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File: FastCurl.php

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File: FastCurl.php
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Description: FastCurl
Class: Fast Curl
Send HTTP requests using Curl extension
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<?php /** * FastCurl (PHP object-oriented wrapper for {@link cURL}) * * Copyright (c) 2010 Antonio López Vivar * * LICENSE: * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see {@link}. * * * @category Library * @package FastCurl * @author Antonio López Vivar <[email protected]> * @copyright 2010 Antonio López Vivar * @license LGPL * @version 3.4 */ require_once('FastCurlMulti.php'); /** * @property mixed|null $_ch cURL handle * @property array|null $_fastcurlopt Assoc array with CURLOPTs that have been set in cURL handle. * @property bool|null $_multilock Indicates if the object is associated to a FastCurlMulti container. * @property string|null $_response Keeps the response of last curl_exec() operation. * @property int|null $_exec_mode self::FCURL_EXEC_BODY: body, self::FCURL_EXEC_HEADERS: headers, self::FCURL_EXEC_HEADERSBODY: headers + body * @property bool|null $_anonymous Indicates if we use transparent anonymous queries. * @property bool|null $_response_lock Indicates if $_response is write protected. * @property array|null $_fastcookies FastCookies store. * @property bool|null $_track_header_out Indicates if CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT is ON (More info -> {@link}) * @property bool|null $_fast_followlocation If safe_mode or open_basedir are enabled CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated. In this case, FastCurl will do its own redirection. * @property bool|null $_public_suffix Public suffix tree (More info -> {@link}) */ class FastCurl implements customHeaders, anonymizable { const VERSION='3.4'; const FCURL_EXEC_BODY=1; const FCURL_EXEC_HEADERS=2; const FCURL_EXEC_HEADERSBODY=3; const FCURL_CONNECTTIMEOUT=10; const PUBLIC_SUFFIX_FILE='effective_tld_names.dat'; const PUBLIC_SUFFIX_URL=''; private $_ch=NULL; private $_fastcurlopt=NULL; private $_multilock=NULL; private $_response=NULL; private $_exec_mode=NULL; private $_anonymous=NULL; private $_response_lock=NULL; private $_fastcookies=NULL; private $_track_header_out=NULL; private $_fast_followlocation=NULL; private $_last_url=NULL; private static $_public_suffix = NULL; /** * (All keys in arrays are optional and case/order insensitive). * * @param Array $params CURLOPTS and _fastcurlopt, _multilock, _response, _exec_mode, _anonymous, _response_lock, _fastcookies, _track_header_out */ public function __construct(Array $params=NULL) { if(!extension_loaded('curl')) throw new ErrorException('cURL library is not loaded. Please recompile PHP with the cURL library.'); $this->reset($params); } /** * Use this function to FULL RESET a FastCurl object. (All keys in arrays are optional and case/order insensitive). * * @param Array $params CURLOPTS and _fastcurlopt, _multilock, _response, _exec_mode, _anonymous, _response_lock, _fastcookies, _track_header_out */ public function reset(Array $params=NULL) { $this->_fastcurlopt=array(); if($params) $params=array_change_key_case($params); if($this->_ch) { if($this->is_multilock()) $this->unlockMulti($this->_multilock); if(is_array($this->_fastcookies) && isset($this->cookiejar)) $this->fc_cookies2disk(); curl_close($this->_ch); } $this->_ch=curl_init(); curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE); if($params['_multilock'] && is_a($params['_multilock'], 'FastCurlMulti')) $this->lockMulti($params['_multilock']); else $this->_multilock=NULL; $this->set_exec_mode($params['_exec_mode']); $this->set_anonymous((bool)$params['_anonymous']); $this->set_track_header_out((bool)$params['_track_header_out']); $this->set_response($params['_response']); $this->set_response_lock((bool)$params['_response_lock']); if($params['_fastcookies'] || is_array($params['_fastcookies'])) { //FastCurl cookies (they can be enabled just at constructor time). date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); //Optional: you can pass a _fastcookies array from other FastCurl object or a cookiefile if(is_array($params['_fastcookies'])) $this->_fastcookies=$params['_fastcookies']; else { $this->_fastcookies=array(); if(is_string($params['_fastcookies'])) $this->load_fc_cookies($params['_fastcookies']); } //Optional (default ON): USE PUBLIC SUFFIX LIST FOR COOKIES -> if($params['_fastcookies_ps']!