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File: public/images/flags/sz.svg
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Class: PHP Job Board
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d="M1224.4 280c-3.5 0-7-3.6-7-7.2s3.5-7 7-7" transform="matrix(-.50001 0 0 .5 1799.2 90.4)"/> </g> <g fill-rule="evenodd"> <path fill="#3d5da7" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1.4" d="M338-.4c-5.5 12.4 4.3-4.1 28.4 16.7 4.4 3.8 8.3 14 8.3 21.1-1.1-1-2-3-3.2-4.5-1.8 2.3 1.7 12.6 2.2 17.5-3.8-2.7-3.4-4-4.7-7.4.3 4-.6 15.2.9 19.4-3-1-2.8-4.1-4.3-4.8 1 4.9-1 10.1-.4 15.6-1.8-2.2-3.6-4-4.4-4.9-.1 2.6-3.3 9.4-3.4 11.9-1.5-1.2-1.9-3-2.1-4.2-1.8 3-8.3 14-8.7 17.2-5-5.7-17.8-19.5-19.5-26.9-1.5 4.2-3.6 5.6-7.8 8.7-1.7-11.7-8-24.8-4.6-34.8a84.4 84.4 0 0 0-6.6 5.9A67.9 67.9 0 0 1 338-.4z" transform="matrix(.9944 0 0 .77118 190.4 252)"/> <path fill="#a70000" d="M505.9 299.2c2.3-4.6 4.4-6 5.9-9 2.6-5.2 3-9.4 5.3-8.8 2.3.6 2.3 2.8-.7 7.9-3 5-4.4 6.2-10.5 9.9zm15.5 11c-.3-3.6.8-5 .6-7.3-.3-4-2-6.7.1-6.9 2.1-.2 3.1 1.2 3.1 5.2s-.6 5-3.8 9zm11.8 6.8c-.9-5-.2-7-.8-10.2-1-5.6-3-9.2-1-9.7 1.9-.5 3 1.3 3.8 6.9.7 5.6.3 7.2-2 13zm12.3-34.3c-2.9-2.1-4.6-2.3-6.4-3.7-3.3-2.5-5-5.1-6-3.8-1 1.3-.3 2.7 3.1 5 3.5 2.3 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