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Classes of Abed Nego Ragil Putra | PHP Inventory Management System with Scanner | vendor/markbaker/complex/ | Download |
![]() PHPComplexPHP Class for handling Complex numbers The library currently provides the following operations: - addition - subtraction - multiplication - division
together with functions for - theta (polar theta angle) - rho (polar distance/radius) - conjugate * negative - inverse (1 / complex) - cos (cosine) - acos (inverse cosine) - cosh (hyperbolic cosine) - acosh (inverse hyperbolic cosine) - sin (sine) - asin (inverse sine) - sinh (hyperbolic sine) - asinh (inverse hyperbolic sine) - sec (secant) - asec (inverse secant) - sech (hyperbolic secant) - asech (inverse hyperbolic secant) - csc (cosecant) - acsc (inverse cosecant) - csch (hyperbolic secant) - acsch (inverse hyperbolic secant) - tan (tangent) - atan (inverse tangent) - tanh (hyperbolic tangent) - atanh (inverse hyperbolic tangent) - cot (cotangent) - acot (inverse cotangent) - coth (hyperbolic cotangent) - acoth (inverse hyperbolic cotangent) - sqrt (square root) - exp (exponential) - ln (natural log) - log10 (base-10 log) - log2 (base-2 log) - pow (raised to the power of a real number) UsageTo create a new complex object, you can provide either the real, imaginary and suffix parts as individual values, or as an array of values passed passed to the constructor; or a string representing the value. e.g
Complex objects are immutable: whenever you call a method or pass a complex value to a function that returns a complex value, a new Complex object will be returned, and the original will remain unchanged. This also allows you to chain multiple methods as you would for a fluent interface (as long as they are methods that will return a Complex result). Performing Mathematical OperationsTo perform mathematical operations with Complex values, you can call the appropriate method against a complex value, passing other values as arguments
or pass all values to the appropriate function
If you want to perform the same operation against multiple values (e.g. to add three or more complex numbers), then you can pass multiple arguments to any of the operations. You can pass these arguments as Complex objects, or as an array or string that will parse to a complex object. Using functionsWhen calling any of the available functions for a complex value, you can either call the relevant method for the Complex object
or you can call the function as you would in procedural code, passing the Complex object as an argument
When called procedurally using the function, you can pass in the argument as a Complex object, or as an array or string that will parse to a complex object.
In the case of the
or pass the additional argument when calling the method