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File: writable/translations/en.json

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  Classes of Aby Dahana   Aksara   writable/translations/en.json   Download  
File: writable/translations/en.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Aksara
A CodeIgniter based API and CRUD generator
Author: By
Last change: refactor: add new translation phrases
refactor: API documentation and new transliteration
feat: new phrases added
feat: add new phrases
Date: 16 days ago
Size: 45,404 bytes


Class file image Download
{ "A newer version of Aksara is available.": "A newer version of Aksara is available.", "A sample reference for you": "A sample reference for you", "API": "API", "API Documentations": "API Documentations", "API Key": "API Key", "API Management": "API Management", "APIs": "APIs", "About": "About", "About the project": "About the project", "Access Time": "Access Time", "Accessible Menus": "Accessible Menus", "Account": "Account", "Account Activated": "Account Activated", "Account Age Restriction": "Account Age Restriction", "Account Registered": "Account Registered", "Account Settings": "Account Settings", "Acres": "Acres", "Action Sound": "Action Sound", "Action Warning": "Action Warning", "Activate": "Activate", "Activate to show text label under the map": "Activate to show text label under the map", "Active": "Active", "Activities": "Activities", "Activity": "Activity", "Add": "Add", "Add Method": "Add Method", "Add New Data": "Add New Data", "Add Parameter": "Add Parameter", "Add or remove attributes": "Add or remove attributes", "Add-Ons": "Add-Ons", "Add-Ons Market": "Add-Ons Market", "Addons": "Addons", "Address": "Address", "Adjust Group Privileges": "Adjust Group Privileges", "Adjust Privileges": "Adjust Privileges", "Administrative": "Administrative", "Administrative Page": "Administrative Page", "Album not found!": "Album not found!", "Albums": "Albums", "Alias": "Alias", "All categories": "All categories", "All columns": "All columns", "All groups": "All groups", "All inactive session within {{ hour }} hours will be removed.": "All inactive session within <b>{{ hour }} hours</b> will be removed.", "All languages": "All languages", "An article spotlight you might want to know": "An article spotlight you might want to know", "Announcements": "Announcements", "Apis": "APIs", "Application Description": "Application Description", "Application Icon": "Application Icon", "Application Identity": "Application Identity", "Application Information": "Application Information", "Application Logo": "Application Logo", "Application Name": "Application Name", "Application Notifier": "Application Notifier", "Application Settings": "Application Settings", "April": "April", "Are you sure want to activate this theme?": "Are you sure want to activate this theme?", "Are you sure want to clear the logs?": "Are you sure want to clear the logs?", "Are you sure want to delete this log?": "Are you sure want to delete this log?", "Are you sure want to delete this module?": "Are you sure want to delete this module?", "Are you sure want to delete this theme?": "Are you sure want to delete this theme?", "Are you sure want to hide this comment?": "Are you sure want to hide this comment?", "Are you sure want to republish this comment?": "Are you sure want to republish this comment?", "Area": "Area", "Article summary to improve SEO": "Article summary to improve SEO", "Articles": "Articles", "Attach photo": "Attach photo", "Attachment": "Attachment", "Attachments": "Attachments", "Attributes": "Attributes", "Attribution": "Attribution", "Attributions": "Attributions", "August": "August", "Auth": "Auth", "Author": "Author", "Auto Active Registration": "Auto Active Registration", "Back": "Back", "Back End": "Back End", "Back to Announcements": "Back to Announcements", "Back to Galleries": "Back to Galleries", "Back to Home": "Back to Home", "Back to Homepage": "Back to Homepage", "Back to Index": "Back to Index", "Back to Peoples": "Back to Peoples", "Backend Theme": "Backend Theme", "Background": "Background", "Base Map": "Base Map", "Batch Delete": "Batch Delete", "Be the first to comment": "Be the first to comment", "Binary file": "Binary file", "Biography": "Biography", "Blocking Time": "Blocking Time", "Blocking time when reaching maximum login attempts": "Blocking time when reaching maximum login attempts", "Blog Categories": "Blog Categories", "Blogs": "Blogs", "Bot Challenge": "Bot Challenge", "Browse": "Browse", "Browse Articles": "Browse Articles", "Browse the articles by category": "Browse the articles by category", "Browser": "Browser", "Build Version": "Build Version", "Bulk Delete": "Bulk Delete", "Button Label": "Button Label", "By submitting this form, you are agree about all future action related to your account related to the": "By submitting this form, you are agree about all future action related to your account related to the", "CMS": "CMS", "Cancel": "Cancel", "Carousel": "Carousel", "Carousels": "Carousels", "Categories": "Categories", "Category": "Category", "Category details to improve SEO": "Category details to improve SEO", "Change Language": "Change Language", "Check Again": "Check Again", "Check All": "Check All", "Check