==FALSE && !$this->load_public_suffix_file(is_bool($params['_fastcookies_ps']['url'])?$params['_fastcookies_ps']['url']:FALSE)) trigger_error("PUBLIC SUFFIX LIST COULD NOT BE LOADED!", E_USER_WARNING); } else { //CURL cookies (DEFAULT) $this->_fastcookies=NULL; $this->cookiefile=uniqid(); } $this->failonerror=TRUE; $this->useragent=implode('_', array('FastCurl', self::VERSION, FastCurlMulti::VERSION)); $this->httpheader=$this->default_headers(); $this->connecttimeout=self::FCURL_CONNECTTIMEOUT; $this->ssl_verifyhost=0; $this->ssl_verifypeer=FALSE; if($params) { if($params['_fastcurlopt']) $this->set_fastcurlopt($params['_fastcurlopt'], (bool)$this->_response, !empty($this->_fastcookies)); foreach($params as $key => $value) { if($key[0]!='_') $this->$key=$value; } } return TRUE; } /** * Magic method for cloning FastCurl object. */ public function __clone() { $this->_ch=NULL; $this->reset(array('_fastcurlopt' => $this->_fastcurlopt, '_multilock' => $this->_multilock, '_response' => $this->_response, '_exec_mode' => $this->_exec_mode, '_anonymous' => $this->_anonymous, '_response_lock' => $this->_response_lock, '_fastcookies' => $this->_fastcookies, '_track_header_out' => $this->_track_header_out)); } /** * If you need to change any cookie you have to write them first to disk (curl does not manage cookies). * * @return bool */ public function curl_cookies2disk() { if(!is_array($this->_fastcookies) && $this->_ch && $this->cookiejar) { $res_lock=$this->is_response_lock(); $this->set_response_lock(TRUE); if($this->is_multilock()) { $mh=$this->_multilock; $this->unlockMulti($this->_multilock); } curl_close($this->_ch); $this->_ch=curl_init(); if($mh) $this->lockMulti($mh); $this->set_fastcurlopt($this->get_fastcurlopt(), TRUE, FALSE); if($this->cookiefile!=$this->cookiejar) $this->cookiefile=$this->cookiejar; $this->set_response_lock($res_lock); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /** * @return mixed $this->_ch */ public function get_ch_from_multi(FastCurlMulti $mh) { return ($this->is_multilock() && $this->_multilock===$mh)?$this->_ch:NULL; } /** * REMEMBER: any CURLOPT (followlocation, autoreferer or returntransfer) that you DO NOT send, will be set to its default value! * * @param string|array array('_exec_mode' => $this->_exec_mode, 'followlocation' => $this->followlocation, 'autoreferer' => $this->autoreferer, 'returntransfer' => $this->returntransfer) * @param bool $keep_res TRUE to keep safe current $this->_response * @return bool */ public function set_exec_mode($exec_mode=NULL, $keep_res=FALSE) { if($keep_res) { $res_lock=$this->is_response_lock(); $this->set_response_lock(TRUE); } $exec_mode=array_change_key_case(is_array($exec_mode)?$exec_mode:array('_exec_mode' => $exec_mode)); if($exec_mode['_exec_mode']==self::FCURL_EXEC_BODY || $exec_mode['_exec_mode']==self::FCURL_EXEC_HEADERS || $exec_mode['_exec_mode']==self::FCURL_EXEC_HEADERSBODY) $this->_exec_mode=$exec_mode['_exec_mode']; else $this->_exec_mode=self::FCURL_EXEC_BODY; $this->followlocation=is_bool($exec_mode['followlocation'])?$exec_mode['followlocation']:TRUE; $this->autoreferer=is_bool($exec_mode['autoreferer'])?$exec_mode['autoreferer']:TRUE; $this->returntransfer=is_bool($exec_mode['returntransfer'])?$exec_mode['returntransfer']:TRUE; if($keep_res) $this->set_response_lock($res_lock); return TRUE; } /** * @return array array('_exec_mode' => $this->_exec_mode, 'followlocation' => $this->followlocation, 'autoreferer' => $this->autoreferer, 'returntransfer' => $this->returntransfer) */ public function get_exec_mode() { return $this->_exec_mode?array('_exec_mode' => $this->_exec_mode, 'followlocation' => $this->followlocation, 'autoreferer' => $this->autoreferer, 'returntransfer' => $this->returntransfer):NULL; } /** * Last effective url * @return string */ public function get_last_url() { return $this->_last_url; } /** * */ public function set_last_url_from_multi(FastCurlMulti $mh, $url) { if($this->is_multilock() && $this->_multilock===$mh) { $this->_last_url=$url; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /** * @return bool */ public