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File: matrixwrapper.cpp

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File: matrixwrapper.cpp
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Matrix Extension Class
Perform matrix calculations using a PHP extension
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#include "matrixwrapper.h" #include <iostream> #include <thread> void convertPhpArrayToVector(const Php::Value &phpArray, std::vector<std::vector<double>> &outputVector); void MatrixWrapper::__construct(Php::Parameters &params) { if (params.size() == 1 && params[0].isArray()) { Php::Array inputData = params[0]; int newRows = inputData.size(); int newCols = newRows > 0 ? Php::count(inputData[0]).numericValue() : 0; for (int i = 0; i < newRows; ++i) { if (Php::count(inputData[i]).numericValue() != newCols) { throw Php::Exception("All rows must have the same number of columns"); } } matrix = new Matrix(newRows, newCols); for (int i = 0; i < newRows; ++i) { Php::Value row = inputData[i]; if (row.isArray()) { Php::Array rowArray = row; for (int j = 0; j < newCols; ++j) { (*matrix)(i, j) = rowArray[j]; } } else { throw Php::Exception("Each row must be an array"); } } } else { throw Php::Exception("Invalid parameters for MatrixWrapper constructor"); } } // void MatrixWrapper::__construct(Php::Parameters &params) // { // if (params.size() == 1 && params[0].isArray()) { // std::vector<std::vector<double>> inputData; // convertPhpArrayToVector(params[0], inputData); // int newRows = inputData.size(); // int newCols = newRows > 0 ? inputData[0].size() : 0; // // matrix = new Matrix(inputData); // matrix = new Matrix(inputData); // } else { // throw Php::Exception("Invalid parameters for MatrixWrapper constructor"); // } // } Php::Value MatrixWrapper::add(Php::Parameters &params) { if (params.size() == 1 && params[0].isObject() && params[0].instanceOf("MatrixWrapper")) { MatrixWrapper *other = (MatrixWrapper *)params[0].implementation(); Matrix result = matrix->add(*(other->matrix)); MatrixWrapper *resultWrapper = new MatrixWrapper(std::move(result)); auto phpObject = Php::Object("MatrixWrapper", resultWrapper); return phpObject; } else if (params.size() == 1) { // Scalar addition double scalar = params[0]; Matrix result = matrix->addScalar(scalar); return Php::Object("MatrixWrapper", new MatrixWrapper(std::move(result))); } throw Php::Exception("Invalid parameters for add method"); } Php::Value MatrixWrapper::div(Php::Parameters& params) { if (params[0].isObject()) { MatrixWrapper* other = (MatrixWrapper*)params[0].implementation(); Matrix result = (*matrix) / (*(other->matrix)); MatrixWrapper* resultWrapper = new MatrixWrapper(); resultWrapper->matrix = new Matrix(result); return Php::Object("MatrixWrapper", resultWrapper); } else if (params[0].isNumeric()) { double scalar = params[0].numericValue(); Matrix result = (*matrix) / scalar; MatrixWrapper* resultWrapper = new MatrixWrapper(); resultWrapper->matrix = new Matrix(result); return Php::Object("MatrixWrapper", resultWrapper); } else { throw Php::Exception("Invalid parameter type for division"); } } Php::Value MatrixWrapper::log() { Matrix result = matrix->log(); return Php::Object("MatrixWrapper", new MatrixWrapper(result)); } Php::Value MatrixWrapper::exp(Php::Parameters &params) { double base = params.size() > 0 ? params[0].numericValue() : std::exp(1.0); // Default base is e Matrix result = matrix->exp(base); return Php::Object("MatrixWrapper", new MatrixWrapper(result)); } Php::Value MatrixWrapper::inverse() { Matrix result = matrix->inverse(); return Php::Object("MatrixWrapper", new MatrixWrapper(result)); } Php::Value MatrixWrapper::determinant() { double result = matrix->determinant(); return Php::Value(result); } Php::Value MatrixWrapper::eigen() { auto result = matrix->eigen(); Php::Array resultArray; resultArray[0] = Php::Object("MatrixWrapper", new