Application Logs": "Check Application Logs", "Check Connection": "Check Connection", "Check all": "Check all", "Check connection": "Check connection", "Check connection while submitting": "Check connection while submitting", "Check to activate": "Check to activate", "Choose your username": "Choose your username", "Clean": "Clean", "Cleaner": "Cleaner", "Clear": "Clear", "Clear Logs": "Clear Logs", "Click on the log file to show the error details.": "Click on the log file to show the error details.", "Click the button below to update your core system directly.": "Click the button below to update your core system directly.", "Click the synchronize button to equate the phrases for each translations.": "Click the synchronize button to equate the phrases for each translations.", "Click to continue": "Click to continue", "Clients": "Clients", "Close": "Close", "Cms": "CMS", "Code": "Code", "Collected from all categories": "Collected from all categories", "Collected from all categories under blog": "Collected from all categories under blog", "Collected from all galleries": "Collected from all galleries", "Collected from submitted comments": "Collected from submitted comments", "Colllected from submitted blogs post": "Colllected from submitted blogs post", "Column": "Column", "Comment": "Comment", "Comment hidden": "Comment hidden", "Commented": "Commented", "Comments": "Comments", "Configuration": "Configuration", "Configurations": "Configurations", "Confirm New Password": "Confirm New Password", "Confirm your new password": "Confirm your new password", "Confirmation": "Confirmation", "Congratulations!": "Congratulations!", "Connect": "Connect", "Connection Name": "Connection Name", "Connections": "Connections", "Contact": "Contact", "Contact Information": "Contact Information", "Contact Us": "Contact Us", "Content": "Content", "Content Management System": "Content Management System", "Contents": "Contents", "Continue": "Continue", "Contributors": "Contributors", "Coordinate": "Coordinate", "Copyright": "Copyright", "Core System Updater": "Core System Updater", "Core Tools": "Core Tools", "Countries": "Countries", "Country": "Country", "Cover": "Cover", "Create": "Create", "Created": "Created", "Custom User Privileges": "Custom User Privileges", "Customize": "Customize", "Customize your app": "Customize your app", "Daily Visits": "Daily Visits", "Dashboard": "Dashboard", "Dashboard Access": "Dashboard Access", "Data": "Data", "Data was successfully submitted.": "Data was successfully submitted.", "Database Driver": "Database Driver", "Database Name": "Database Name", "Database table existence": "Database table existence", "Date Modified": "Date Modified", "Day Restriction": "Day Restriction", "Debug Tool": "Debug Tool", "Debug Tools": "Debug Tools", "Debug created API Services": "Debug created API Services", "December": "December", "Default": "Default", "Default Map Tile": "Default Map Tile", "Default Membership Group": "Default Membership Group", "Delete": "Delete", "Delete Phrase": "Delete Phrase", "Dependencies": "Dependencies", "Description": "Description", "Description Field": "Description Field", "Destination": "Destination", "Detail": "Detail", "Direct Inquiry": "Direct Inquiry", "Direction": "Direction", "Directions": "Directions", "Disabled": "Disabled", "Distance": "Distance", "Do import with your own risk": "Do import with your own risk", "Do not have an account?": "Do not have an account?", "Documentation": "Documentation", "Double click to stop drawing": "Double click to stop drawing", "Download": "Download", "Download Map": "Download Map", "Driving": "Driving", "Edit": "Edit", "Effective until": "Effective until", "Email": "Email", "Email Address": "Email Address", "Email Notifier": "Email Notifier", "Enable Public Registration": "Enable Public Registration", "Enable Username Changes": "Enable Username Changes", "Enabled": "Enabled", "End Date": "End Date", "End User License Agreement": "End User License Agreement", "Enter password": "Enter password", "Enter service URL": "Enter service URL", "Enter shown character": "Enter shown character", "Enter your API Key": "Enter your API Key", "Enter your email address": "Enter your email address", "Enter your new password": "Enter your new password", "Enter your username or email": "Enter your username or email", "Enter your valid username or email to request a password reset link.": "Enter your valid username or email to request a password reset link.", "Error Logs": "Error Logs", "Error Response": "Error Response", "Errors": "Errors", "Example": "Example", "Exception messages": "Exception messages", "Excerpt": "Excerpt", "Expand": "Expand", "Expired Session": "Expired Session", "Export": "Export", "FAQ": "FAQ", "FAQs": "FAQs", "FTP Configuration": "FTP Configuration", "Facebook APP ID": "Facebook APP ID", "Facebook APP Secret": "Facebook APP Secret", "Facebook Profile URL": "Facebook Profile URL", "Faq": "Faq", "Faqs": "Faqs", "Fast": "Fast", "Fax": "Fax", "Feature Detail": "Feature Detail", "Feature Label": "Feature Label", "Featured": "Featured", "Features": "Features", "February": "February", "Feedback": "Feedback", "Feet": "Feet", "Female": "Female", "Fetch success": "Fetch success", "Field": "Field", "Filename": "Filename", "Fill