function is_multilock() { return $this->_multilock?TRUE:FALSE; } /** * @return bool */ public function is_fast_followlocation() { return $this->_fast_followlocation; } /** * Set the fastcurlopt array. (It merges current _fastcurlopt array with the new one passed in $curlopt, overwritting values with the same key). * * @param array $curlopt array('CURLOPT_NAME' => VALUE, etc...) (Remember header's array format is array('hname' => 'hvalue', etc...)) * @param bool $keep_res TRUE to keep safe current $this->_response * @param bool $keep_cookiefile Set it TRUE if you do not want to "refresh" cookies by reading a cookiefile. * @return int $tot Number of CURLOPTs MODIFIED. */ public function set_fastcurlopt(Array $curlopt, $keep_res=TRUE, $keep_cookiefile=TRUE) { if(!count($curlopt)) $this->_fastcurlopt=array(); else { if($keep_res) { $res_lock=$this->is_response_lock(); $this->set_response_lock(TRUE); } if(!is_array($this->_fastcurlopt)) $this->_fastcurlopt=array(); if($keep_cookiefile) unset($curlopt['CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE']); foreach($curlopt as $opt => $value) { $opt=str_ireplace('CURLOPT_','',trim($opt)); $this->$opt=$value; } if($keep_res) $this->set_response_lock($res_lock); } return TRUE; } /** * @return array $this->_fastcurlopt */ public function get_fastcurlopt() { return $this->_fastcurlopt; } /** * Parses and stores FastCurl cookies from a curl response * * @param string $res_curl * * @return bool */ private function receive_fc_cookies($res_curl) { if(is_array($this->_fastcookies) && preg_match_all('/(?<=Set-Cookie\:).*?(?=\r\n)/i', preg_replace('/^(.*?(?:HTTP *?\/ *?.*? +?\d{3}.*?\r\n\r\n))+.*$/is', '\1', $res_curl), $cookies_raw)>0) { foreach($cookies_raw[0] as $cookie_raw) { if(preg_match('/^(?P<name>[^=]+)\=(?P<value>.*?)(?:; (?P<rest>.+))?$/', trim($cookie_raw), $parse)) { $name=trim($parse['name']); $value=trim($parse['value']); $c=array(); if(isset($parse['rest'])) { foreach(array('expires' => TRUE, 'max-age' => TRUE,'domain' => TRUE, 'path' => TRUE, 'secure' => FALSE, 'httponly' => FALSE) as $at_name => $val_required) { if(preg_match('/'.preg_quote($at_name, '/').($val_required?'\=(.*?)':'.*?').'(?=;|$)/i', trim($parse['rest']), $val)) $c[$at_name]=$val_required?trim($val[1]):TRUE; } } if(!isset($c['domain']) || (!$this->is_public_suffix(($c['domain']=ltrim(strtolower($c['domain']), '.'))) && (preg_match('/^.*'.preg_quote($c['domain'], '/').'$/', $this->get_url_domain())))) { $path=isset($c['path'])?$c['path']:$this->get_url_path(); $expiry_time=(!isset($c['max-age']) && !isset($c['expires']))?-1:(isset($c['max-age'])?time()+$c['max-age']:strtotime($c['expires'])); if(!isset($this->_fastcookies[$domain][$name][$path]) && ($expiry_time==-1 || $expiry_time > time())) $this->set_fc_cookie($name, $value, !isset($c['domain'])?array(NULL):$c['domain'], $path, $expiry_time, isset($c['secure']), isset($c['httponly'])); else if($expiry_time==-1 || $expiry_time > time()) $this->set_fc_cookie($name, $value, !isset($c['domain'])?array(NULL):$c['domain'], $path, $expiry_time, isset($c['secure']), isset($c['httponly']), $this->_fastcookies[$domain][$name][$path]['creation-time']); else $this->delete_fc_cookie($domain, $name, $path); } } } return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /** * Parses and stores FastCurl cookies from a curl response (called from a FastCurlMulti) * * @param FastCurlMulti $mh * @param string $res * * @return bool */ public function receive_fc_cookies_from_multi(FastCurlMulti $mh, $res) { if($this->is_multilock() && $this->_multilock===$mh) return $this->receive_fc_cookies($res); else return FALSE; } /** * Check if a domain is a public suffix (More info -> {@link}) * * @param string $domain * * @return int|bool */ private function is_public_suffix($domain) { if(is_array(self::$_public_suffix)) { $current_tree_level=&self::$_public_suffix; $tot=count(($domain_levels=explode('.', trim($domain, '.')))); do { if(array_key_exists($domain_levels[$tot-1], $current_tree_level) || (array_key_exists('*', $current_tree_level) && !array_key_exists('!'.$domain_levels[$tot-1], $current_tree_level))) { $current_tree_level=&$current_tree_level[array_key_exists('*', $current_tree_level)?'*':$domain_levels[$tot-1]]; $tot--; } else $current_tree_level=NULL; }while($current_tree_level && $tot>0); return (!