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File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example usage building different SPARQL Queries
Class: Sparql Query Builder
Compose queries to XML RDF documents with SPARQL
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Date: 13 years ago
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<?php /************************************************************* * This script is developed by Arturs Sosins aka ar2rsawseen, * Fee free to distribute and modify code, but keep reference to its creator * * Sparql Query Builder class provides interface for generating * SPARQL queries to use in RDF or SPARQL endpoints. * It complies with W3C Recommendations * This class reduces amount of text needs to be written comparing to simply writing SPARQL queries, * increases code readability and helps you to create user friendly * interfaces for SPARQL endpoints * * For more information, examples and online documentation visit: * **************************************************************/ //This is an example usage of SPARQL Query Builder //Here you can find some examples from W3C Recommendation //And specific class examples //declaring class instance include("./sparql.class.php"); $sparql = new sparql(); //outputs only end query $sparql->show_query(); //outputs step by step debug information //$sparql->debug(); /****************************************/ //example of sparql query from /****************************************/ echo "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Example of sparql query from <a href='' target='blank'></a></p>"; //defining prefix $sparql->prefix("foaf", ""); //adding what to select $sparql->select("?name"); $sparql->select("?mbox"); //creating patterns with full graph $sparql->new_ptrn("?x foaf:name ?name ."); //creating empty pattern, $pat = $sparql->new_ptrn(""); //adding node after pattern creation //patterns are interpreted as string, so we may add multiple patterns as one pattern, but they need to be in one clause // or add nodes one by one, which will form pattern string $sparql->add_ptrn($pat, "?x"); $sparql->add_ptrn($pat, "foaf:mbox ?mbox ."); //no need to add patterns to where clause, all unused patterns will automatically get to where clause if union wasn't used //if union was used, then new union will be created and all unused patterns will go there //generating query $query = $sparql->query(); /****************************************/ //example of sparql query from /****************************************/ echo "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Example of sparql query from <a href='' target='blank'></a></p>"; //defining prefixes $sparql->prefix("foaf", ""); $sparql->prefix("org", ""); //creating pattern for construct $pat = $sparql->new_ptrn("?x foaf:name ?name"); //pattern for where clause $sparql->new_ptrn("?x org:employeeName ?name"); //adding pattern to construct clause $sparql->construct($pat); //generating query $query = $sparql->query(); /****************************************/ //example of sparql query from /****************************************/ echo "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Example of sparql query from <a href='' target='blank'></a></p>"; //defining prefix $sparql->prefix("foaf", ""); //specifying what to select $sparql->select("?title"); //pattern for where clause $sparql->new_ptrn("?x dc:title ?title"); $sparql->new_ptrn("FILTER regex(?title, 'web', 'i' )"); //generating query $query = $sparql->query(); /****************************************/ //example of sparql query from /****************************************/ echo "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Example of sparql query from <a href='' target='blank'></a></p>"; //defining prefix $sparql->prefix("foaf", ""); //specifying what to select $sparql->select("?name ?mbox ?hpage"); //pattern for where clause $sparql->new_ptrn("?x foaf:name ?name"); //array for optional patterns $optionals = array(); //creating patterns which wil be used in option clauses $optionals[] = $sparql->new_ptrn("?x foaf:mbox ?mbox"); $optionals[] = $sparql->new_ptrn("?x foaf:homepage ?hpage"); //putting patterns in optional clauses foreach($optionals as $optional) { $sparql->optional($optional); } //generating query $query = $sparql->query(); /****************************************/ //example of sparql query from /****************************************/ echo "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Example of sparql query from <a href='' target='blank'></a></p>"; //defining prefixes $sparql->prefix("dc10", ""); $sparql->prefix("dc11", ""); //specifying what to select $sparql->select("?title"); //array fr unions $unions = array(); $unions[] = $sparql->new_ptrn("?book dc10:title ?title ."); $unions[] = $sparql->new_ptrn("?book dc10:creator ?author ."); //other unused patterns will be automatically added in another union clause $sparql->new_ptrn("?book dc11:title ?title ."); $sparql->new_ptrn("?book dc11:creator ?author ."); $un = ""; foreach($unions as $union) { //making sure that these patterns get in the same union clause if($un !