all the required fields below to register your account": "Fill all the required fields below to register your account", "Find Route": "Find Route", "First": "First", "First Name": "First Name", "Follow an update from us": "Follow an update from us", "Follow the link we sent to your email to activate your account.": "Follow the link we sent to your email to activate your account.", "Footer Color Scheme": "Footer Color Scheme", "Foreground": "Foreground", "Forgot": "Forgot", "Forgot password?": "Forgot password?", "Found": "Found", "Friday": "Friday", "Front End": "Front End", "Frontend Theme": "Frontend Theme", "Ftp": "FTP", "Full Name": "Full Name", "Fully Sent": "Fully Sent", "GO": "GO", "Galleries": "Galleries", "Gallery was not found": "Gallery was not found", "Garbage Cleaned!": "Garbage Cleaned!", "Garbage Cleaner": "Garbage Cleaner", "Geojson": "Geojson", "Geospatial": "Geospatial", "Geospatial File": "Geospatial File", "Get Closer": "Get Closer", "Getting Started": "Getting Started", "Getting started": "Getting started", "Google Analytics Key": "Google Analytics Key", "Google Client ID": "Google Client ID", "Google Client Secret": "Google Client Secret", "Group": "Group", "Group Name": "Group Name", "Group Privileges": "Group Privileges", "Groups": "Groups", "Guestbook": "Guestbook", "HTML file": "HTML file", "HTTP status code": "HTTP status code", "Header": "Header", "Header Color Scheme": "Header Color Scheme", "Headline": "Headline", "Hectares": "Hectares", "Hello": "Hello", "Hi": "Hi", "Hide": "Hide", "Hide Comment": "Hide Comment", "Home": "Home", "Homepage": "Homepage", "How many days before user can post interaction after registration": "How many days before user can post interaction after registration", "How many seconds before user can post another comment": "How many seconds before user can post another comment", "However": "However", "IP Address": "IP Address", "IP Range": "IP Range", "Icon Scale": "Icon Scale", "Identification": "Identification", "If this action is not requested by yourself, you can just ignore this email.": "If this action is not requested by yourself, you can just ignore this email.", "Image": "Image", "Images": "Images", "Import": "Import", "Import Module": "Import Module", "Import Theme": "Import Theme", "Inactive": "Inactive", "Including the credit of external resources": "Including the credit of external resources", "Including the terms of services": "Including the terms of services", "Incorrect view path": "Incorrect view path", "Index": "Index", "Individual Privilege": "Individual Privilege", "Infographic": "Infographic", "Information": "Information", "Inquiries": "Inquiries", "Instagram": "Instagram", "Instagram Profile URL": "Instagram Profile URL", "Instagram Username": "Instagram Username", "Install": "Install", "Installed Module": "Installed Module", "Installed Theme": "Installed Theme", "Interactions": "Interactions", "January": "January", "July": "July", "June": "June", "Just now": "Just now", "Key": "Key", "Keywords": "Keywords", "Kick": "Kick", "Kilometers": "Kilometers", "Knowledge Center": "Knowledge Center", "Label": "Label", "Language": "Language", "Last": "Last", "Last Activity": "Last Activity", "Last Generated": "Last Generated", "Last Modified": "Last Modified", "Last Name": "Last Name", "Latest": "Latest", "Learn more about": "Learn more about", "Leave blank to generate automatically": "Leave blank to generate automatically", "Leave blank to ignore": "Leave blank to ignore", "License": "License", "Like": "Like", "Liked": "Liked", "Likes": "Likes", "Links": "Links", "Load comments": "Load comments", "Loading...": "Loading...", "Local Variables": "Local Variables", "Locale": "Locale", "Location": "Location", "Log Activities": "Log Activities", "Login Activities": "Login Activities", "Login Activity": "Login Activity", "Login Attempt": "Login Attempt", "Logs": "Logs", "Main Navigation": "Main Navigation", "Make sure the package was pass the test from your development server": "Make sure the package was pass the test from your development server", "Make sure the package you would to import is downloaded from the official market": "Make sure the package you would to import is downloaded from the official market", "Make sure to check the changes before submitting": "Make sure to check the changes before submitting", "Make sure to check the following mistake": "Make sure to check the following mistake", "Male": "Male", "Manage": "Manage", "Manage API Clients": "Manage API Clients", "Manage Announcements": "Manage Announcements", "Manage Carousels": "Manage Carousels", "Manage Countries": "Manage Countries", "Manage FAQ": "Manage FAQ", "Manage Group Privileges": "Manage Group Privileges", "Manage Groups": "Manage Groups", "Manage Menus": "Manage Menus", "Manage Services": "Manage Services", "Manage Translations": "Manage Translations", "Manage User": "Manage User", "Manage Users": "Manage Users", "Manage announcements": "Manage announcements", "Manage blog post": "Manage blog post", "Manage carousels": "Manage carousels", "Manage client permissions": "Manage client permissions", "Manage frequently asked question": "Manage frequently asked question", "Manage frontend pages": "Manage frontend pages", "Manage galleries": "Manage