$current_tree_level && $tot>0)?FALSE:TRUE; } else return 0; } /** * Loads Public Suffix Tree (More info -> {@link}) * * @param bool $get_from_url Reads Public Suffix List from PUBLIC_SUFFIX_URL (instead PUBLIC_SUFFIX_FILE) * * @return int|bool */ private function load_public_suffix_file($get_from_url=FALSE) { if(!is_array(self::$_public_suffix)) { if($get_from_url===TRUE || is_readable(($file_path=realpath(__DIR__.'/'.ltrim(self::PUBLIC_SUFFIX_FILE, '/'))))) { $suffix=array(); $f=fopen($get_from_url===TRUE?self::PUBLIC_SUFFIX_URL:$file_path, 'r'); while(($l=fgets($f))!==FALSE) { if(($l=trim($l))!='' && strpos($l, '//')!==0) { $current=&$suffix; foreach(array_reverse(explode('.', $l)) as $level) { if(!isset($current[$level])) $current[$level]=array(); $current=&$current[$level]; } } } fclose($f); if($suffix) { self::$_public_suffix=$suffix; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } else return FALSE; } else return TRUE; } /** * Creates Cookie header and add it to the current request * * @return bool|string */ private function send_fc_cookies() { if(is_array($this->_fastcookies)) { $cookies_domain=array(); foreach($this->_fastcookies as $domain => $names) { if(preg_match('/^.*'.preg_quote($domain, '/').'$/i', $this->get_url_domain())) { $cookies_name=array(); foreach($names as $name => $paths) { foreach($paths as $path => &$c) if(preg_match('/^(?:https?\:\/\/)?[^\/]+'.preg_quote(rtrim($path, '/'), '/').'/i', $this->url) && ($c['expiry-time']==-1 || $c['expiry-time'] > time()) && (!$c['secure'] || $this->is_https_url()) && (!$c['host-only'] || $domain==$this->get_url_domain())) { $c['last-access-time']=time(); $cookies_name[$name]=array($path => $c['value']); } else if($c['expiry-time']!=-1 && $c['expiry-time'] <= time()) $this->delete_fc_cookie($domain, $name, $path); } if($cookies_name) $cookies_domain[$domain]=$cookies_name; } } if($cookies_domain) { //First merge cookies from,,, etc. (If two or more domains have a cookie with the same name, the one from the largest domain will prevail). uksort($cookies_domain, function($a, $b){return ($r=strlen($a)-strlen($b))?$r:strcasecmp($a,$b);}); $cookies=array(); foreach($cookies_domain as $cookie) $cookies=array_merge($cookies, $cookie); //Now prepare the Cookie http header. (If a cookie has several paths larger path values will be sent before). $cook_str=NULL; foreach($cookies as $name => $paths) { $cookies_path=array(); foreach($paths as $path => $value) $cookies_path[$path]="$name=$value"; krsort($cookies_path); $cook_str.=(!$cook_str?'':'; ').implode('; ', $cookies_path); } } if($cook_str) $this->add_header(array('cookie' => $cook_str)); else $this->delete_header('cookie'); return $cook_str; } else return FALSE; } /** * Creates Cookie header and add it to the current request (called from a FastCurlMulti) * * @param FastCurlMulti $mh * * @return bool|string */ public function send_fc_cookies_from_multi(FastCurlMulti $mh) { if($this->is_multilock() && $this->_multilock===$mh) return $this->send_fc_cookies(); else return FALSE; } /** * Writes FastCurl cookies to disk * * @param string|null $cookiejar * * @return bool */ public function fc_cookies2disk($cookiejar=NULL) { if(is_array($this->_fastcookies) && ($this->cookiejar || $cookiejar)) { $cookies=array("#FastCurl cookies (EDIT AT YOUR OWN RISK)\n"); foreach($this->_fastcookies as $domain => $names) { foreach($names as $name => $paths) { foreach($paths as $path => $c) if($c['expiry-time']==-1 || $c['expiry-time'] > time()) $cookies[]="{$domain}\t{$name}\t{$c['value']}\t{$path}\t{$c['expiry-time']}\t".($c['secure']?1:0)."\t".($c['httponly']?1:0)."\t".($c['host-only']?1:0)."\n"; } } return file_put_contents($cookiejar?$cookiejar:$this->cookiejar, $cookies)===FALSE?FALSE:TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /** * Loads FastCurl cookies from a file or a _fastcookies array * * @param string|array $cookiefile * * @return bool */ public function load_fc_cookies($cookiefile) { if(is_array($this->_fastcookies)) { if(is_array($cookiefile)) { foreach($cookiefile as $domain => $names) { foreach($names as $name => $paths) { foreach($paths as $path => $c) { if(isset($this->_fastcookies[$domain][$name][$path])) { if($c['creation-time'] > $this->_fastcookies[$domain][$name][$path]['creation-time']) $this->_fastcookies[$domain][$name][$path]=$c; } else $this->_fastcookies[$domain][$name][$path]=$c; } } } } else if(is_string($cookiefile) && is_readable($cookiefile) && ($cookies=file($cookiefile, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES|FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES))) { foreach($cookies as $cookie) { $cookie=trim($cookie); if($cookie[0]!