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File: admin/js/vswpmm-ajax-map.js

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  Classes of Juan Chaves   Very Simple WordPress Map Plugin   admin/js/vswpmm-ajax-map.js   Download  
File: admin/js/vswpmm-ajax-map.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Very Simple WordPress Map Plugin
Display maps in WordPress pages with OpenStreetMap
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 5,623 bytes



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"use strict"; var vswpmmIdMap; var vswpmmWidthMap; var vswpmmHeightMap; (function($) { jQuery(document).ready(function() { //copy code shortcodes jQuery('.vswpmm-copy').on('click', function() { var aux = document.createElement('input'); jQuery(aux).val(jQuery(this).attr('copy')); document.body.appendChild(aux);; document.execCommand('copy'); document.body.removeChild(aux); }); //edit jQuery('.vswpmm-view-input').click(function() { vswpmmIdMap = jQuery( '#' + jQuery(this).attr('vswpmmId') ).attr( 'viewmakerMap' ).split( 'vswpmakermap ' )[1].split(','); jQuery('#vswpmm-id-maker-map-edit').val(vswpmmIdMap[0].split('ID=')[1]); jQuery('#vswpmm-address').val(vswpmmIdMap[1].split('address=')[1]); jQuery('#vswpmm-width-maker-map').val(vswpmmIdMap[2].split('width=')[1]); jQuery('#vswpmm-height-maker-map').val(vswpmmIdMap[3].split('height=')[1]); jQuery('#vswpmm-maker-title').val(vswpmmIdMap[4].split('title=')[1]); jQuery('#vswpmm-maker-text-color').val(vswpmmIdMap[5].split('color=')[1]); jQuery('#vswpmm-background-text-color').val(vswpmmIdMap[6].split('background=')[1]); jQuery('#vswpmm-maker-text').val(decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob(vswpmmIdMap[7].split('text=')[1])))); jQuery('#vswpmm-lon-lat-maker-map-save').val(vswpmmIdMap[8].split('LonLat=')[1]); vswpmmPost('view'); }); //prewiew jQuery("#vswpmm-link-data-maker-map").click( function() { vswpmmPost('view'); }); //post lon lat function vswpmmPost(id) { jQuery.ajax({ type : 'post', dataType : 'json', url : vswpmm_vars.ajaxurl, data : { action: 'vswpmm_ajax_map', _ajax_nonce: vswpmm_vars.nonce, 'title': $('#vswpmm-address').val() }, success: function(response) { if(!response) { console.log('Error'); } else { if(id == 'view') { vswpmmHtml(response); } else { jQuery('#vswpmm-lon-lat-maker-map-save').val(response[1] + 'vswpmm' + response[0]); } } } }); if(id === 'view') { jQuery('#vswpmm-paint').css( { 'width': jQuery('#vswpmm-width-maker-map').val() + '%', 'height': jQuery('#vswpmm-height-maker-map').val() + 'px' } ).fadeIn(); } } //html function vswpmmHtml(response) { vswpmmWidthMap = jQuery('#vswpmm-width-maker-map').val() + '%'; vswpmmHeightMap = jQuery('#vswpmm-height-maker-map').val() + 'px'; jQuery('#vswpmm-js-map-new, #vswpmm-paint').html(''); jQuery('#vswpmm-js-map-new').html( '<style type="text/css">' + '.ol-popup:after {' + 'border-top-color:' + jQuery('#vswpmm-background-text-color').val() + ' !important;' + 'border-width: 10px;' + 'left: 48px;' + 'margin-left: -10px;' + '}' + '</style>' + '<div id="vswpmm-popup" class="ol-popup" style="background-color:' + jQuery('#vswpmm-background-text-color').val() + ';color:' + jQuery('#vswpmm-maker-text-color').val() + '">' + '<a href="#" id="vswpmm-popup-closer" class="ol-popup-closer"></a>' + '<div id="vswpmm-popup-content"></div>' + '</div>' + '<script>' + 'var attribution = new ol.control.Attribution({' + 'collapsible: false' + '});' + 'var map = new ol.Map({' + 'controls: ol.control.defaults({ attribution: false }).extend([attribution]),' + 'layers: [' + 'new ol.layer.Tile({' + 'source: new ol.source.OSM({' + 'url: \'{z}/{x}/{y}.png\',' + 'attributions: [ol.source.OSM.ATTRIBUTION, \'Tiles courtesy of <a href="">GEO-6</a>\'],' + 'maxZoom: 18' + '})' + '})' + '],' + 'target: \'vswpmm-paint\',' + 'view: new ol.View({' + 'center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([' + response[1] + ', ' + response[0] + ']),' + 'maxZoom: 18,' + 'zoom: 14' + '})' + '});' + 'var layer = new ol.layer.Vector({' + 'source: new ol.source.Vector({' + 'features: [' + 'new ol.Feature({' + 'geometry: new ol.geom.Point(ol.proj.fromLonLat([' + response[1] + ', ' + response[0] + ']))' + '})' + ']' + '})' + '});' + 'map.addLayer(layer);' + 'var container = document.getElementById(\'vswpmm-popup\');' + 'var content = document.getElementById(\'vswpmm-popup-content\');' + 'var closer = document.getElementById(\'vswpmm-popup-closer\');' + 'var overlay = new ol.Overlay({' + 'element: container,' + 'autoPan: true,' + 'autoPanAnimation: {' + 'duration: 250' + '}' + '});' + 'map.addOverlay(overlay);' + 'closer.onclick = function () {' + 'overlay.setPosition(undefined);' + 'closer.blur();' + 'return false;' + '};' + 'map.on(\'singleclick\', function (event) {' + 'if (map.hasFeatureAtPixel(event.pixel) === true) {' + 'var coordinate = event.coordinate;' + 'content.innerHTML = \'<b>' + jQuery('#vswpmm-maker-title').val() + '</b><br />' + jQuery('#vswpmm-maker-text').val() + '\';' + 'overlay.setPosition(coordinate);' + '} else {' + 'overlay.setPosition(undefined);' + 'closer.blur();' + '}' + '});' + 'content.innerHTML = \'<b>' + jQuery('#vswpmm-maker-title').val() + '</b><br />' + jQuery('#vswpmm-maker-text').val() + '\';' + 'overlay.setPosition(ol.proj.fromLonLat([' + response[1] + ', ' + response[0] + ']));' + '</script>' ); } //on submit map jQuery('#vswpmm-address').on('change', function() { console.log(1); vswpmmPost('change'); }); //on reset jQuery('#vswpmm-reset').on('click', function() { location.reload(true); }); }); })(jQuery);