DownloadImage Library, used to manipulate images like crop, resize and writing texts on images
You can pull in the package via composer:
$ composer require saad/image
Register Package Service Provider for Laravel
> Laravel 5.5 The package will automatically register itself.
> Laravel < 5.5
> add the following to your providers in config\app.php
> ` php
> 'providers' => [
> .....
> Saad\Image\ImageServiceProvider::class,
> ]
> `
Publish package aconfiguration and assets
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Saad\Image\ImageServiceProvider"
to use Core Image Library
use Saad\Image\Image;
$image = new Image( $image_src );
// you can then manipulate image
// Set Save Output Format
// Set Save Options
$image->setSaveOptions('image_name', 'Save_Path');
// Create Thumbnail
$image->createThumbnail(100, 100);
// Save and destroy resource from memory
// Save and keep resource to continue manipulating same resource
// Get Image as data-url string
Laravel Eloquent Traits
this package ships with two traits to make it easy to save images on eloquent models
EloquentImageSaverTrait used to dynamically save uploaded images and creating thumbnails
EloquentPublicImageTrait used to get public url for saved images and it's created thumbnails
__Full Example__
assume we have a user Model which has image column to store user profile image
use Saad\Image\Traits\EloquentImageSaverTrait;
use Saad\Image\Traits\EloquentPublicImageTrait;
class User extends Model
use EloquentImageSaverTrait, EloquentPublicImageTrait;
protected static $profile_image_sizes = [
[ 256, 256 ], // Default image size
[ 100, 100 ], // Thumbnail
[ 46, 46 ], // Thumbnail
[ 26, 26 ], // Thumbnail
* Get Image
* @return String Image Url
public function getImage()
return $this->getImagePublicLink( 'image', 'images/profiles/' );
* Get Image Thumbnail
* @param String $size Thumbnail size in format '46x46'
* @return String Image Thumbnail Url
public function getImageThumb( $size )
return $this->getImagePublicLink( 'image', 'images/profiles/thumb/', $size );
* Mutator To Save and Set Image
* Save Image and create thumbnails, and set image name attribute to model
public function setImageAttribute( $file )
$path = public_path( 'images/profiles/' );
if($file instanceof \Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile) {
$this->attributes['image'] = $this->saveImage( $file, $path, null, static::$profile_image_sizes, function( $object, $save_name ) use($path){
* Delete Old Images
$this->deleteOldFor( $object->image, $path );
} );
} else {
$file = realpath(public_path('/images/temp/'.$file));
$this->attributes['image'] = $this->saveLocalImage( $file, $path, null, static::$profile_image_sizes, function( $object, $save_name ) use($path){
* Delete Old Images
$this->deleteOldFor( $object->image, $path );