='#') { list($domain, $name, $value, $path, $expiry_time, $secure, $httponly, $host_only)=explode("\t", $cookie); $this->set_fc_cookie($name, $value, (bool)$host_only?array($domain):$domain, $path, $expiry_time, (bool)$secure, (bool)$httponly); } } } return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /** * Sets a FastCurl cookie. * * @param string $name * @param string $value * @param string|array $domain If host-only flag is TRUE use array($domain) * @param string $path * @param int $expire * @param bool $secure * @param bool $httponly * @param int $creation_time * * @return bool */ public function set_fc_cookie($name, $value=NULL, $domain=NULL, $path='/', $expire=FALSE, $secure=FALSE, $httponly=FALSE, $creation_time=NULL) { if(!empty($name)) { $host_only=TRUE; if(!$domain) $domain=$this->get_url_domain(); else if(is_array($domain)) $domain=$domain[0]?$domain[0]:$this->get_url_domain(); else $host_only=FALSE; $this->_fastcookies[$domain][$name][($path=$path?$path:$this->get_url_path())]=array('value' => $value, 'secure' => $secure, 'httponly' => $httponly, 'creation-time' => ($t=is_numeric($creation_time)?$creation_time:time()), 'last-access-time' => $t, 'expiry-time' => (is_numeric($expire) && $expire > time())?$expire:-1, 'host-only' => $host_only); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /** * Gets a FastCurl cookie. * * @param string $domain * @param string $name * @param string $path * * @return array|bool */ public function get_fc_cookies($domain=NULL, $name=NULL, $path=NULL) { if(!func_num_args()) return $this->_fastcookies; else if($domain || ($domain=$this->get_url_domain())) { if($name) { if($path) return($this->_fastcookies[$domain][$name][$path]); else return($this->_fastcookies[$domain][$name]); } else return($this->_fastcookies[$domain]); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /** * Deletes a FastCurl cookie. * * @param string $domain * @param string $name * @param string $path * * @return bool */ public function delete_fc_cookie($domain=NULL, $name=NULL, $path=NULL) { if($domain || ($domain=$this->get_url_domain())) { if($name) { if($path) { unset($this->_fastcookies[$domain][$name][$path]); if(!count($this->_fastcookies[$domain][$name])) unset($this->_fastcookies[$domain][$name]); } else unset($this->_fastcookies[$domain][$name]); if(!count($this->_fastcookies[$domain])) unset($this->_fastcookies[$domain]); } else unset($this->_fastcookies[$domain]); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /** * Deletes all FastCurl cookies. * * @return TRUE. */ public function clean_fc_cookies() { $this->_fastcookies=array(); return TRUE; } /** * Returns the domain of the current URL (or referer). * * @param bool $referer * * @return string domain. */ public function get_url_domain($referer=FALSE) { return strtolower(preg_replace('/^(?:https?\:\/\/)?([^\/]+).*$/i', '\1', trim($referer?$this->referer:$this->url))); } /** * Returns the "path" of the current URL (or referer) * * @param bool $referer * * @return string path. */ public function get_url_path($referer=FALSE) { return '/'.preg_replace('/^(?:https?\:\/\/)?[^\/]+(?:\/((?:[^\/?]+\/)*).*)?$/i', '\1', trim($referer?$this->referer:$this->url)); } /** * Returns if the current URL (or referer) is HTTPS * * @param bool $referer * * @return string path. */ public function is_https_url($referer=FALSE) { return preg_match('/^https\:\/\//i', trim($referer?