Download[comment]: # (This file is part of PcGen, PHP Code Generation support package. Copyright 2020 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved, licence GPL 3.0)
The ` CtrlStructMgr` manages control structure
condition ( operand1 comparisonOperator operand2 )
operand : scalar, variable, class property or (class-)function
comparisonOperator : class constants exists
boolean condition : variable/property, (class-)function
scalar value
_if_/_elseif_/_else_ (else without condition), if default
_case_ inside a _switch_ 'body', will automatically add 'break' after
_default_ same, but no condition
The logic body is set using CtrlStructMgr::setBody()
CtrlStructMgr Methods
Inherited [Common methods]
* ```operand``` _string_ variable
* ```compOp``` _string_ default '==', constant exists
* ```operand2``` _string_ variable
* ```exprType``` _int_ default 'if', constant exists
* Return _static_
* Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
Return _array_, result code rows (null-bytes removed) no trailing eol
Throws _RuntimeException_
* Return _array_, result code rows (null-bytes removed) no trailing eol
* Throws _RuntimeException_
Set expression type
Return _static_
Convenient ```CtrlStructMgr::setExprType()``` aliases
Return _static_
* Set single cond. (boolean) scalar
* ```setScalar``` _bool_|_float_|_int_|_string_
* Return _static_
* Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
Set single cond. (boolean) PHP expression
Return _static_
Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
* Set cond. (boolean) as single variable (string), classVariable or function invoke
* ```singleOp``` _string_|[EntityMgr]|[FcnInvokeMgr]
* Return _static_
* Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
Set single operand as this class property
Convenient CtrlStructMgr::setSingleOp() alias
Return _static_
Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
* Set single operand as this class function call (no args)
* Convenient CtrlStructMgr::setSingleOp() alias
* ```singleOp``` _string_
* Return _static_
* Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
Set operand1/operand2 comparison operator
Return _static_
Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
* Set first operand
* ```operand``` _bool_|_float_|_int_|_string_|[EntityMgr]|[FcnInvokeMgr]
* Return _static_
* Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
Set first operand as this class property
Convenient CtrlStructMgr::setOperand1() alias
Return _static_
Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
* Set second operand
* ```operand``` _bool_|_float_|_int_|_string_|[EntityMgr]|[FcnInvokeMgr]
* Return _static_
* Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
Set first operand as this class property
Convenient CtrlStructMgr::setOperand2() alias
Return _static_
Throws _InvalidArgumentException_
if Example
$code = FcnFrameMgr::init()
->setName( 'someFunction' )
->addArgument( 'value', FcnFrameMgr::STRING_T )
CtrlStructMgr::factory( 'value', CtrlStructMgr::EQ, 1 )
->setBody( ' // this is if-body' )
CtrlStructMgr::factory( 'value', CtrlStructMgr::GT, 1 )
->setBody( ' // this is elseIf-body' )
->setBody( ' // this is else-body' )
Result :
public function someFunction( string $value )
if( $value == 1 ) {
// this is if-body
} // end if
elseif( $value > 1 ) {
// this is elseIf-body
} // end elseif
else {
// this is else-body
} // end else
switch Example
$code = FcnFrameMgr::init()
->setName( 'someFunction' )
->addArgument( 'value', FcnFrameMgr::STRING_T )
->setScalar(true )
EntityMgr::factory( null, 'value' ),
->setBody( ' // this is case-body 1' )
EntityMgr::factory( null, 'value' ),
->setBody( ' // this is case-body 2' )
->setBody( ' // this is default-body' )
) // end setBody
) // end setBody
Result :
public function someFunction( string $value )
switch( true ) {
case ( $value == 1 ) :
// this is case-body 1
case ( $value > 1 ) :
// this is case-body 2
default :
// this is default-body
} // end switch
<small>Return to [README] - [Summary]</small>
[Common methods]