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File: public/images/svg/evernote.svg

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  Classes of Eric Jumba   Partner Locator Map Markers WordPress Plugin   public/images/svg/evernote.svg   Download  
File: public/images/svg/evernote.svg
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Partner Locator Map Markers WordPress Plugin
Display a map of businesses on a WordPress page
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 months ago
Size: 3,346 bytes



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<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M 11.980469 2.992188 C 11.785156 2.996094 11.59375 3.0625 11.4375 3.171875 C 11.410156 3.191406 11.386719 3.210938 11.363281 3.226563 C 11.359375 3.230469 11.355469 3.234375 11.355469 3.234375 C 11.332031 3.253906 11.3125 3.273438 11.292969 3.292969 C 11.289063 3.296875 11.285156 3.300781 11.28125 3.304688 L 4.292969 10.292969 C 4.292969 10.292969 4.289063 10.296875 4.289063 10.296875 C 4.285156 10.300781 4.28125 10.304688 4.277344 10.3125 C 4.039063 10.550781 3.9375 10.894531 4.007813 11.222656 C 4.019531 12.574219 4.273438 15.125 4.898438 17.582031 C 5.226563 18.871094 5.644531 20.109375 6.25 21.109375 C 6.824219 22.0625 7.679688 22.902344 8.824219 22.984375 C 8.855469 22.992188 10.113281 23.242188 11.535156 23.371094 C 12.253906 23.4375 13.011719 23.472656 13.71875 23.417969 C 14.421875 23.363281 15.101563 23.3125 15.707031 22.707031 C 15.847656 22.566406 15.941406 22.390625 15.980469 22.195313 L 16.40625 20.058594 C 16.4375 20.097656 16.449219 20.140625 16.480469 20.175781 C 16.804688 20.5625 17.261719 21 18 21 L 22 21 L 22 19 L 18.132813 19 C 18.121094 18.992188 18.082031 18.96875 18.011719 18.886719 C 17.863281 18.710938 17.667969 18.390625 17.503906 18.058594 C 17.175781 17.394531 16.953125 16.699219 16.953125 16.699219 C 16.816406 16.261719 16.398438 15.976563 15.945313 16.003906 C 15.488281 16.027344 15.109375 16.359375 15.019531 16.804688 L 14.113281 21.328125 C 14.046875 21.335938 13.953125 21.394531 13.5625 21.425781 C 13.050781 21.464844 12.371094 21.4375 11.714844 21.378906 C 10.40625 21.261719 9.195313 21.019531 9.195313 21.019531 C 9.132813 21.007813 9.066406 21 9 21 C 8.738281 21 8.394531 20.789063 7.960938 20.078125 C 7.53125 19.367188 7.136719 18.269531 6.835938 17.089844 C 6.332031 15.113281 6.199219 13.242188 6.136719 12 L 12 12 C 12.550781 12 13 11.550781 13 11 L 13 5 L 15 5 C 15.632813 5 16.085938 5.328125 16.457031 5.8125 C 16.828125 6.296875 17 7.027344 17 7 C 17 7.539063 17.429688 7.984375 17.96875 8 C 18.808594 8.027344 20.199219 8.070313 21.421875 8.507813 C 22.640625 8.941406 23.628906 9.644531 24.03125 11.242188 C 24.46875 12.996094 24.746094 17.277344 24.5 20.933594 C 24.378906 22.761719 24.128906 24.460938 23.765625 25.605469 C 23.585938 26.175781 23.367188 26.605469 23.203125 26.816406 C 23.035156 27.027344 23.015625 27 23 27 L 20.855469 27 C 20.371094 27 20 26.628906 20 26.144531 C 20 25.5 20.5 25 21.144531 25 L 22 25 L 22 23 L 21.144531 23 C 19.421875 23 18 24.421875 18 26.144531 C 18 26.414063 18.105469 26.671875 18.296875 26.859375 C 18.644531 28.039063 19.566406 29 20.855469 29 L 23 29 C 23.734375 29 24.371094 28.566406 24.777344 28.050781 C 25.179688 27.535156 25.445313 26.917969 25.671875 26.207031 C 26.121094 24.789063 26.371094 22.988281 26.5 21.066406 C 26.753906 17.222656 26.53125 13.003906 25.96875 10.757813 C 25.398438 8.476563 23.714844 7.203125 22.09375 6.625 C 20.714844 6.128906 19.523438 6.125 18.640625 6.09375 C 18.488281 5.597656 18.433594 5.105469 18.042969 4.59375 C 17.414063 3.777344 16.367188 3 15 3 L 12.144531 3 C 12.089844 2.992188 12.035156 2.988281 11.980469 2.992188 Z M 11 6.414063 L 11 10 L 7.414063 10 Z M 21.808594 14 C 20 14 19.980469 15.910156 20 16 C 21.808594 16 22.339844 16.660156 22.710938 17 C 22.878906 16.769531 23.613281 14 21.808594 14 Z"/></svg>