$this->referer:$this->url)); } /** * Calls curl_exec() and returns the response. * * @param int|array $exec_mode (JUST FOR THIS REQUEST) * @param $reset_post By default, after a exec() CURLOPT_POST is disabled (CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS are kept). * * @return string|bool $this->response FRESH server's response. */ public function exec($exec_mode=NULL, $reset_post=TRUE) { if($this->url) { if($this->is_multilock()) { $mh_orig=$this->_multilock; $this->unlockMulti($this->_multilock); } if($this->get_anonymous()) { $visible_url=$this->url; $visible_ref=$this->referer; $this->url=$this->get_anonym_url($this->url); $this->referer=$this->get_anonym_url($this->referer); } if($exec_mode) { $exec_orig=$this->get_exec_mode(); $this->set_exec_mode(is_array($exec_mode)?array_merge($exec_orig, $exec_mode):$exec_mode); } $this->send_fc_cookies(); if($this->followlocation && (is_array($this->_fastcookies) || $this->is_fast_followlocation())) { $this->followlocation=FALSE; $url_orig=$this->url; $referer_orig=$this->referer; $this->receive_fc_cookies(($res=curl_exec($this->_ch))); while(strpos(trim($this->info('HTTP_CODE')), '3')===0) { if($this->post && $this->info('HTTP_CODE')!=307) $this->enable_post(FALSE); preg_match('/(?:(?:Location)|(Refresh))\: *?(?(1)\d+; *?url\=)(?P<redir>[^\r\n]+)/i', $res, $url); if(preg_match('/^(?!.*?\:\/\/)/', ($url['redir']=trim($url['redir'])))) $url['redir']=preg_replace('/(?<!\:\/)\/[^\/]+$/','',$this->url).'/'.ltrim($url['redir'], '/'); if($this->autoreferer) $this->referer=$this->url; $this->url=$url['redir']; $this->send_fc_cookies(); $this->receive_fc_cookies(($res=curl_exec($this->_ch))); } $this->_last_url=$this->url; $this->url=$url_orig; $this->referer=$referer_orig; $this->followlocation=TRUE; } else { $this->receive_fc_cookies(($res=curl_exec($this->_ch))); $this->_last_url=$this->info('EFFECTIVE_URL'); } $res=$this->filter_res_curl($res); if($exec_mode) $this->set_exec_mode($exec_orig); if($this->get_anonymous()) { $this->url=$visible_url; $this->referer=$visible_ref; } if($mh_orig) $this->lockMulti($mh_orig); if($reset_post && $this->post) $this->enable_post(FALSE); $this->set_response($res); } return $res; } /** * Returns the LAST curl_exec() or curl_multi_exec() response (Every time a CURLOPT is set with $this->opt=value, the response is reset). * * @param string|array $regex REGEX pattern for looking in the response (array(N => $regex) will return sub-pattern \N). * @param bool $regex_all preg_match or preg_match_all? * @param bool $trim trim before preg_match? * * @return string $this->response LAST server's response. */ public function fetch($regex=NULL, $regex_all=FALSE, $trim=TRUE) { if(!$this->_response && $this->is_multilock()) $this->set_response(($fetch_res=$this->filter_res_curl(curl_multi_getcontent($this->_ch)))); else if(!$this->_response && $regex) $fetch_res=$this->exec(array('returntransfer' => TRUE)); else if(!$this->_response) $fetch_res=$this->exec(); else $fetch_res=$this->_response; if($regex) { $preg='preg_match'.($regex_all===TRUE?'_all':''); if(is_array($regex) && (list($k, $v) = each($regex))) $fetch_res_regex=$preg($v, $trim?trim($fetch_res):$fetch_res, $fetch_res_regex)?$fetch_res_regex[$k]:NULL; else if(!$preg($regex, $trim?trim($fetch_res):$fetch_res, $fetch_res_regex)) $fetch_res_regex=NULL; if(!$this->returntransfer) { echo __METHOD__." $regex :\n"; var_dump($fetch_res_regex); } } else if(!$this->returntransfer) echo htmlentities($fetch_res, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); return $regex?$fetch_res_regex:$fetch_res; } /** * @return string curl_error */ public function error() { return curl_error($this->_ch); } /** * @return int curl_errno */ public function errno() { return curl_errno($this->_ch); } /** * @param int $opt * * @return mixed */ public function info($opt=NULL) { return defined(($opt='CURLINFO_'.str_replace('CURLINFO_','',strtoupper($opt))))?curl_getinfo($this->_ch, constant($opt)):curl_getinfo($this->_ch); } /** * @param bool $value * * @return bool */ public function set_track_header_out($value) { $this->_track_header_out=(bool)$value; return curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, (bool)$value); } /** * @return bool */ public function is_track_header_out() { return $this->_track_header_out; } /** * Each CURLOPT is a FastCurl property (not defined), so this "magic" method is called by PHP engine every time we set a CURLOPT. * First we search for a constant CURLOPT_$opt and if it exists we call curl_setopt() and we store the value at $this->_fastcurlopt array * for retrieve with {@link __get()} * @param string $opt * @param mixed $value * @return bool CURLOPT was set ok */ public function __set($opt, $value) { if(defined(($const = 'CURLOPT_'.strtoupper($opt)))) { switch($const) { case 'CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER': if(is_array($value) && count($value)>0) { $headers=array(); $curl_headers=array(); foreach($value as $hname => $hvalue) { $hname=trim(strtolower($hname)); $headers[$hname]=($hvalue=trim($hvalue)); $hname[0]=strtoupper($hname[0]); $curl_headers[]=$hvalue?