== "") { $sparql->union($union, $un); } else { $un = $sparql->union($union); } } //generating query $query = $sparql->query(); /****************************************/ //example of sparql query from /****************************************/ echo "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Example of sparql query from <a href='' target='blank'></a></p>"; //defining prefixes $sparql->prefix("foaf", ""); $sparql->prefix("dc", ""); $sparql->select("?who ?g ?mbox"); //specifying sources $sparql->from(""); $sparql->from_named(""); $sparql->from_named(""); //creating pattern $pat = $sparql->new_ptrn("?book dc11:title ?title ."); //adding to whre clause, to put this pattern in the beggining of where clause $sparql->where($pat); //creating pattern for graph $pat = $sparql->new_ptrn("?x foaf:mbox ?mbox"); //putting pattern into graph $sparql->graph($pat, "?g"); //generating query $query = $sparql->query(); /****************************************/ //example of sparql query from /****************************************/ echo "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Example of sparql query from <a href='' target='blank'></a></p>"; //defining prefixes $sparql->prefix("data", ""); $sparql->prefix("foaf", ""); $sparql->prefix("rdfs", ""); $sparql->select("?mbox ?nick ?ppd"); //specifying sources $sparql->from_named(""); $sparql->from_named(""); //storage for first graph $graphs["data:aliceFoaf"] = array(); //sotrage for second graph $graphs["?ppd"] = array(); //creating needed patterns $graphs["data:aliceFoaf"][] = $sparql->new_ptrn("?alice foaf:mbox <mailto:alice@work.example> ;"); $graphs["data:aliceFoaf"][] = $sparql->new_ptrn("foaf:knows ?whom ."); $graphs["data:aliceFoaf"][] = $sparql->new_ptrn("?whom foaf:mbox ?mbox ;"); $graphs["data:aliceFoaf"][] = $sparql->new_ptrn("rdfs:seeAlso ?ppd ."); $graphs["data:aliceFoaf"][] = $sparql->new_ptrn("?ppd a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument ."); $graphs["?ppd"][] = $sparql->new_ptrn("?w foaf:mbox ?mbox ;"); $graphs["?ppd"][] = $sparql->new_ptrn("foaf:nick ?nick"); //adding patterns to grpahs foreach($graphs as $key => $graph) { foreach($graph as $value) { $sparql->graph($value, $key); } } //generating query $query = $sparql->query(); /****************************************/ //example of sparql query from /****************************************/ echo "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Example of sparql query from <a href='' target='blank'></a></p>"; //addinf prefixes $sparql->prefix("", ""); $sparql->prefix("foaf", ""); $sparql->prefix("xsd", ""); //selecting node $sparql->select("?name"); //new pattern $sparql->new_ptrn("?x foaf:name ?name ; :empId ?emp"); //order information, true specifies descending, false or nothing provided will be treated as ascending $sparql->order("?emp", true); //generating query $query = $sparql->query(); /****************************************/ //example of sparql query from /****************************************/ echo "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Example of sparql query from <a href='' target='blank'></a></p>"; //addinf prefixes $sparql->prefix("foaf", ""); //selecting node $sparql->select("?name"); //specifying select type $sparql->select_type("distinct"); //new pattern $sparql->new_ptrn("?x foaf:name ?name"); //generating query $query = $sparql->query(); /****************************************/ //example of sparql query from /****************************************/ echo "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Example of sparql query from <a href='' target='blank'></a></p>"; //addinf prefixes $sparql->prefix("foaf", ""); //selecting node $sparql->select("?name"); //specifying select type $sparql->select_type("reduced"); //new pattern $sparql->new_ptrn("?x foaf:name ?name"); //generating query $query = $sparql->query(); /****************************************/ //example of sparql query from /****************************************/ echo "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Example of sparql query from <a href='' target='blank'></a></p>"; //addinf prefixes $sparql->prefix("foaf", ""); //selecting node $sparql->select("?name"); //new pattern $sparql->new_ptrn("?x foaf:name ?name"); //order information, true specifies descending, false or nothing provided will be treated as ascending $sparql->order("?emp"); //setting limit $sparql->limit(10); //setting offset $sparql->offset(5); //generating query $query = $sparql->query(); /****************************************/ //example of sparql query from /****************************************/ echo "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Example of sparql query from <a href='' target='blank'></a></p>"; //addinf prefix $sparql->prefix("foaf", ""); //new pattern $pat = $sparql->new_ptrn('?x foaf:name "Alice"'); //adding pattern to ask $sparql->ask($pat); //generating query $query = $sparql->query(); /****************************************/ //example of sparql query from /****************************************/ echo "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Example of sparql query from <a href='' target='blank'></a></p>"; $sparql->describe("<>"); //generating query $query = $sparql->query(); /****************************************/ //example of sparql query from /****************************************/ echo "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Example of sparql query from <a href='' target='blank'></a></p>"; //addinf prefix $sparql->prefix("foaf", ""); //using describe type query $sparql->describe("?x"); //new pattern $sparql->new_ptrn("?x foaf:mbox <mailto:alice@org>"); //generating query $query = $sparql->query(); /****************************************/ //example using union_h method //which creates union pattern that will be used in every union clause /****************************************/ echo "<p style='font-weight:bold;'>Example using union_h method which creates union pattern that will be used in every union clause</p>"; //addinf prefix $sparql->prefix("table", ""); //selecting nodes $sparql->select("?symbol ?number"); //selectgin source $sparql->from(""); //union head patterns, which will be used in every union clause $head1 = $sparql->new_ptrn("?element table:symbol ?symbol;"); $head2 = $sparql->new_ptrn("?element table:atomicNumber ?number;"); //patterns for different union clauses $union1 = $sparql->new_ptrn("?element table:group table:group_17."); $union2 = $sparql->new_ptrn("?element table:group table:group_18."); //adding union head patterns $sparql->union_h($head1); $sparql->union_h($head2); //adding union pattern, we need to add only one, other will be automatically included in new union clause $sparql->union($union1); //generating query $query = $sparql->query(); ?>