galleries", "Manage peoples": "Manage peoples", "Manage photo albums": "Manage photo albums", "Manage service URLs": "Manage service URLs", "Manage the page": "Manage the page", "Manage uploaded media": "Manage uploaded media", "Manage user": "Manage user", "Manage users": "Manage users", "Map Tiles": "Map Tiles", "Maps": "Maps", "Maps Provider": "Maps Provider", "March": "March", "Market": "Market", "Max Length": "Max Length", "Maximum number of login attempts": "Maximum number of login attempts", "May": "May", "Measurement": "Measurement", "Media": "Media", "Meet Us": "Meet Us", "Meet another peoples": "Meet another peoples", "Meet the peoples behind us": "Meet the peoples behind us", "Membership": "Membership", "Menu Label": "Menu Label", "Menu Management": "Menu Management", "Menu Slug": "Menu Slug", "Menus": "Menus", "Messages": "Messages", "Meters": "Meters", "Method": "Method", "Miles": "Miles", "Mime Type": "Mime Type", "Minimum": "Minimum", "Mobile": "Mobile", "Module": "Module", "Module Detail": "Module Detail", "Module Importer": "Module Importer", "Module Manager": "Module Manager", "Module Package": "Module Package", "Module structure": "Module structure", "Modules": "Modules", "Monday": "Monday", "Monthly Visits": "Monthly Visits", "More": "More", "More Info": "More Info", "More action": "More action", "More options": "More options", "Most used browsers": "Most used browsers", "Motorcycle": "Motorcycle", "Move Down": "Move Down", "Move Up": "Move Up", "New Password": "New Password", "New from gallery": "New from gallery", "News": "News", "Next": "Next", "Next step": "Next step", "No Activities": "No Activities", "No Favorites": "No Favorites", "No add-ons available for your current Aksara version": "No add-ons available for your current Aksara version", "No additional information": "No additional information", "No album are available at the moment.": "No album are available at the moment.", "No announcement is available at the moment.": "No announcement is available at the moment.", "No announcement is found!": "No announcement is found!", "No category were found": "No category were found", "No children data found at the moment": "No children data found at the moment", "No error log": "No error log", "No installed module": "No installed module", "No menu is available right now": "No menu is available right now", "No module package were chosen": "No module package were chosen", "No people are available right now.": "No people are available right now.", "No people is found!": "No people is found!", "No post found!": "No post found!", "No post is available under this category": "No post is available under this category", "No post is found!": "No post is found!", "No post were found": "No post were found", "No post were found!": "No post were found!", "No response": "No response", "No response could be loaded": "No response could be loaded", "No result could be rendered!": "No result could be rendered!", "No result were found.": "No result were found.", "No service URL are given": "No service URL are given", "No sub level table assigned to the selection": "No sub level table assigned to the selection", "No testimonial are available right now.": "No testimonial are available right now.", "No testimonial is available at the moment.": "No testimonial is available at the moment.", "No testimonial is found!": "No testimonial is found!", "No theme package manifest were found": "No theme package manifest were found", "No update available at the moment. The update will be inform to you if available.": "No update available at the moment. The update will be inform to you if available.", "None": "None", "Notes before you import": "Notes before you import", "Notice": "Notice", "Notification Settings": "Notification Settings", "Notifications": "Notifications", "Notifier": "Notifier", "November": "November", "OAuth": "OAuth", "October": "October", "Office Address": "Office Address", "Office Email": "Office Email", "Office Fax": "Office Fax", "Office Map": "Office Map", "Office Name": "Office Name", "Office Phone": "Office Phone", "One Device Login": "One Device Login", "Online": "Online", "Open Data": "Open Data", "Open data": "Open data", "Open in new tab": "Open in new tab", "OpenLayers Search Key": "OpenLayers Search Key", "OpenLayers Search Provider": "OpenLayers Search Provider", "Option": "Option", "Options": "Options", "Or sign in with your social account": "Or sign in with your social account", "Other Categories": "Other Categories", "Our News Updates": "Our News Updates", "Our Suggestion": "Our Suggestion", "Our Suggestions": "Our Suggestions", "Our gallery activities": "Our gallery activities", "Our suggestion": "Our suggestion", "Our suggestions": "Our suggestions", "PDF": "PDF", "Page": "Page", "Page Color Scheme": "Page Color Scheme", "Page Size": "Page Size", "Page not found!": "Page not found!", "Page summary to improve SEO": "Page summary to improve SEO", "Pages": "Pages", "Parameter": "Parameter", "Partial": "Partial", "Partial Content": "Partial Content", "Partial Contents": "Partial Contents", "Partially Sent": "Partially Sent", "Partials": "Partials", "Password": "Password", "Path": "Path", "Pending": "Pending", "People was not found!": "People was not found!", "People you