($hname.': '.$hvalue):($hname.':'); } $value=$headers; curl_setopt($this->_ch, constant($const), array()); $ret_curl=curl_setopt($this->_ch, constant($const), $curl_headers); } break; case 'CURLOPT_HEADER': trigger_error("{$const}: USE set_exec_mode()!", E_USER_WARNING); break; case 'CURLOPT_NOBODY': trigger_error("{$const}: USE set_exec_mode()!", E_USER_WARNING); break; case 'CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION': if(!($ret_curl=curl_setopt($this->_ch, constant($const), (bool)$value))) { $this->_fast_followlocation=(bool)$value; $ret_curl=TRUE; } else $this->_fast_followlocation=NULL; break; case 'CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE': if(is_array($this->_fastcookies)) { if(is_string($value)) { $this->load_fc_cookies($value); $ret_curl=TRUE; } else $ret_curl=FALSE; } else $ret_curl=curl_setopt($this->_ch, constant($const), $value); break; case 'CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR': if(is_array($this->_fastcookies)) $ret_curl=TRUE; else $ret_curl=curl_setopt($this->_ch, constant($const), $value); break; case 'CURLOPT_COOKIE': if(is_array($this->_fastcookies)) trigger_error("{$const}: is locked with fastcookies enabled!", E_USER_WARNING); else $ret_curl=curl_setopt($this->_ch, constant($const), $value); break; case 'CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS': if(($ret_curl=curl_setopt($this->_ch, constant($const), $value)) && $value) { if($this->post===FALSE) curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_POST, FALSE); else if(!$this->post) $this->post=TRUE; } break; default: $ret_curl=curl_setopt($this->_ch, constant($const), $value); } if($ret_curl) { $this->_fastcurlopt[$const]=$value; if($this->is_multilock() && $this->_multilock->is_implicit_refresh()) $this->_multilock->refresh($this); //Reset _response after some CURLOPT is set $this->set_response(NULL); } } else trigger_error("{$const}: is not defined!", E_USER_WARNING); return $ret_curl; } /** * @param string $opt * @return mixed CURLOPT_$opt */ public function __get($opt) { return $this->_fastcurlopt['CURLOPT_'.strtoupper($opt)]; } /** * @param string $opt * @return bool CURLOPT_$opt has been set. */ public function __isset($opt) { return isset($this->_fastcurlopt['CURLOPT_'.strtoupper($opt)]); } /** * Used to "lock" the object to a FastCurlMulti container. (Remember: FastCurl N:1 FastCurlMulti) * * @param FastCurlMulti $mh * @return bool FastCurl object locked ok. */ public function lockMulti(FastCurlMulti $mh) { if(!$this->is_multilock()) { $this->_multilock=$mh; $mh->accept($this); $this->set_response(NULL); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /** * Used to "unlock" the object to a FastCurlMulti container. (Remember: FastCurl N:1 FastCurlMulti) * * @param FastCurlMulti $mh * @return bool FastCurl object unlocked ok. */ public function unlockMulti(FastCurlMulti $mh) { if($this->_multilock===$mh) { $this->fetch(); $this->_multilock->release($this); $this->_multilock=NULL; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /** * If http header already exists, it will be overwritten. array('hname' => 'hvalue') * * @param array $header * @return bool TRUE */ public function add_header(Array $header) { $this->httpheader=array_merge($this->_fastcurlopt['CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER'], array_filter(array_change_key_case($header))); return TRUE; } /** * DELETES the http header. * * @param string|array $hname * @return bool TRUE */ public function delete_header($hname) { foreach(is_array($hname)?$hname:array($hname) as $h) $this->_fastcurlopt['CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER'][trim(strtolower($h))]=NULL; $this->httpheader=$this->_fastcurlopt['CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER']; return TRUE; } /** * Restores the default value for that http header. * * @param string|array $hname * @return bool Header reset ok. */ public function reset_header($hname) { foreach(is_array($hname)?