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File: pagination.php

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  Classes of Marcos Taranta   Holy Pagination   pagination.php   Download  
File: pagination.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: The main class
Class: Holy Pagination
Display pagination links using templates
Author: By
Last change: Added the range option, that shows the range of pages from the current page.
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 13,737 bytes


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<?php /** * Make a printable pagination that can be used with any type of content you want to paginate * * @author Marcos Luiz Cassarini Taranta <> * @since 2009-01-26 */ class Pagination { private $pages; // Number of pages in the pagination private $currentPage; // Current page of the pagination system private $template; // Template of the whole pagination private $first; // Template of the link to the first page private $firstNoLink; // Template of the link to the first page when you are in the first page private $firstAlwaysLink; // Will the first always have link? Even when you are in the first page? private $previous; // Template of the link to the previous page private $previousNoLink; // Template of the link to the previous page when there's no previous page private $previousAlwaysLink; // Will the previous always have link? Even when there's no previous page? private $page; // Template of each page number private $pageNoLink; // Template of each page without link private $pageAlwaysLink; // Will the pagination always have link? Even if the page is the current one? private $range; // Range of the number of pages more and less to be show using the current page as point private $separator; // Template of the separator between number of the pages private $showSeparator; // Show the separator or no? private $next; // Template of the link to the next page private $nextNoLink; // Template of the link to the next page when there's no next page private $nextAlwaysLink; // Will the next always have link? Even when there's no next page? private $last; // Template of the link to the last page private $lastNoLink; // Template of the link to the last page when you're in the last page private $lastAlwaysLink; // Will the last always have link? Event when you're in the last page? private $link; // Default link address /** * @return the number of the current page */ public function getCurrentPage() { return $this->currentPage; } /** * @param integer $currentPage */ public function setCurrentPage($currentPage) { if($currentPage > 0) $this->currentPage = $currentPage; } /** * @return the template of the link to the first page */ public function getFirst() { return $this->first; } /** * @param string $first */ public function setFirst($first) { $this->first = $first; } /** * @return true if the first always have link or false if dont */ public function isFirstAlwaysLink() { return $this->firstAlwaysLink; } /** * @param boolean $firstAlwaysLink */ public function setFirstAlwaysLink($firstAlwaysLink) { $this->firstAlwaysLink = $firstAlwaysLink; } /** * @return the template of the first without link */ public function getFirstNoLink() { return $this->firstNoLink; } /** * @param string $firstNoLink */ public function setFirstNoLink($firstNoLink) { $this->firstNoLink = $firstNoLink; } /** * @return the template of the link to the last page */ public function getLast() { return $this->last; } /** * @param string $last */ public function setLast($last) { $this->last = $last; } /** * @return true if the last always will have link or false if dont */ public function isLastAlwaysLink() { return $this->lastAlwaysLink; } /** * @param boolean $lastAlwaysLink */ public function setLastAlwaysLink($lastAlwaysLink) { $this->lastAlwaysLink = $lastAlwaysLink; } /** * @return template of the last when there's no link */ public function getLastNoLink() { return $this->lastNoLink; } /** * @param string $lastNoLink */ public function setLastNoLink($lastNoLink) { $this->lastNoLink = $lastNoLink; } /** * @return the template of the address of the link */ public function getLink() { return $this->link; } /** * @param string $link */ public function setLink($link) { $this->link = $link; } /** * @return template of the link to the next page */ public function getNext() { return $this->next; } /** * @param string $next */ public function setNext($next) { $this->next = $next; } /** * @return true if the next will always have link or false if dont */ public function isNextAlwaysLink() { return $this->nextAlwaysLink; } /** * @param boolean $nextAlwaysLink */ public function setNextAlwaysLink($nextAlwaysLink) { $this->nextAlwaysLink = $nextAlwaysLink; } /** * @return the template of the next when there's no link */ public function getNextNoLink() { return $this->nextNoLink; } /** * @param string $nextNoLink */ public function setNextNoLink($nextNoLink) { $this->nextNoLink = $nextNoLink; } /** * @return the template of each page with link */ public function getPage() { return $this->page; } /** * @param string $page */ public function setPage($page) { $this->page = $page; } /** * @return true if the pages will always have link or false if dont */ public function isPageAlwaysLink() { return $this->pageAlwaysLink; } /** * @param boolean $pageAlwaysLink */ public function setPageAlwaysLink($pageAlwaysLink) { $this->pageAlwaysLink = $pageAlwaysLink; } /** * @return integer the number of the range */ public function getRange() { return $this->range; } /** * @param integer */ public function setRange($range) { if(intval($range) >= 0) { $this->range = intval($range); } else { throw new ErrorException("The range can't be less than zero!"); } } /** * @return the template of the pages when there's no link */ public function getPageNoLink() { return $this->pageNoLink; } /** * @param string $pageNoLink */ public function setPageNoLink($pageNoLink) { $this->pageNoLink = $pageNoLink; } /** * @return the number of pages */ public function getPages() { return $this->pages; } /** * @param integer $pages */ public function setPages($pages) { if($pages > 0) $this->pages = $pages; } /** * @return the template of the link to the previous page */ public function getPrevious() { return $this->previous; } /** * @param string $previous */ public function setPrevious($previous) { $this->previous = $previous; } /** * @return true