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File: public/flat-admin/js/plugins/pageguide/jquery.pageguide.js

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File: public/flat-admin/js/plugins/pageguide/jquery.pageguide.js
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Budget System
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/* * jQuery PageGuide Plugin * * Build interactive visual guides to help users get familiar your web app. * jQuery PageGuide started as a rewrite of the Tracelytics PageGuide, * intended to work as a true jQuery plugin. But then I started adding more * and more functionality, and now it's taken on a life of it's own. * * Copyright 2012 * * Author: Ian White <> * Source: * * Free to use under the MIT license. * * * ----- * Based on: * Tracelytics PageGuide * Copyright 2012 Tracelytics * * Project Home: * * Free to use under the MIT license. * * */ /* * PageGuide usage: * * PageGuide guides can be defined either as markup (an `OL` in the DOM), * or directly in JavaScript to get more flexibility. To see how guides * are structured, check out the examples included in the project repo. * * The simplest way to initialize PageGuide is by calling `$.pageguide()` * with no arguments. This will set up the default options and prepare the * plugin to load individual guides. For convenience, you can load a * default guide and set base options during initialization like so: * `$.pageguide(guide, options)`, where `guide` is either a CSS selector * that identifies the DOM element to use as the guide definition, or a JS * object that contains the guide definition. `options` is an optional * object that is used to override the default settings. * * To load a guide after initialization, or load a different guide, call * `$.pageguide('load', guide, options)`. When loading a guide, the * `options` argument will only be applied to that guide. * * In order to update options after initialization that will be applied to * all guides, use `$.pageguide('options', options)`. Keep in mind, any * options specified when calling `$.pageguide.load()` will still take * precedence. * * All of these override methods perform a deep merge between the default * options and override options to create the base settings. * * * Guide Options: * defaultGuide: none (String selector, jQuery selector, Object guide) * - CSS selector or guide definition object to load when $.pageguide * is initialized without a guide as the first argument. * * autoStart: true (true, false) * - Whether or not to focus on the first visible item immediately on * open. * * autoStartDelay: 0 (int milliseconds) * - Add a delay before automatically selecting the first visible item * after the guide is opened. * * autoAdvanceInterval: null (int seconds) * - Rotate through the visible steps at a regular interval while the * guide is open. * * loadingSelector: none (String selector, jQuery selector) * - The CSS selector for the DOM element used as a loading indicator. * PageGuide will wait until this element is no longer visible * before starting up. * * pulse: true (true, false) * - Show an animated effect to further highlight the target element * whenever a new step is selected. Requires the step shadow to be * set to 'true'. * * events: {} (Object {init, ready, load, unload, open, close, previous, * next, step, resize, click} callback functions) * - Convenience wrapper to specify guide-level event handlers. These * events are bound on load, and automatically removed when the * guide is unloaded. * * Step Options (options.step): * direction: 'left' ('top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left') * - Position of the floating step number indicator in relation to the * target element. * * margin: {top: 100, bottom: 100} (Object {top, bottom} in px) * - Minimum distance the target element must be from top or bottom of * the viewport. If the element is outside of this margin, the * window will scroll to bring the element into view. * * shadow: true (true, false) * - Render a transparent box around the current step's target * element. * * shadowPadding: '10px' (String padding, int padding) * - Applied to all sides of the shadow to pad the height and width * around the target element. * * zIndex: null (int z-index) * - Force the base z-index of the step, which is used when rendering * the floating step number indicator and the shadow. If set to * null, the target element's z-index is used. The shadow is * rendered at a z-index of base + 1, and the floating step number * indicator is base + 2. * * arrow: {offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0} (Object {offsetX, offsetY} in px) * - Additional offset to apply to the floating step indicator to make * fine adjustments to positioning. * * events: {} (Object {show, hide, select, deselect} callbacks) * - Convenience wrapper to specify step-level event handlers. These * events are bound to the individual step on load, and * automatically removed when the guide is unloaded. * */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery'], factory); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } }(function($, undefined ) { "use strict"; if ($.pageguide !== undefined) { return; } /** * * @param {String|jQuerySelector|Object} [guide] The default guide to load as soon as initialization is complete * @param {Object} [options] Override settings for all guides, merged with default options. * * @class a PageGuide */ var PageGuide = function (guide, options) { if(arguments.length == 1) { options = guide; guide = null; } options = options || {}; this.options(options); // Make sure $.fn.zIndex is available if (!$.fn['zIndex']) $.fn['zIndex'] = this._zIndex; this.init(); var defaultGuide = guide || this.settings.defaultGuide || null; if (defaultGuide) { if (this.status === 'ready') { this.load(defaultGuide); } else { this.$'ready.pageguide', $.proxy(function () { this.load(defaultGuide); }, this)); } } }; $.extend(PageGuide, { options: { defaultGuide: "#pageGuide", autoStart: true, autoStartDelay: 0, autoAdvanceInterval: null, loadingSelector: null, pulse: true, events: {}, step: { direction: 'left', margin: {top: 100, bottom: 100}, shadow: true, shadowPadding: '10px', zIndex: null, arrow: { offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0 }, events: {} } }, DIRECTION_REGEX: /pageguide[_-](top|right|bottom|left)(?:\s|$)/i, instances: 0, uid: function () { return PageGuide.instances++; }, prototype: { _options: {}, // base options (with default overrides) settings: {}, // base options with overrides for current guide status: 'uninitialized', _guide: null, // current guide definition $guide: null, // current guide selector $wrapper: null, // #pageGuideWrapper $message: null, // #pageGuideMessage $toggle: null, // #pageGuideToggle $shadow: null, // #pageGuideShadow $fwd: null, // a.pageguide-fwd $back: null, // a.pageguide-back /** * Initialize the PageGuide. Creates the navigation DOM elements * and triggers a 'ready.pageguide' event when done. * * @return {[type]} */ init: function() { var wrapper = $('<div>', { id: 'pageGuideWrapper' }), message = $('<div>', { id: 'pageGuideMessage' }), toggle = $('<div/>', { id: 'pageGuideToggle', title: 'Launch Page Guide', 'class': 'pageguide-toggle-close' }), shadow = $('<div/>', { id: 'pageGuideShadow', 'class': 'pageguide-shadow' }); toggle.append('page guide').append('<div><span class="pageguide-tourtitle"></span></div>').append('<a class="pageguide-close" title="Close Guide">close guide &raquo;</a>'); message.append('<a class="pageguide-close" title="Close Guide">close</a>').append('<span class="pageguide-index"></span>').append('<div class="pageguide-content"></div>').append('<a class="pageguide-back" title="Previous">Previous</a>').append('<a class="pageguide-fwd" title="Next">Next</a>'); shadow.append('<span class="pageguide-shadow-pulse"></span>'); wrapper.append(toggle); wrapper.append(message); wrapper.append(shadow); $('body').append(wrapper); this.$wrapper = wrapper; this.$toggle = toggle; this.$message = message; this.$shadow = shadow; this.$fwd = $('a.pageguide-fwd', this.$wrapper); this.$back = $('a.pageguide-back', this.$wrapper); this.status = 'initialized'; this.