might want to know": "People you might want to know", "Peoples": "Peoples", "Peoples also read": "Peoples also read", "Permissions": "Permissions", "Phone": "Phone", "Phone Number": "Phone Number", "Photo": "Photo", "Phrase synchronized!": "Phrase synchronized!", "Placement": "Placement", "Platform": "Platform", "Please be respectful to each other and be sure to follow our community standard.": "Please be respectful to each other and be sure to follow our community standard.", "Please choose": "Please choose", "Please choose the file to upload": "Please choose the file to upload", "Please choose the language to translate": "Please choose the language to translate", "Please click the button below to reset your password.": "Please click the button below to reset your password.", "Please enter your account information to sign in.": "Please enter your account information to sign in.", "Please enter your account information to signing in.": "Please enter your account information to signing in.", "Please fill all required field below to add new data": "Please fill all required field below to add new data", "Please remove or rename the following directory to secure your application:": "Please remove or rename the following directory to secure your application:", "Please sign in to report the comment.": "Please sign in to report the comment.", "Please sign in to repute the post.": "Please sign in to repute the post.", "Please sign in to submit comment": "Please sign in to submit comment", "Please wait for previous comments to be processed": "Please wait for previous comments to be processed", "Polling": "Polling", "Popular": "Popular", "Position": "Position", "Post Categories": "Post Categories", "Post tagged with": "Post tagged with", "Postal Code": "Postal Code", "Posts": "Posts", "Preview": "Preview", "Previous": "Previous", "Print": "Print", "Privacy Policy": "Privacy Policy", "Privileges": "Privileges", "Privileges Adjustment": "Privileges Adjustment", "Profile": "Profile", "Public": "Public", "Publish": "Publish", "Query String": "Query String", "Read": "Read", "Read our newest articles": "Read our newest articles", "Recent Articles": "Recent Articles", "Recent sign in": "Recent sign in", "Recommended Articles": "Recommended Articles", "Redirect URL": "Redirect URL", "Reference": "Reference", "Refresh": "Refresh", "Register": "Register", "Register Account": "Register Account", "Register an Account": "Register an Account", "Related Articles": "Related Articles", "Remove": "Remove", "Remove Log": "Remove Log", "Reply": "Reply", "Replying to": "Replying to", "Report": "Report", "Request Body": "Request Body", "Request Header": "Request Header", "Request Method": "Request Method", "Request a copy": "Request a copy", "Request new password": "Request new password", "Requesting": "Requesting", "Required": "Required", "Resend": "Resend", "Reset": "Reset", "Reset Password": "Reset Password", "Reset your password and request new one.": "Reset your password and request new one.", "Resolution": "Resolution", "Response": "Response", "Retype": "Retype", "Review": "Review", "Route Method": "Route Method", "SMTP Configuration": "SMTP Configuration", "SMTP Email Masking": "SMTP Email Masking", "SMTP Host": "SMTP Host", "SMTP Hostname": "SMTP Hostname", "SMTP Password": "SMTP Password", "SMTP Port": "SMTP Port", "SMTP Sender Masking": "SMTP Sender Masking", "SMTP Username": "SMTP Username", "Sample": "Sample", "Saturday": "Saturday", "Search": "Search", "Search Add-Ons": "Search Add-Ons", "Search a place": "Search a place", "Search data": "Search data", "Search phrase": "Search phrase", "Search post": "Search post", "Search results for": "Search results for", "Secure Login Attempt": "Secure Login Attempt", "See our latest gallery activities": "See our latest gallery activities", "See your login activity": "See your login activity", "Selection": "Selection", "Send": "Send", "Send Message": "Send Message", "Send copy": "Send copy", "Send to WhatsApp": "Send to WhatsApp", "Sender": "Sender", "Sent": "Sent", "Separate with commas": "Separate with commas", "September": "September", "Services": "Services", "Session Cleaner": "Session Cleaner", "Session Garbage Cleaner": "Session Garbage Cleaner", "Setting": "Setting", "Settings": "Settings", "Share": "Share", "Share to Facebook": "Share to Facebook", "Share to Twitter": "Share to X", "Show": "Show", "Show Example": "Show Example", "Show error logs": "Show error logs", "Show log activities": "Show log activities", "Showing": "Showing", "Showing Data": "Showing Data", "Showing the result of requested data": "Showing the result of requested data", "Sidebar": "Sidebar", "Sidebar Color Scheme": "Sidebar Color Scheme", "Sign In": "Sign In", "Sign Out": "Sign Out", "Sign in with Facebook": "Sign in with Facebook", "Sign in with Google": "Sign in with Google", "Similar Articles": "Similar Articles", "Similar Categories": "Similar Categories", "Site Settings": "Site Settings", "Size": "Size", "Slow": "Slow", "Slug": "Slug", "Someone is recently asked to reset the password for an account linked to your email.": "Someone is recently asked to reset the password for an account linked to your email.", "Something caused by typo": "Something caused by typo", "Spam Timer": "Spam