MatrixWrapper(result.first)); resultArray[1] = Php::Object("MatrixWrapper", new MatrixWrapper(result.second)); return resultArray; } Php::Value MatrixWrapper::sum(Php::Parameters &params) { int axis = params.size() > 0 ? params[0].numericValue() : -1; Matrix result = matrix->sum(axis); return Php::Object("MatrixWrapper", new MatrixWrapper(result)); } Php::Value MatrixWrapper::transpose(){ Matrix result = matrix->transpose(); return Php::Object("MatrixWrapper", new MatrixWrapper(result)); } Php::Value MatrixWrapper::subtract(Php::Parameters &params) { if (params.size() == 1 && params[0].isObject() && params[0].instanceOf("MatrixWrapper")) { MatrixWrapper *other = (MatrixWrapper *)params[0].implementation(); Matrix result = matrix->subtract(*(other->matrix)); return Php::Object("MatrixWrapper", new MatrixWrapper(result)); } else if (params.size() == 1) { // Scalar subtraction double scalar = params[0]; Matrix result = matrix->subtractScalar(scalar); return Php::Object("MatrixWrapper", new MatrixWrapper(result)); } throw Php::Exception("Invalid parameters for subtract method"); } Php::Value MatrixWrapper::dot(Php::Parameters &params) { if (params[0].isObject()) { MatrixWrapper *other = (MatrixWrapper *)params[0].implementation(); Matrix result = matrix->dot(*(other->matrix)); return Php::Object("MatrixWrapper", new MatrixWrapper(std::move(result))); }else if (params[0].isNumeric()) { double scalar = params[0].numericValue(); Matrix result = (*matrix) * scalar; return Php::Object("MatrixWrapper", new MatrixWrapper(std::move(result))); } else { throw Php::Exception("Invalid parameter type for dot/mul"); } } void MatrixWrapper::setData(Php::Parameters &params) { Php::Array inputData = params[0]; int newRows = inputData.size(); int newCols = newRows > 0 ? ((Php::Array)inputData[0]).size() : 0; for (int i = 0; i < newRows; ++i) { if (((Php::Array)inputData[i]).size() != newCols) { throw Php::Exception("All rows must have the same number of columns"); } } delete matrix; matrix = new Matrix(newRows, newCols); for (int i = 0; i < newRows; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < newCols; ++j) { (*matrix)(i, j) = inputData[i][j]; } } } Php::Value MatrixWrapper::getData() const { Php::Array outputData; for (int i = 0; i < matrix->getRows(); ++i) { Php::Array row; for (int j = 0; j < matrix->getCols(); ++j) { row[j] = (*matrix)(i, j); } outputData[i] = row; } return outputData; } Php::Value MatrixWrapper::argmax(Php::Parameters& params) { int axis = params.size() > 0 ? params[0].numericValue() : 0; std::vector<int> indices = matrix->argmax(axis); Php::Array result; for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i) { result[i] = indices[i]; } return result; } Php::Value MatrixWrapper::clip(Php::Parameters &params) { double min_val = params[0].numericValue(); double max_val = params[1].numericValue(); Matrix result = matrix->clip(min_val, max_val); // Convert Matrix to Php::Array to return to PHP Php::Array phpResult; for (int i = 0; i < result.getRows(); ++i) { Php::Array row; for (int j = 0; j < result.getCols(); ++j) { row[j] = result(i, j); } phpResult[i] = row; } return phpResult; } Php::Value MatrixWrapper::shape(){ Php::Value array; array[0] = matrix->getRows(); array[1] = matrix->getCols(); return array; } void MatrixWrapper::display() const { matrix->display(); } void convertPhpArrayToVector(const Php::Value &phpArray, std::vector<std::vector<double>> &outputVector) { int newRows = phpArray.size(); int newCols = newRows > 0 ? Php::count(phpArray[0]).numericValue() : 0; // Resize the output vector outputVector.resize(newRows, std::vector<double>(newCols)); // Initialize the output vector in a single thread for (int i = 0; i < newRows; ++i) { Php::Value row = phpArray[i]; if (row.isArray()) { Php::Array rowArray = row; for (int j = 0; j < newCols; ++j) { outputVector[i][j] = rowArray[j]; } } else { throw Php::Exception("Each row must be an array"); } } }