$wrapper.trigger('init.pageguide'); if (this.settings.loadingSelector) { this._wait($.proxy(function () { this._registerWrapperHandlers(); this.status = 'ready'; this.$wrapper.trigger('ready.pageguide'); }, this)); } else { this._registerWrapperHandlers(); this.status = 'ready'; this.$wrapper.trigger('ready.pageguide'); } }, /** * Dismantle the UI and clean up event handlers. * * @return {PageGuide} */ destroy: function () { if (this._guide) { this.unload(); } // @@@ handlers removed by jQuery.remove() this._removeWrapperHandlers(); this.$wrapper.remove(); this.status = 'destroyed'; return this; }, /** * Get or set overrides for base options. If the argument is * ommitted, an object containing the current options are returned. * * @param {Object} [options] Settings to override for all guides * @return {PageGuide} */ options: function(options) { if (options === undefined) { return this._options; } this._options = $.extend(true, {}, PageGuide.options, options); this.settings = $.extend(true, {}, PageGuide.options, this.settings || {}, options); return this; }, /** * Get or load a guide. If the argument is ommitted, the currently loaded * guide definition is returned. * * @param {String|jQuerySelector|Object} [guide] Guide definition to load * @return {PageGuide} Guide definition */ guide: function(guide) { if (guide === undefined) { return this._guide; } this.load(guide, this.settings); return this; }, /** * Load a guide. Automatically unloads the previous guide (if any). * * @param {String|jQuerySelector|Object} guide Guide definition to load * @param {Object} [options] Override options applied only to this guide * @return {PageGuide} */ load: function(guide, options) { if (!guide || $.isEmptyObject(guide)) { return this; } if(this._guide) { this.unload(); } // Override guide options if (options !== undefined) { this.settings = $.extend(true, {}, PageGuide.options, this._options, options); } var that = this, $guide = (typeof guide === 'string') ? $(guide) : null; if ($guide) { if (!$guide.size()) return this; guide = { title: $'tourtitle'), steps: [] }; var $allItems = $('> li', $guide); $.each($allItems, function (i) { var matches = PageGuide.DIRECTION_REGEX.exec($(this).attr('class')); var direction = matches ? matches.pop() : that.settings.step.direction; var step = { target: $(this).data('tourtarget'), content: $(this).html(), direction: direction, options: $.extend(true, {}, $(this).data('options')), elem: this }; guide.steps.push(step); }); } else { $guide = (( && $('#' + ? $('#' + : $('<ol/>', { id: || 'pageGuide' + PageGuide.uid(), 'class': 'pageguide-guide' })).data('tourtitle', guide.title); $.each(guide.steps, function (i) { var $li = $('<li/>', { id: 'pageguide-step-' + i, 'class': 'pageguide-step pageguide-' + this.direction }).data('tourtarget',; $'options', $.extend({}, this)); $('<div/>', { 'class': 'pageguide-content' }).html(this.content).appendTo($li); $guide.append($li); this.elem = $li; }); } this._guide = guide; this.curIdx = 0; this.$wrapper.append($guide); this.$guide = $guide; this.$allItems = $('> li', this.$guide); this.$visibleItems = $(); this.$toggle.removeClass('.pageguide-toggle-open').addClass('pageguide-toggle-close'); this.$toggle.find('.pageguide-tourtitle').html(this._guide.title); $('body').addClass('pageguide-ready'); this._registerGuideHandlers(); this._registerCustomHandlers(); this._registerCustomStepHandlers(); this.status = 'loaded'; this.$wrapper.trigger('load.pageguide', this._guide); return this; }, /** * Close and disable the current guide. Removes guide event handlers. * * @return {PageGuide} */ unload: function() { if(!this._guide) { return this; } if(this.isOpen()) { this.close(); } this.$toggle.removeClass('pageguide-toggle-open pageguide-toggle-close'); $('body').removeClass('pageguide-ready'); // @@@ Custom handlers should be removed by jQuery.remove() this._removeCustomStepHandlers(); this._removeCustomHandlers(); this._removeGuideHandlers(); this.$allItems = $(); this.$visibleItems = $(); this.$guide = null; this._guide = null; this.settings = this.options(); this.status = 'unloaded'; this.