PHP Classes

File: public/images/svg/schlix.svg

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  Classes of Eric Jumba   Partner Locator Map Markers WordPress Plugin   public/images/svg/schlix.svg   Download  
File: public/images/svg/schlix.svg
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Partner Locator Map Markers WordPress Plugin
Display a map of businesses on a WordPress page
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 6 months ago
Size: 1,818 bytes



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<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M 25.455078 5 L 21.195312 7.2636719 L 24.341797 9.9394531 L 30 7.5644531 L 25.455078 5 z M 17.794922 6.2363281 L 15.142578 7.8730469 L 16.59375 9.9277344 L 19.808594 8.2441406 L 17.794922 6.2363281 z M 13.216797 6.9726562 L 11.365234 8.2558594 L 12.083984 9.9277344 L 14.214844 8.6210938 L 13.216797 6.9726562 z M 10.169922 7.4667969 L 8.78125 8.5175781 L 9.1367188 9.921875 L 10.685547 8.859375 L 10.169922 7.4667969 z M 8.5097656 10.222656 L 7.2148438 11.123047 L 7.4238281 12.771484 L 8.8632812 11.888672 L 8.5097656 10.222656 z M 11.220703 10.292969 L 9.5019531 11.355469 L 10.013672 13.375 L 11.980469 12.341797 L 11.220703 10.292969 z M 15.298828 10.392578 L 12.849609 11.691406 L 13.976562 14.292969 L 16.923828 13.056641 L 15.298828 10.392578 z M 22.119141 10.560547 L 18.212891 12.230469 L 20.777344 15.876953 L 25.919922 14.355469 L 22.119141 10.560547 z M 6.8554688 12.990234 L 5.6484375 13.734375 L 5.71875 15.625 L 7.046875 14.929688 L 6.8554688 12.990234 z M 9.2285156 13.611328 L 7.6386719 14.447266 L 7.9414062 16.816406 L 9.7460938 16.0625 L 9.2285156 13.611328 z M 12.804688 14.546875 L 10.558594 15.509766 L 11.353516 18.650391 L 14.033203 17.861328 L 12.804688 14.546875 z M 5.1953125 15.748047 L 4.0800781 16.339844 L 4 18.476562 L 5.21875 17.964844 L 5.1953125 15.748047 z M 18.787109 16.113281 L 15.230469 17.199219 L 17.220703 21.796875 L 21.851562 21.140625 L 18.787109 16.113281 z M 7.2324219 16.927734 L 5.7753906 17.548828 L 5.8691406 20.263672 L 7.5117188 19.78125 L 7.2324219 16.927734 z M 10.308594 18.695312 L 8.265625 19.322266 L 8.7363281 23.007812 L 11.150391 22.666016 L 10.308594 18.695312 z M 15.457031 21.673828 L 12.253906 22.171875 L 13.662109 27.732422 L 17.777344 27.923828 L 15.457031 21.673828 z"/></svg>