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File: public/flat-admin/sass/themes.scss

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File: public/flat-admin/sass/themes.scss
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Budget System
Elaborate budgets for purchases of products
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 months ago
Size: 7,389 bytes


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@import "colors.scss"; @for $i from 1 through length($colornames){ $currentColorName: nth($colornames,$i); $currentColor: nth($colors,$i); .accordion-widget .accordion-group{ &.#{$currentColorName}{ border:2px solid $currentColor; &:hover{ border-color: darken($currentColor, 10%) !important; } .accordion-toggle{ background:$currentColor !important; @if lightness($currentColor) > lightness(#999){ color:#333; } @else { color:#fff; } &:hover{ background: darken($currentColor, 10%) !important; } } } } .font-#{$currentColorName}{ color: $currentColor; } ul>li.#{$currentColorName},.label-#{$currentColorName}{ background: $currentColor; } .progress{ .bar{ &.bar-#{$currentColorName}{ background:$currentColor; } } } .pricing-tables{ .pricing.#{$currentColorName}{ &>li{ &.head{ background: $currentColor; .info{ background: lighten($currentColor, 5%); } .name{ background: darken($currentColor, 10%); } } } } } .btn{ &.btn-#{$currentColorName}{ background: $currentColor; color:#fff !important; &:hover{ background: darken($currentColor, 10%); } } } .box{ &.box-color{ &.#{$currentColorName}{ .box-title{ background: $currentColor !important; @if lightness($currentColor) > lightness(#999){ h3{ color:#333; } } .actions{ &>a{ &:hover{ color:$currentColor; } } } } .form-wizard{ .wizard-steps{ li{ &.active{ .single-step{ .title{ background:$currentColor; } } } } } } .btn{ &.btn-primary{ background: $currentColor; } } } } &.box-bordered{ &.box-color{ &.#{$currentColorName}{ .box-title{ border-color:$currentColor !important; } .box-content{ border-color:$currentColor !important; } .slimScrollDiv{ border-bottom:2px solid $currentColor; } } } } } .timeline{ &>li{ .timeline-content{ .left{ .icon.#{$currentColorName}{ background: $currentColor; } } } } } .theme-#{$currentColorName}{ .daterangepicker{ .active{ background: $currentColor; } } .mobile-sidebar-toggle{ color:#fff; } #navigation{ .dropdown-menu{ border-color:$currentColor; &>li{ &.dropdown-submenu{ .dropdown-menu{ border-top:2px solid $currentColor; } &:hover,&:focus{ &>a{ background: $currentColor; } } } &>a{ &:hover{ background:$currentColor; } } } } } .datepicker{ &.datepicker-dropdown{ .datepicker-days,.datepicker-years,.datepicker-months{ .active{ background:$currentColor; &:hover{ background: darken($currentColor, 10%); } } } } } .form-wizard{ .wizard-steps{ li{ &.active{ .single-step{ .title{ background:$currentColor; } } } } } } .btn{ &.btn-primary{ background: $currentColor; } } &.login{ background: $currentColor; } a{ color:$currentColor; } .btn{ color:#333; &.btn-primary{ background: $currentColor; color:#fff; } &.btn-inverse, &.btn-success, &.btn-danger{ color:#fff; } } &.locked{ background: $currentColor !important; .pull-left{ a{ background:darken($currentColor, 15%); &:hover{ background: darken($currentColor, 25%); } } } } #navigation{ background: $currentColor; .toggle-mobile{ background: darken($currentColor, 15%); } .mobile-nav{ &.open{ background: $currentColor; &>li{ &.active{ &>a{ background:darken($currentColor, 25%); } &>ul{ background: darken($currentColor, 25%); } } &>a{ background: darken($currentColor, 15%); } &>ul{ background: darken($currentColor,15%); } } } } .main-nav{ &>li{ &.active{ &>a{ &:hover{ background: #fff; } } &.open{ &>a{ background: #fff; } } } &.open{ &>a{ background: darken($currentColor, 15%); } } &>a{ &:hover{ background: darken($currentColor, 15%); } } } } .user{ .icon-nav{ &>li{ &>a{ &:hover{ background:darken($currentColor, 15%); } } } } .dropdown{ &.open{ background: darken($currentColor, 15%); } &>a{ &:hover{ background: darken($currentColor, 15%); } } } } .dropdown-menu{ border-color:$currentColor; &>li{ &>a{ &:hover{ background: $currentColor; } } } } } .search-form{ .search-pane{ button[type="submit"]{ background: $currentColor; } } } .messages{ &>li{ &.insert{ .submit{ button{ background: $currentColor; } } } &.right{ .name{ color:darken($currentColor, 40%); } .message{ background: lighten($currentColor, 40%); p{ color:darken($currentColor, 30%); } .time{ color:darken($currentColor, 30%); } .caret{ border-left:7px solid lighten($currentColor,40%); } } } } } .letterbox{ .letter{ &>li{ &.active{ background: $currentColor; } } } } .calendar{ .fc-content{ .fc-event{ .fc-event-inner{ background: $currentColor; } } } .fc-button{ &.fc-state-active{ background: $currentColor; &:hover{ background: $currentColor; } } } } .table{ &.table-user{ tr{ &.alpha{ td{ &.alpha-val{ span{ background: $currentColor; } } } } } } } .tagsinput#textfield_tagsinput .tag,.ms-container .multi-custom-header,.slider .ui-slider-handle,.form-wizard .wizard-steps .single-step .title,.user-list h4,.nav.nav-pills>>a, .nav.nav-list>>a,.table.table-colored-header thead th, .table.table-colored-header thead td,.dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate>span>a.paginate_active,.elfinder-navbar .ui-state-active,.pagination.pagination-custom a:hover,.pagination.pagination-custom a{ background: $currentColor; } .elfinder-navbar .ui-state-active{ border-color:$currentColor; } #main{ .box{ .box-title{ .tabs{ &>{ &>a{ background: $currentColor; } } } } &.box-color{ .box-title{ background:$currentColor; .tabs{ &>li{ &.active{ &>a{ background: #fff; color:$currentColor; } } &>a{ &:hover{ color:$currentColor; } } } } } } &.box-bordered{ &.box-color{ .box-title{ border-color:$currentColor; } .box-content{ border-color:$currentColor; } } } } } } }