$wrapper.trigger('unload.pageguide'); return this; }, /** * Start the guide. If `options.autoStart` is true, the first step will be selected automatically. * * @return {PageGuide} */ open: function() { if ($('body').is('.pageguide-open')) return; $('body').addClass('pageguide-open'); this._onExpand(); this.$visibleItems.toggleClass('expanded', true); this.$wrapper.trigger('open.pageguide'); this.$visibleItems.trigger('show.pageguide'); return this; }, /** * Stop the guide. * * @return {PageGuide} */ close: function() { if (!$('body').is('.pageguide-open')) return this; this.autoAdvance(false); this.$shadow.removeClass('pageguide-shadow-active').hide(); this.$allItems.removeClass("pageguide-active").toggleClass('expanded', false); var curItem = this.$visibleItems[this.curIdx]; if(curItem) { $(curItem).trigger('deselect.pageguide'); } this.$toggle.removeClass('pageguide-toggle-open').addClass('pageguide-toggle-close'); this.$message.animate({ height: "0" }, 500, function() { $(this).hide(); }); /* clear number tags and shading elements */ $('ins').remove(); $('body').removeClass('pageguide-open'); this.$visibleItems.trigger('hide.pageguide'); this.$wrapper.trigger('close.pageguide'); return this; }, /** * Show the visible step prior to the currently selected step. * * @return {PageGuide} */ previous: function() { if (!$('body').is('.pageguide-open')) return this; /* * If -n < x < 0, then the result of x % n will be x, which is * negative. To get a positive remainder, compute (x + n) % n. */ var newIdx = (this.curIdx + this.$visibleItems.size() - 1) % this.$visibleItems.size(); this.$wrapper.trigger('previous.pageguide'); this.showStep(newIdx, 1); return this; }, /** * Advance the guide to the next visible step. * * @return {PageGuide} */ next: function() { if (!$('body').is('.pageguide-open')) return this; var newIdx = (this.curIdx + 1) % this.$visibleItems.size(); this.$wrapper.trigger('next.pageguide'); this.showStep(newIdx, -1); return this; }, /** * Select step by index * @param {[type]} newIdx The index (0-based) of the step to select * @param {int} [direction] If negative, the step number in the message field will scroll to the left, if positive it will scroll to the right. If undefined or 0, it's calculated automatically. * @return {PageGuide} */ showStep: function(newIdx, direction) { var oldIdx = this.curIdx, oldItem = this.$visibleItems[oldIdx], newItem = this.$visibleItems[newIdx], left = (direction && direction !== 0) ? (direction > 0) ? true : false : (oldIdx > newIdx), settings = $.extend(true, {}, this.settings.step, $(newItem).data('options') || {}); this.curIdx = newIdx; $('div', this.$message).html($(newItem).children('div').html()); this.$visibleItems.removeClass("pageguide-active"); $(newItem).addClass("pageguide-active"); if (settings.shadow) { this._showShadow(newItem); } else { this.$shadow.removeClass('pageguide-shadow-active').hide(); } if (!this._isScrolledIntoView($(newItem))) { this._scrollIntoView(newItem); } this.$message.not(':visible').show().animate({ 'height': '100px' }, 500); this._rollNumber($('span', this.$message), $(newItem).children('ins').html(), left); this.$wrapper.trigger('step.pageguide', newItem); if ($(oldItem).data('idx') != $(newItem).data('idx')) $(oldItem).trigger('deselect.pageguide', newItem); $(newItem).trigger('select.pageguide', oldItem); return this; }, refresh: function() { if (!this.isOpen()) return this; var that = this; this.$visibleItems = this.$allItems.filter(function() { return $($(this).data('tourtarget')).is(':visible'); }); // Position the floating indicators this.$visibleItems.each(function() { var arrow = $(this), settings = $.extend(true, {}, that.settings.step, $(this).data('options') || {}), target = $('tourtarget')), setLeft = target.offset().left + parseInt(settings.arrow.offsetX, 10), setTop = target.offset().top + parseInt(settings.arrow.offsetY, 10); if (arrow.hasClass("pageguide-top")) { setTop -= 60; } else if (arrow.hasClass("pageguide-bottom")) { setTop += target.outerHeight() + 15; } else { setTop += 5; } if (arrow.hasClass("pageguide-right")) { setLeft += target.outerWidth(false) + 15; } else if (arrow.hasClass("pageguide-left")) { setLeft -= 65; } else { setLeft += 5; } arrow.css({ "left": setLeft + "px", "top": setTop + "px" }); }); // Position the shadow if (this.