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  Classes of Win Aung Cho   PHP Plot Chart   Download  
Role: Documentation
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Description: Documentation
Class: PHP Plot Chart
Generate chart image from a list of data points
Author: By
Last change: Update
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 4,439 bytes



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This class generate chart image with various options defined by associative array (JSON). PHP-PlotChart


Chart drawing settings and plot data are prepared using associative array. Default associative keys are shown bellow.

Chart setting

    // data for chart setting
    $setting = [
        imgw => 600,  // width of image
        imgh => 400,  // height of image
        // margin to plot area
        mgright => 50,
        mgtop => 80,
        mgleft => 80,
        mgbot => 80,
        // text sizes
        tgrid => 15,
        tstitle => 20,
        ttitle => 25,
        psize => 10, // point size
        // number of grid lines
        ngx => 10, 
        ngy => 10,
        // color for chart
        text_rgb => '649696',
        title_rgb => '0000FA',
        stitle_rgb => '009696',
        line_rgb => 'E90E5B',
        grid_rgb => '808080',
        axis_rgb => '000000',
        back_rgb => 'FAFAFA',
        chart_rgb => 'EDEDED',
        // String of titles
        strtitle => "This is TITLE",
        strstitle => "Subtitle",
        strstitlex => "Title X",
        strstitley => "Title Y"

Data to be plotted

    // Data to be ploted
    $data = [
        // drawing options
        pointmode => 0,
        drawline => true,
        drawvert => false,
        drawhorz => false,
        showvalue => false,
        // drawing colors
        line_color => 'E90E5B',
        hline_color => 'E90E5B',
        vline_color => 'E90E5B',
        value_color => '649696',
        // data to be ploted
        u => [
            [-100, -45000], 
            [0, 60000], 
            [200, 360000], 
            [400, -260000], 
            [480, 80000]

Data example

Example 1

    // example 1 Basic data for minimum requirement
    $data = [
        u => [
            [-100, -45000], 
            [0, 60000], 
            [200, 360000], 
            [400, -260000], 
            [480, 80000]

Example 2

    // example 2 Data with some options
    $data = [
        showvalue => true, 
        pointmode => 1, 
        drawvert => true, 
        drawline => false, 
        color => 'AA0000', 
        value_color => '000000',
        u => [
            [-100, -45000], 
            [0, 60000], 
            [200, 360000], 
            [400, -260000], 
            [480, 80000]

Example 3

    // example 3 Data to change chart settings
    $setting = [
        "strtitle" => "Title is updated", 
        strstitle => "Subtitle", 
        ngy => 7, 
        ngx => 10

Example 4 Example for sine function

    // example 4
    $f = [];
    for ($i = 0;$i < 40;$i++)
        $A = 10;
        $B = 400000;
        $f[u][$i][0] = $A*$i;
        $f[u][$i][1] = $B sin($A$i * 3.1415 / 180.0);

Usage of PlotChart

Usage 1

    // usage 1 
    // add + example 1
    $plotchart = new PlotChart();


Usage 2

    // usage 2
    // add + example 4
    $plotchart = new PlotChart();


Usage 3

    // usage 3
    // add + example 1 + example 3
    $plotchart = new PlotChart($setting);


Usage 4

    // usage 4
    // add + example 2 + example 3 + example 4
    $plotchart = new PlotChart($setting);



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