Timer", "Spotlight": "Spotlight", "Start Date": "Start Date", "Starting Point": "Starting Point", "Status": "Status", "Subject": "Subject", "Submit": "Submit", "Submit your inquiries or questions to us": "Submit your inquiries or questions to us", "Success Response": "Success Response", "Success messages": "Success messages", "Sunday": "Sunday", "Synchronize": "Synchronize", "System Language": "System Language", "Table of Contents": "Table of Contents", "Tags": "Tags", "Talk to us, straight to our team": "Talk to us, straight to our team", "Target URL": "Target URL", "Terms and Conditions": "Terms and Conditions", "Testimonials": "Testimonials", "Testimony": "Testimony", "The API Key is required when you using Google as search provider": "The API Key is required when you using Google as search provider", "The Aksara services was successfully started!": "The Aksara services was successfully started!", "The Guest Book of {{ user }}": "The Guest Book of {{ user }}", "The Laborant": "The Laborant", "The Peoples Behind Us": "The Peoples Behind Us", "The access token is invalid or already expired": "The access token is invalid or already expired", "The album you requested was not found or already been archived.": "The album you requested was not found or already been archived.", "The announcement you requested was not found or its already been removed.": "The announcement you requested was not found or its already been removed.", "The comment you want to update was not found.": "The comment you want to update was not found.", "The data was successfully deleted": "The data was successfully deleted", "The data was successfully submitted": "The data was successfully submitted", "The data was successfully updated": "The data was successfully updated", "The data you requested does not exist or has been removed": "The data you requested does not exist or has been removed", "The data you would to delete is not found": "The data you would to delete is not found", "The defined primary table does not exist": "The defined primary table does not exist", "The document was generated from": "The document was generated from", "The file was successfully removed.": "The file was successfully removed.", "The given token from authentication response": "The given token from authentication response", "The listed privileges below is created automatically from": "The listed privileges below is created automatically from", "The message was sent successfully.": "The message was sent successfully.", "The method you requested is not acceptable": "The method you requested is not acceptable", "The package manifest for the selected module is missing": "The package manifest for the selected module is missing", "The package manifest for the selected theme is missing": "The package manifest for the selected theme is missing", "The package you download from outside the official market may contains exploit tool that risk your server": "The package you download from outside the official market may contains exploit tool that risk your server", "The package you download from outside the official market may contains exploit tool that will risk your server": "The package you download from outside the official market may contains exploit tool that will risk your server", "The page you requested does not exist or already been archived.": "The page you requested does not exist or already been archived.", "The password reset link has been sent to": "The password reset link has been sent to", "The people you are looking for was not found": "The people you are looking for was not found", "The people you are looking for was not found.": "The people you are looking for was not found.", "The post you requested does not exist or already been archived": "The post you requested does not exist or already been archived", "The post you requested was not found or already been archived.": "The post you requested was not found or already been archived.", "The response is not a valid object": "The response is not a valid object", "The selected file format is not allowed to upload": "The selected file format is not allowed to upload", "The selected log was successfully removed": "The selected log was successfully removed", "The selected phrase was successfully removed.": "The selected phrase was successfully removed.", "The sub level can be accessed": "The sub level can be accessed", "The submitted token has been expired or the request is made from the restricted source": "The submitted token has been expired or the request is made from the restricted source", "The theme was successfully customized": "The theme was successfully customized", "The user you requested does not exists.": "The user you requested does not exists.", "Theme Customization": "Theme Customization", "Theme Detail": "Theme Detail", "Theme Importer": "Theme Importer", "Theme Manager": "Theme Manager", "Themes": "Themes", "There are no session garbage available at the moment": "There are no session garbage available at the moment", "There are {{ sessions }} unused sessions were cleaned up successfully.": "There are <b>{{ sessions }}</b> unused sessions were cleaned up successfully.", "There is a login activity recently made from your account.": "There is a login activity recently made from