$':visible')) { this._showShadow(this.$visibleItems[this.curIdx], false); } return this; }, autoAdvance: function(toggle) { if (toggle === undefined || !!toggle) { if (this.advanceTimer) return this; this.advanceTimer = setInterval($.proxy(, this), this.settings.autoAdvanceInterval * 1000); } else { clearInterval(this.advanceTimer); this.advanceTimer = null; } return this; }, /** * Check if a guide is currently loaded. * * @return {Boolean} */ isLoaded: function() { return !!this._guide; }, /** * Check if the guide is running. * * @return {Boolean} */ isOpen: function() { return $('body').is('.pageguide-open'); }, _registerWrapperHandlers: function() { /* interaction: open/close PG interface */ this.$toggle.on('click', $.proxy(function(e) { if ($('body').is('.pageguide-open')) { this.close(); } else {; } }, this)); this.$message.on('click', '.pageguide-close', $.proxy(function(e) { this.close(); }, this)); this.$message.on('click', '.pageguide-index', $.proxy(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var item = this.$visibleItems[this.curIdx]; if (!this._isScrolledIntoView(item)) { this._scrollIntoView(item); } }, this)); /* interaction: fwd click */ this.$fwd.on('click', $.proxy(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); this.autoAdvance(false);; }, this)); /* interaction: back click */ this.$back.on('click', $.proxy(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); this.autoAdvance(false); this.previous(); }, this)); /* shadow pulse animation end */ this.$shadow.on('animationend webkitAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd', '.pageguide-shadow-pulse', function () { $(this).hide(); }); /* register resize callback */ $(window).resize($.proxy(function() { this._onResize(); }, this)); /* register teardown handler */ this.$wrapper.on("destroyed", $.proxy(this.destroy, this)); }, _removeWrapperHandlers: function () { this.$; this.$; this.$; this.$; this.$; this.$; $(window).unbind('resize.pageguide'); }, _registerGuideHandlers: function() { if (!this.$guide) { return false; } /* interaction: item click */ this.$guide.on('click', 'li', $.proxy(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var newIdx = $(e.currentTarget).data('idx'); this.$wrapper.trigger('click.pageguide', newIdx); if (this.curIdx == newIdx) { return; } this.showStep(newIdx); }, this)); }, _removeGuideHandlers: function() { this.$; }, _registerCustomHandlers: function() { var that = this, events = $.extend(true, {},,; if (!$.isEmptyObject(events)) { $.each(events, function (i) { that.$wrapper.on(i + '.pageguide', this); }); } }, _removeCustomHandlers: function() { var that = this, events = $.extend(true, {},,; if (!$.isEmptyObject(events)) { $.each(events, function (i) { that.$ + '.pageguide', this); }); } }, _registerCustomStepHandlers: function() { var that = this; $.each(this._guide.steps, function (i) { var $step = $(this.elem), settings = $.extend(true, {}, that.settings.step, this); if ($.isEmptyObject( { return; } for (var j in { if (! { continue; } $step.on(j + '.pageguide',[j]); } }); }, _removeCustomStepHandlers: function() { $.each(this.$allItems, function (i) { $(this).off('click.pageguide, show.pageguide, hide.pageguide, select.pageguide, deselect.pageguide'); }); }, _wait: function(callback) { var that = this; var interval = window.setInterval(function() { if (!$(that.settings.loadingSelector).is(':visible')) { callback(); clearInterval(interval); } }, 250); }, _rollNumber: function($numWrapper, newText, left) { $numWrapper.animate({ 'text-indent': (left ? '' : '-') + '50px' }, 'fast', function() { $numWrapper.html(newText); $numWrapper.css({ 'text-indent': (left ? '-' : '') + '50px' }, 'fast').animate({ 'text-indent': "0" }, 'fast'); }); return this; }, _scrollIntoView: function(elem) { var $t = $(elem).data('tourtarget') ? $($(elem).data('tourtarget')) : $(elem), dvh = $(window).height(), msgh = this.