of the previous will always have link or false if dont */ public function isPreviousAlwaysLink() { return $this->previousAlwaysLink; } /** * @param boolean $previousAlwaysLink */ public function setPreviousAlwaysLink($previousAlwaysLink) { $this->previousAlwaysLink = $previousAlwaysLink; } /** * @return the template to the previous when there's no link */ public function getPreviousNoLink() { return $this->previousNoLink; } /** * @param string $previousNoLink */ public function setPreviousNoLink($previousNoLink) { $this->previousNoLink = $previousNoLink; } /** * @return the template of the separator between pages */ public function getSeparator() { return $this->separator; } /** * @param string $separator */ public function setSeparator($separator) { $this->separator = $separator; } /** * @return true of separator will be show or false if dont */ public function isShowSeparator() { return $this->showSeparator; } /** * @param boolean $showSeparator */ public function setShowSeparator($showSeparator) { $this->showSeparator = $showSeparator; } /** * @return the template of the whole pagination */ public function getTemplate() { return $this->template; } /** * @param string $template */ public function setTemplate($template) { $this->template = $template; } /** * Sets the default properties of the object */ function __construct() { $this->template = "%page%"; $this->page = "<a href=\"%link%\">%pageNumber%</a>"; $this->pageNoLink = "%pageNumber%"; $this->link = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . (preg_match("/\?/", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) == 0 ? "?page=%pageNumber%" : "&page=%pageNumber%"); $this->separator = " | "; $this->showSeparator = true; } /** * Automaticaly generate the number of pages that the pagination will have * based on the ocurrencies and ocurrencies per page * * @param integer $totalOcurrencies * @param integer $ocurrenciesPerPage */ public function generateNumberPages($totalOcurrencies, $ocurrenciesPerPage) { if(empty($totalOcurrencies) || $totalOcurrencies <= 0 || gettype($totalOcurrencies) != "integer") { throw new ErrorException("Invalid number of total ocurrencies"); } else if(empty($ocurrenciesPerPage) || $ocurrenciesPerPage <= 0 || gettype($ocurrenciesPerPage) != "integer") { throw new ErrorException("Invalid number of ocurrencies per page"); } $this->pages = intval(ceil($totalOcurrencies / $ocurrenciesPerPage)); } /** * Get the number of the first item to be show in the page * * @param integer $page number of the page to get the number of the first item * @param integer $itensPerPage number of itens per page * @return the number of the first item in that page */ public static function getNumberFirstItem($page, $itensPerPage) { if(empty($page) || $page <= 0 || gettype($page) != "integer") { throw new ErrorException("Invalid number of the current page"); } else if(empty($itensPerPage) || $itensPerPage <= 0 || gettype($itensPerPage) != "integer") { throw new ErrorException("Invalid number of itens per page"); } return ($page - 1) * $itensPerPage; } /** * Get the output of the pagination * * @return the pagination formated using the templates and variables as a string */ public function getPagination() { if(empty($this->pages) || $this->pages <= 0 || gettype($this->pages) != "integer") { throw new ErrorException("Invalid number of pages in the object"); } else if(empty($this->currentPage) || $this->currentPage <= 0 || gettype($this->currentPage) != "integer") { throw new ErrorException("Invalid current page property"); } else if(empty($this->template) || gettype($this->template) != "string") { throw new ErrorException("Invalid template for the pagination"); } $template = $this->template; $first = ""; if(preg_match("/\%first\%/", $this->template) > 0) { if(!$this->firstAlwaysLink && $this->currentPage == 1) { $first = $this->firstNoLink; } else { $first = $this->first; } $first = $this->replaceTags($first, "1"); } $previous = ""; if(preg_match("/\%previous\%/", $this->template) > 0) { if(!$this->previousAlwaysLink && $this->currentPage == 1) { $previous = $this->previousNoLink; } else { $previous = $this->previous; } $previous = $this->replaceTags($previous, ($this->currentPage - 1)); } $page = ""; if(preg_match("/\%page\%/", $this->template) > 0) { if(!empty($this->range) && $this->range >= 0) { if(($this->currentPage - $this->range) < 1) { $i = 1; } else { $i = $this->currentPage - $this->range; } if(($this->currentPage + $this->range) > $this->pages) { $lastPage = $this->pages; } else { $lastPage = $this->currentPage + $this->range; } } else { $i = 1; $lastPage = $this->pages; } for(; $i <= $lastPage; $i++) { if(!$this->pageAlwaysLink && $this->currentPage == $i) { $pageTemp = $this->pageNoLink; } else { $pageTemp = $this->page; } if(!empty($page) && $this->showSeparator && !empty($this->separator)) { $page .= $this->replaceTags($this->separator, $i) . $this->replaceTags($pageTemp, $i); } else { $page .= $this->replaceTags($pageTemp, $i); } } } $next = ""; if(preg_match("/\%next\%/", $this->template) > 0) { if(!$this->nextAlwaysLink && $this->currentPage == $this->pages) { $next = $this->nextNoLink; } else { $next = $this->next; } $next = $this->replaceTags($next, ($this->currentPage + 1)); } $last = ""; if(preg_match("/\%last\%/", $this->template) > 0) { if(!$this->lastAlwaysLink && $this->currentPage == $this->pages) { $last = $this->lastNoLink; } else { $last = $this->last; } $last = $this->replaceTags($last, $this->pages); } $template = str_replace("%first%", $first, $template); $template = str_replace("%previous%", $previous, $template); $template = str_replace("%page%", $page, $template); $template = str_replace("%next%", $next, $template); $template = str_replace("%last%", $last, $template); return $template; } /** * Process all the tags replacement and return the string replaced * * @param string $template string for tag replacement * @param string $pageNumber number to be used in the %pageNumber% tag * @return the string with all tags replaced */ private function replaceTags($template, $pageNumber) { $link = $this->link; $link = str_replace("%currentPage%", $this->currentPage, $link); $link = str_replace("%pageNumber%", $pageNumber, $link); $template = str_replace("%link%", $link, $template); $template = str_replace("%currentPage%", $this->currentPage, $template); $template = str_replace("%pageNumber%", $pageNumber, $template); return $template; } } ?>