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File: z-license-hgc1-0.txt

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File: z-license-hgc1-0.txt
Role: License text
Content type: text/plain
Description: License file
Class: Process Images
Resize and present images in gallery pages
Author: By
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Date: 17 years ago
Size: 2,755 bytes



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**************************************************************** z-license-hgc1_0.txt - My first attemp on an open source license Herman Gomez - Jan, 4th. 2008 - **************************************************************** Note: Because this license was intended for software available in my web site (, this condition is mentioned some times in the following license text. Because this software has been published separately, I will consider it as a "push-download" so I will understand for the rest of this file that the software companied by this license has been download it from my web site. Here is my first contribution to the universe of the open source licenses. I've called HGC1.0. Definitions: .-The Site: this web site. .-Binaries: compiled programs, libraries and packages of any kind. .-Code: source code and code samples, including the code of the pages from The Site. .-The Software: Binaries and Code that you can download and/or copy from The Site. .-Derived Work: Any software made by you and based on or integrated with The Software or any part of this one. Until explicit exception: "The Software is free (from freedom) and free (from monetary costs or royalties) for you to use, sale and/or distribute it in any way. In case of Code you can also modify it if you like. In case of Binaries you can also integrate it in your software if you like." In all cases you must: 1.-Mention the source of The Software and give credit openly and clearly. 2.-Communicate me (by email, as soon as possible) what you have done with The Software and how to contact you. Other rights reserved (without cutting what the laws and signed treaties grant): 3.-I can mention your name, your company and the name of your software in my credits. 4.-If your software violates any law or software license, or attemps agains anyone's morality (and it can be proved), you must stop using The Software and separate it of your software until further notice. Derived works: The parts of The Software that you distribute alone or integrated with your software will keep the license conditions established here. You can keep licensing the rest of your software as you like if you don't affect this. Responsability: I have no resposability of any kind (including legal) about what happen when you use The Software or whatever you do with it, not even if it does not work as you would like. So be careful. Technical support: I won't provide any kind of formal technical support. I always try to help everyone who request it (usualy by email) as soon as possible, but there is no obligation on my side neither a timeframe for responding. Thanks and enjoy!. EOF