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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/testing/RedUNIT/Base/Logging.php

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namespace RedUNIT\Base;

RedUNIT\Base as Base;
RedBeanPHP\Facade as R;
RedBeanPHP\Logger as Logger;
RedBeanPHP\Logger\RDefault as RDefault;
RedBeanPHP\Logger\RDefault\Debug as Debug;

 * Logging
 * Tests the Query Logging tools that are part of RedBeanPHP.
 * @file RedUNIT/Base/Logging.php
 * @desc Tests Logging facilities.
 * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
 * @license New BSD/GPLv2
 * (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community.
 * This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Logging extends Base
     * Test basic logging functionality.
     * @return void
public function testBasicLogging()
R::store( R::dispense( 'book' ) );
$logs = R::getLogs();
$count = count( $logs );
asrt( ( count( $logs ) > 0 ), TRUE );
asrt( ( R::getLogger() instanceof Logger ), TRUE );
R::store( R::dispense( 'book' ) );
$logs = R::getLogs();
asrt( ( count( $logs ) === 0 ), TRUE );

     * Test for Issue #751 (Update Logger to accept parameter typed bindings):
     * While debugging some of our queries, we noticed
     * the logger would often display
     * 'Array' as value for the bindings,
     * even when the SQL query seemed to work correctly.
     * Debugging this, it appeared the debug logger did
     * not support the new parameter type bindings added in 5.3.
     * This merge request adds support for
     * the PDO::PARAM_INT and PDO::PARAM_STR
     * to the Debug logger, as well as a visible support
     * for the RPDO flagUseStringOnlyBinding flag.
     * @return void
public function testIssue751()
$debugger = new Debug;
$database = R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase();
$database->setLogger( $debugger );
asrt( $database->getLogger(), $debugger );
$database->setEnableLogging( TRUE );
$debugger->setMode( RDefault::C_LOGGER_ARRAY );
/* debug logger with nostringonlybinding should have unquoted ints */
R::store( R::dispense( 'book' ) );
R::getAll( 'SELECT * FROM book WHERE id < ?', array( array( 999, \PDO::PARAM_INT ) ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('999') ), 1 );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'999\'') ), 0 );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('rray') ), 0 );
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( FALSE );
R::getAll( 'SELECT * FROM book WHERE id < ?', array( array( 999, \PDO::PARAM_STR ) ) );
/* ...but quoted strings */
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'999\'') ), 1 );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('rray') ), 0 );
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( FALSE );
/* even if PARAM INT if stringonlybinding then override */
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( TRUE );
R::getAll( 'SELECT * FROM book WHERE id < ?', array( array( 999, \PDO::PARAM_INT ) ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'999\'') ), 1 );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('rray') ), 0 );
/* if no type and stringonlybinding always quote */
R::getAll( 'SELECT * FROM book WHERE id < ?', array( 999 ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'999\'') ), 1 );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('rray') ), 0 );
/* a more closer inspection */
        /* log implicit INT param without StringOnly */
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( FALSE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( 123 ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('123') ), 1 );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'123\'') ), 0 );
/* log implicit STR param without StringOnly */
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( FALSE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( 'abc' ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'abc\'') ), 1 );
/* log NULL param without StringOnly */
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( FALSE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( NULL ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('NULL') ), 1 );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'NULL\'') ), 0 );
/* log explicit INT param without StringOnly */
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( FALSE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( 123, \PDO::PARAM_INT ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('123') ), 1 );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'123\'') ), 0 );
/* log explicit STR param without StringOnly */
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( FALSE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( 'abc', \PDO::PARAM_STR ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'abc\'') ), 1 );
/* log NULL with explicit param type without StringOnly */
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( FALSE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( NULL, \PDO::PARAM_STR ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('NULL') ), 1 );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'NULL\'') ), 0 );
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( FALSE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( NULL, \PDO::PARAM_INT ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('NULL') ), 1 );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'NULL\'') ), 0 );
/* log implicit INT param with StringOnly */
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( TRUE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( 123 ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'123\'') ), 1 );
/* log implicit STR param with StringOnly */
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( TRUE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( 'abc' ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'abc\'') ), 1 );
/* log NULL param with StringOnly */
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( TRUE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( NULL ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'NULL\'') ), 1 );
/* log explicit INT param with StringOnly */
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( TRUE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( 123, \PDO::PARAM_INT ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'123\'') ), 1 );
/* log explicit STR param with StringOnly */
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( TRUE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( 'abc', \PDO::PARAM_STR ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'abc\'') ), 1 );
/* log NULL with explicit param type with StringOnly - remains just NULL */
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( FALSE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( NULL, \PDO::PARAM_STR ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('NULL') ), 1 );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'NULL\'') ), 0 );
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( FALSE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( NULL, \PDO::PARAM_INT ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('NULL') ), 1 );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'NULL\'') ), 0 );
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( FALSE );
/* Does stringonly mode switch along with Database mode ? */
$database->setUseStringOnlyBinding( TRUE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( 123, \PDO::PARAM_INT ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'123\'') ), 1 );
$database->setUseStringOnlyBinding( FALSE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( 123, \PDO::PARAM_INT ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'123\'') ), 0 );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('123') ), 1 );
$database->setUseStringOnlyBinding( TRUE );
$debugger->log(' Hello ? ', array( 123, \PDO::PARAM_INT ) );
asrt( count( $debugger->grep('\'123\'') ), 1 );
$database->setUseStringOnlyBinding( FALSE );
$debugger->setUseStringOnlyBinding( FALSE );

     * Can we manually set a logger and enable logging?
     * @return void
public function testCanSetLogger()
R::store( R::dispense( 'bean' ) );
$logger = new RDefault;
$logger->setMode( RDefault::C_LOGGER_ARRAY );
$database = R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase();
$database->setLogger( $logger );
asrt( $database->getLogger(), $logger );
$database->setEnableLogging( FALSE );
$logs = $logger->getLogs();
asrt( is_array( $logs ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $logs ), 0 );
$database->setEnableLogging( TRUE );
$logs = $logger->getLogs();
asrt( is_array( $logs ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $logs ), 0 );
R::findOne( 'bean' ); //writes 3 log entries
$logs = $logger->getLogs();
asrt( is_array( $logs ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $logs ), 3 );

     * Test query counter.
     * @return void
public function testQueryCount()
R::store( R::dispense( 'bean' ) );
asrt( R::getQueryCount(), 0 );
R::findOne( 'bean' );
asrt( R::getQueryCount(), 1 );
asrt( R::getQueryCount(), 0 );
R::findOne( 'bean' );
R::findOne( 'bean' );
R::findOne( 'bean' );
asrt( R::getQueryCount(), 0 );
R::store( R::dispense( 'bean2' ) );
R::findOne( 'bean' );
R::findOne( 'bean2' );
asrt( R::getQueryCount(), 2 );
R::findOne( 'bean', ' id < 100' );
R::findOne( 'bean', ' id < 101' );
R::findOne( 'bean', ' id < 102' );
R::findOne( 'bean', ' id < 103' );
asrt( R::getQueryCount(), 4 );
R::findOne( 'bean', ' id < 100' );
R::findOne( 'bean', ' id < 101' );
R::findOne( 'bean', ' id < 102' );
R::findOne( 'bean', ' id < 103' );
asrt( R::getQueryCount(), 4 );
R::findOne( 'bean', ' id < 104' );
asrt( R::getQueryCount(), 5 );