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File: src/Utils/Template/Engine.php

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  Classes of Thierry Feuzeu   Jaxon   src/Utils/Template/Engine.php   Download  
File: src/Utils/Template/Engine.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Class source
Class: Jaxon
Call PHP classes from JavaScript using AJAX
Author: By
Last change: Added a render() function in template.

A template can now render another template.
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 4,356 bytes



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 * Engine.php - Template engine
 * Generate templates with template vars.
 * @package jaxon-core
 * @author Thierry Feuzeu <>
 * @copyright 2016 Thierry Feuzeu <>
 * @license BSD 3-Clause License
 * @link

namespace Jaxon\Utils\Template;

     * The namespaces
     * @var array $aNamespaces
protected $aNamespaces;

     * The constructor
     * @param string $sTemplateDir The template directory
public function __construct($sTemplateDir)
$sTemplateDir = rtrim(trim($sTemplateDir), '/\\');
$this->aNamespaces = [
'jaxon' => [
'directory' => $sTemplateDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
'extension' => '.php',
'pagination' => [
'directory' => $sTemplateDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pagination' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
'extension' => '.php',

     * Add a namespace to the template system
     * @param string $sNamespace The namespace name
     * @param string $sDirectory The namespace directory
     * @param string $sExtension The extension to append to template names
     * @return void
public function addNamespace($sNamespace, $sDirectory, $sExtension = '')
// The 'jaxon' key cannot be overriden
if($sNamespace == 'jaxon' || $sNamespace == 'pagination')
// Save the namespace
$this->aNamespaces[$sNamespace] = [
'directory' => rtrim(trim($sDirectory), "/\\") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
'extension' => $sExtension,

     * Set a new directory for pagination templates
     * @param string $sDirectory The directory path
     * @return void
public function pagination($sDirectory)
$this->aNamespaces['pagination']['directory'] = $sDirectory;

     * Render a template
     * @param string $sPath The path to the template
     * @param array $aVars The template vars
     * @return string
private function _render($sPath, array $aVars)
// Make the template vars available, throught a Context object.
$xContext = new Context($this);
$aVars as $sName => $xValue)
$sName = (string)$sName;
$xContext->$sName = $xValue;
// Render the template
$cRenderer = function($_sPath) {
// Call the closure in the context of the $xContext object.
        // So the keyword '$this' in the template will refer to the $xContext object.
return \call_user_func($cRenderer->bindTo($xContext), $sPath);

     * Render a template
     * @param string $sTemplate The name of template to be rendered
     * @param array $aVars The template vars
     * @return string
public function render($sTemplate, array $aVars = [])
$sTemplate = trim($sTemplate);
// Get the namespace name
$sNamespace = '';
$iSeparatorPosition = strrpos($sTemplate, '::');
$iSeparatorPosition !== false)
$sNamespace = substr($sTemplate, 0, $iSeparatorPosition);
$sTemplate = substr($sTemplate, $iSeparatorPosition + 2);
// The default namespace is 'jaxon'
if(!($sNamespace = trim($sNamespace)))
$sNamespace = 'jaxon';
// Check if the namespace is defined
if(!key_exists($sNamespace, $this->aNamespaces))
$aNamespace = $this->aNamespaces[$sNamespace];
// Get the template path
$sTemplatePath = $aNamespace['directory'] . $sTemplate . $aNamespace['extension'];
// Render the template
return $this->_render($sTemplatePath, $aVars);