PHP Classes

File: Help

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  Classes of Francisco López   dXSS   Help   Download  
File: Help
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Help and how to use
Class: dXSS
Filter dangerous values from the GET parameters
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 1,082 bytes



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A working example would be: $g = new dXSS(); $g->url = ''; $g->longitud = 10; $g->TestGet(); This code must be before any output was produced from the browser. At the top of the page, for example. In this way, accept parameters such as: But do not accept such things as:<script>alert("XSS");</script> It is quite interesting to define a small length whenever possible: $g = new dXSS(); $g->url = ''; $g->longitud = 2; $g->TestGet(); Allow: But no:<meta%20http-equiv="refresh"%20content="0;"> or even:$% NOTE: This class controls only received $ _GET parameters. Could easily adapt or modify the class to the information received by $ _POST or even to deal with both, but I wanted to show a very simple use and compatible with compatible with PHP versions lower than 5.