your account.", "There might be multiple activity sessions from the same device.": "There might be multiple activity sessions from the same device.", "Third Party Authentication": "Third Party Authentication", "Third Party Connection": "Third Party Connection", "This action cannot be undone.": "This action cannot be undone.", "This action will remove everything related to the error logs": "This action will remove everything related to the error logs", "This announcement will be effective until": "This announcement will be effective until", "This feature is disabled in demo mode": "This feature is disabled in demo mode", "This service is require an access token.": "This service is require an access token.", "Thursday": "Thursday", "Title": "Title", "Today Statistics": "Today Statistics", "Total Phrase": "Total Phrase", "Total Phrases": "Total Phrases", "Translate": "Translate", "Translations": "Translations", "Truncate": "Truncate", "Tuesday": "Tuesday", "Turn commenting on or off": "Turn commenting on or off", "Turn the action sound effect on or off": "Turn the action sound effect on or off", "Twitter": "X (Twitter)", "Twitter (X) Profile URL": "X Profile URL", "Twitter Username": "X Username", "Type": "Type", "Type a comment": "Type a comment", "Unable to connect to the Aksara Market": "Unable to connect to the Aksara Market", "Unable to connect to the FTP using the provided configuration.": "Unable to connect to the FTP using the provided configuration.", "Unable to reply to invalid thread": "Unable to reply to invalid thread", "Uncategorized": "Uncategorized", "Uninstall": "Uninstall", "Unknown": "Unknown", "Untitled": "Untitled", "Update": "Update", "Update Available": "Update Available", "Update Check": "Update Check", "Update Comment": "Update Comment", "Update Data": "Update Data", "Update Now": "Update Now", "Update Profile": "Update Profile", "Update Site Configuration": "Update Site Configuration", "Update Your Account": "Update Your Account", "Update Your Profile": "Update Your Profile", "Update your profile information": "Update your profile information", "Updated": "Updated", "Updated at": "Updated at", "Updater": "Updater", "Upgrade existing module": "Upgrade existing module", "Upgrade existing theme": "Upgrade existing theme", "Upload": "Upload", "Upvote": "Upvote", "User": "User", "User Group": "User Group", "User ID": "User ID", "User Panel": "User Panel", "User activity will be shown here if they have made some interaction.": "User activity will be shown here if they have made some interaction.", "User favorites will be shown here if they have made some upvote.": "User favorites will be shown here if they have made some upvote.", "User not found": "User not found", "User not found!": "User not found!", "Username": "Username", "Username or email": "Username or email", "Username or email and password combination does not match.": "Username or email and password combination does not match.", "Users": "Users", "Users and Groups": "Users and Groups", "Valid API Key added in API Service": "Valid API Key added in API Service", "Valid Until": "Valid Until", "Validation messages": "Validation messages", "Value": "Value", "Values": "Values", "Video URL": "Video URL", "Video description": "Video description", "Videos": "Videos", "View Album": "View Album", "View Announcement": "View Announcement", "View Page": "View Page", "View People": "View People", "View Post": "View Post", "View your site": "View your site", "Visibility": "Visibility", "Visitor Graph": "Visitor Graph", "Visitor Logs": "Visitor Logs", "Visitor Total": "Visitor Total", "Visitors": "Visitors", "Visits": "Visits", "Walking": "Walking", "Watch our latest videos": "Watch our latest videos", "We have assembled some links to get you started.": "We have assembled some links to get you started.", "Wednesday": "Wednesday", "Weekly Visits": "Weekly Visits", "Welcome back": "Welcome back", "Welcome to": "Welcome to", "What was people said about us.": "What was people said about us.", "WhatsApp": "WhatsApp", "WhatsApp API Headers": "WhatsApp API Headers", "WhatsApp API Payloads": "WhatsApp API Payloads", "WhatsApp API Settings": "WhatsApp API Settings", "WhatsApp API URL": "WhatsApp API URL", "WhatsApp Number": "WhatsApp Number", "Widget": "Widget", "Write a blog post": "Write a blog post", "X Profile URL": "X Profile URL", "Xhr": "XHR", "Yards": "Yards", "Yay! Your application is working fine.": "Yay! Your application is working fine.", "Year": "Year", "Yearly Visits": "Yearly Visits", "Years": "Years", "Yesterday": "Yesterday", "You are about to cleaning up unused session garbage.": "You are about to cleaning up unused session garbage.", "You are already logged in.": "You are already logged in.", "You are not allowed to modify the selected user": "You are not allowed to modify the selected user", "You are not permitted to modify the selected user.": "You are not permitted to modify the selected user.", "You are signed in on these devices or have been recently in.": "You are signed in on these devices or have been recently in.", "You are temporarily blocked due do frequent failed login attempts.": "You are temporarily blocked due do frequent failed login attempts.", "You can ignore this message if the login was made by