$hname:array($hname) as $h) unset($this->_fastcurlopt['CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER'][trim(strtolower($h))]); $this->httpheader=$this->_fastcurlopt['CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER']; return TRUE; } /** * Get header's value (previously set). * * @param string $hname * @return string */ public function get_header($hname) { return $this->_fastcurlopt['CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER'][trim(strtolower($hname))]; } /** * Enable POST method. * * @param bool|string|array $postdata Content-Type header will be set by cURL depending on the type of this param. Urlencoded string -> application/x-www-form-urlencoded # Array -> multipart/form-data {@link More info} * @param string $ctype Custom content-type * @param string $url Updates CURLOPT_URL * @param string $referer Updates CURLOPT_REFERER * @param bool $keep_res TRUE to keep safe current $this->_response * @return bool $postdata format is correct */ public function enable_post($postdata, $ctype=NULL, $url=NULL, $referer=NULL, $keep_res=FALSE) { if($keep_res) { $res_lock=$this->is_response_lock(); $this->set_response_lock(TRUE); } if(is_bool($postdata)) { if(!($this->post=$postdata)) { $this->reset_header('content-type'); curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, TRUE); } else if($this->postfields) curl_setopt($this->_ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->postfields); $ret=TRUE; } else if(!empty($postdata)) { if($ctype) $this->add_header(array('content-type' => trim($ctype))); else if($this->get_header('content-type')) $this->reset_header('content-type'); $this->post=TRUE; $this->postfields=$ctype?$postdata:(is_array($postdata)?$postdata:trim($postdata, " \r\n&")); if($url) $this->url=$url; if($referer) $this->referer=$referer; $ret=TRUE; } else $ret=FALSE; if($keep_res) $this->set_response_lock($res_lock); return $ret; } /** * @return array $version */ public function version() { $version = curl_version(); $version['fastcurl_version'] = self::VERSION; $version['fastcurlmulti_version'] = FastCurlMulti::VERSION; return $version; } /** * Change it to return your default headers. * @return array $headers array('header1_name' => header1_value, 'header2_name' => header2_value, ...) */ public function default_headers() { return NULL; } /** * If the object is locked to a FastCurlMulti container we unlock it before closing curl handle. */ public function __destruct() { if($this->is_multilock()) $this->unlockMulti($this->_multilock); if(is_array($this->_fastcookies) && isset($this->cookiejar)) $this->fc_cookies2disk(); curl_close($this->_ch); } /** * @param string $url URL to hide. */ public function get_anonym_url($url) { $funcion=create_function('$service,$url', $this->_anonymous['code']); return ($url && !preg_match('/^(?:https?\:\/\/)?.*?'.preg_quote($this->_anonymous['service'],'/').'/i', $url))?$funcion($this->_anonymous['service'],$url):$url; } /** * @return array $anonymous */ public function get_anonymous() { return $this->_anonymous; } /** * @param array $value */ public function set_anonymous($value) { if(is_bool($value)) $this->_anonymous=$value?array('service' => '', 'code' => ''):NULL; else if(is_array($value) && isset($value['service']) && isset($value['code'])) $this->_anonymous=$value; return TRUE; } /** * @param bool $value */ public function set_response_lock($value) { if(is_bool($value) && (!$value || $this->_response)) { $this->_response_lock=$value; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /** * @return bool $this->_response_lock */ public function is_response_lock() { return $this->_response_lock; } /** * @param string $res */ private function set_response($res) { if(!$this->is_response_lock()) { $this->_response=$res?$res:NULL; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } /** * @param string $res * * @return string */ private function filter_res_curl($res) { switch($this->_exec_mode) { case self::FCURL_EXEC_BODY: $res=preg_replace('/^.*?(?:HTTP *?\/ *?\d+\.\d+ +?\d{3}.*?\r\n\r\n)+(.*)$/is', '\1', $res); break; case self::FCURL_EXEC_HEADERS: $res=trim(preg_replace('/^(.*?(?:HTTP *?\/ *?\d+\.\d+ +?\d{3}.*?\r\n\r\n)+).*$/is', '\1', $res)); break; } return $res; } } interface customHeaders { public function default_headers(); } interface anonymizable { public function set_anonymous($value); public function get_anonym_url($url); } /* ?> */