$message.outerHeight(), elh = $t.outerHeight(), dvtop = $(window).scrollTop(), eltop = $t.offset().top, elbtm = eltop + elh, mgn = $(elem).data('options') ? $.extend({}, this.settings.step.margin, $(elem).data('options').margin || {}) : this.settings.step.margin, mgnb = Math.max(mgn.bottom, msgh + 15); var scrollTo = ((eltop <= dvtop + || (elh > (dvh - mgnb))) ? eltop - : (elbtm - (dvh - mgnb)); $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: scrollTo }, { complete: $.proxy(this._onResize, this), duration: 500 }); }, _isScrolledIntoView: function(elem) { var $t = $(elem).data('tourtarget') ? $($(elem).data('tourtarget')) : $(elem), msgh = this.$message.outerHeight(), dvtop = $(window).scrollTop(), dvbtm = dvtop + $(window).height(), eltop = $t.offset().top, elbtm = eltop + $t.outerHeight(), mgn = $(elem).data('options') ? $.extend({}, this.settings.step.margin, $(elem).data('options').margin || {}) : this.settings.step.margin; return (eltop >= dvtop + && (elbtm <= dvbtm - Math.max(mgn.bottom, msgh + 15)); }, _onExpand: function() { /* set up initial state */ this.refresh(); this.curIdx = 0; /* add number tags and PG shading elements */ var that = this; this.$visibleItems.each(function(i) { var settings = $.extend(true, {}, that.settings.step, $(this).data('options') || {}), zIndex = settings.zIndex ? settings.zIndex : $($(this).data('tourtarget')).zIndex() + 2; $(this).css('z-index', zIndex); $(this).prepend('<ins>' + (i + 1) + '</ins>'); $(this).data('idx', i); }); if ((this.settings.autoAdvanceInterval || this.settings.autoStart) && this.$visibleItems.size() > 0) { if (this.settings.autoStartDelay) { setTimeout($.proxy(function () { this.showStep(0); }, this), this.settings.autoStartDelay); } else { this.showStep(0); } } if (this.settings.autoAdvanceInterval) { this.autoAdvance(true); } }, _showShadow: function(elem, pulse) { if (pulse === undefined) { pulse = this.settings.pulse; } var $t = $(elem).data('tourtarget') ? $($(elem).data('tourtarget')) : $(elem), settings = $.extend(true, {}, this.settings.step, $(elem).data('options') || {}), padding = settings.shadowPadding ? parseInt(settings.shadowPadding, 10) : 0, zIndex = $t.zIndex() + 1, $pulse = this.$shadow.children('.pageguide-shadow-pulse'); if (!!pulse) $pulse.hide(); this.$shadow.css({ height: $t.outerHeight(), width: $t.outerWidth(false), padding: padding, top: $t.offset().top - padding, left: $t.offset().left - padding, zIndex: zIndex }).toggleClass('pageguide-shadow-active', true).show(); if (!!pulse) $; return this; }, _onResize: function() { if (!this.isOpen()) return this; this.refresh(); if($.debounce !== undefined) { $.debounce($.proxy(function() { //noinspection JSPotentiallyInvalidUsageOfThis this.$wrapper.trigger('resize.pageguide'); }, 300), this); } else { this.$wrapper.trigger('resize.pageguide'); } }, /* Directly from jQuery UI Core * */ _zIndex: function(zIndex) { if (zIndex !== undefined) { return this.css('zIndex', zIndex); } if (this.length) { var elem = $(this[0]), position, value; while (elem.length && elem[0] !== document) { // Ignore z-index if position is set to a value where z-index is ignored by the browser // This makes behavior of this function consistent across browsers // WebKit always returns auto if the element is positioned position = elem.css('position'); if (position == 'absolute' || position == 'relative' || position == 'fixed') { // IE returns 0 when zIndex is not specified // other browsers return a string // we ignore the case of nested elements with an explicit value of 0 // <div style="z-index: -10;"><div style="z-index: 0;"></div></div> value = parseInt(elem.css('zIndex'), 10); if (!isNaN(value) && value !== 0) { return value; } } elem = elem.parent(); } } return 0; } } }); var pg = null; $.pageguide = function (fn, options) { // Return the PageGuide object, create one if necessary if (arguments.length == 0) { return pg ? pg : (pg = new PageGuide()); } if (pg && typeof pg[fn] == 'function') { if (fn == 'destroy') { pg.destroy(); pg = null; return; } return pg[fn].apply(pg,, 1)); } return pg ? pg.load(fn, options) : (pg = new PageGuide(fn, options)); }; }));