yourself.": "You can ignore this message if the login was made by yourself.", "You can restore your account if the login action was not carried out by you.": "You can restore your account if the login action was not carried out by you.", "You can use YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, DailyMotion and Twitch video": "You can use YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, DailyMotion and Twitch video", "You can use any XYZ Tile Source as a default map tiles": "You can use any XYZ Tile Source as a default map tiles", "You can use your email or username to sign in to your dashboard.": "You can use your email or username to sign in to your dashboard.", "You cannot perform the requested action": "You cannot perform the requested action", "You do not have a sufficient privileges to access this page": "You do not have a sufficient privileges to access this page", "You do not have sufficient privileges to access the requested page": "You do not have sufficient privileges to access the requested page", "You have been signed in successfully.": "You have been signed in successfully.", "You have been signed in.": "You have been signed in.", "You may review": "You may review", "You were logged in successfully.": "You were logged in successfully.", "You were signed in but have no privilege to access the requested page.": "You were signed in but have no privilege to access the requested page.", "You were signed in.": "You were signed in.", "You were signed out.": "You were signed out.", "Your API Client is not permitted to access the requested source": "Your API Client is not permitted to access the requested source", "Your API Key is not eligible to access the requested module or its already expired": "Your API Key is not eligible to access the requested module or its already expired", "Your account has been registered successfully.": "Your account has been registered successfully.", "Your account is not yet permitted to post a comment. Please try again after {{ interval }} days.": "Your account is not yet permitted to post a comment. Please try again after {{ interval }} days.", "Your account was successfully registered to our website and already been activated.": "Your account was successfully registered to our website and already been activated.", "Your core system is up to date": "Your core system is up to date", "Your created module and theme will not be overwritten.": "Your created module and theme will not be overwritten.", "Your current session": "Your current session", "Your first name": "Your first name", "Your keyword does not match any result": "Your keyword does not match any result", "Your last name": "Your last name", "Your search keyword does not match any result": "Your search keyword does not match any result", "Your search keyword {{ keywords }} does not match any result.": "Your search keyword {{ keywords }} does not match any result.", "Your search keyword {{ keywords }} has returning {{ total }} data.": "Your search keyword \"{{ keywords }}\" has returning {{ total }} data.", "Your session has been expired": "Your session has been expired", "Your tag search does not match any result": "Your tag search does not match any result", "Your tag search does not match any result.": "Your tag search does not match any result.", "Your web server need to connected to the internet to install the add-ons": "Your web server need to connected to the internet to install the add-ons", "after modify this adjustment to sets new roles": "after modify this adjustment to sets new roles", "ago": "ago", "album": "album", "albums": "albums", "all": "all", "and will continue to grow": "and will continue to grow", "article": "article", "articles": "articles", "at": "at", "characters": "characters", "commented on your post": "commented on your post", "create": "Create", "data was successfully removed": "data was successfully removed", "day": "day", "days": "days", "delete": "Delete", "detail": "detail", "entries found": "entries found", "entry found": "entry found", "export": "Export", "hour": "hour", "hours": "hours", "hr": "hr", "index": "Index", "install": "install", "items": "items", "languages": "languages", "likes your post": "likes your post", "min": "min", "minute": "minute", "minutes": "minutes", "mo": "mo", "monday": "monday", "month": "month", "of": "of", "or": "or", "page": "page", "pdf": "PDF", "phrases was synchronized.": "phrases was synchronized.", "print": "Print", "reacted to your post": "reacted to your post", "read": "Read", "replies": "replies", "reply": "reply", "replying to your comment": "replying to your comment", "replying your comment": "replying your comment", "s": "s", "sec": "sec", "second": "second", "seconds": "seconds", "slide": "slide", "slides": "slides", "sorted ascending": "sorted ascending", "times": "times", "update": "Update", "upvoted your comment": "upvoted your comment", "usage in a week": "usage in a week", "user": "user", "users": "users", "was successfully removed": "was successfully removed", "was successfully updated.": "was successfully updated.", "week": "week", "will be removed.": "will be removed.", "year": "year", "yr": "yr", "{{ user }}'s Activities": "{{ user }}'s Activities", "{{ user }}'s Likes": "{{ user }}'s Likes" }