
Defaults: {
classes: "checkbox",
role: "checkbox",
checked: false
* Constructs a new Checkbox instance with the specified settings.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
* @setting {Boolean} checked True if the checkbox should be checked by default.
init: function(settings) {
var self = this;
self.on('click mousedown', function(e) {
self.on('click', function(e) {
if (!self.disabled()) {
* Getter/setter function for the checked state.
* @method checked
* @param {Boolean} [state] State to be set.
* @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.Checkbox} True/false or checkbox if it's a set operation.
checked: function(state) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return this.state.get('checked');
this.state.set('checked', state);
return this;
* Getter/setter function for the value state.
* @method value
* @param {Boolean} [state] State to be set.
* @return {Boolean|tinymce.ui.Checkbox} True/false or checkbox if it's a set operation.
value: function(state) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return this.checked();
return this.checked(state);
* Renders the control as a HTML string.
* @method renderHtml
* @return {String} HTML representing the control.
renderHtml: function() {
var self = this, id = self._id, prefix = self.classPrefix;
return (
'<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes + '" unselectable="on" aria-labelledby="' + id + '-al" tabindex="-1">' +
'<i class="' + prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-checkbox"></i>' +
'<span id="' + id + '-al" class="' + prefix + 'label">' + self.encode(self.state.get('text')) + '</span>' +
bindStates: function() {
var self = this;
function checked(state) {
self.classes.toggle("checked", state);
self.aria('checked', state);
self.state.on('change:text', function(e) {
self.getEl('al').firstChild.data = self.translate(e.value);
self.state.on('change:checked change:value', function(e) {
self.state.on('change:icon', function(e) {
var icon = e.value, prefix = self.classPrefix;
if (typeof icon == 'undefined') {
return self.settings.icon;
self.settings.icon = icon;
icon = icon ? prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + self.settings.icon : '';
var btnElm = self.getEl().firstChild, iconElm = btnElm.getElementsByTagName('i')[0];
if (icon) {
if (!iconElm || iconElm != btnElm.firstChild) {
iconElm = document.createElement('i');
btnElm.insertBefore(iconElm, btnElm.firstChild);
iconElm.className = icon;
} else if (iconElm) {
if (self.state.get('checked')) {
return self._super();