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File: README.txt

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File: README.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: How to Use the Class
Class: Breadcrumbs
Show directory and file path with links
Author: By
Last change: Added 2.4.2 specific information
Date: 20 years ago
Size: 7,030 bytes



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File: $Id:, 2004/04/30 00:56 PDT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose of file: Show the directories and their links in path form Home > Firstdir > Seconddir > Etc > filename.php Information: If you use this script please contact me with a url or product information plus the product :) and please keep all header information intact. Cheers! Pay-Pal info: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- @access public @author Richard Baskett <> @category directory structure @copyright Copyright © 2004, Baskettcase Web Development @example example.php @link @package breadcrumb @version 2.4.2 SIMPLE EXAMPLE: (copy between the == lines and paste to your file between your php tags) ======================================================================= <?php include_once(''); $breadcrumb = new breadcrumb; echo "<p>".$breadcrumb->show_breadcrumb()."</p>"; ?> ======================================================================= COMPLEX EXAMPLE: (copy between the == lines and paste to your file) ======================================================================= <?php include_once(''); $breadcrumb = new breadcrumb; $breadcrumb->homepage='homepage'; // sets the home directory name $breadcrumb->dirformat='ucfirst'; // Show the directory in this style $breadcrumb->symbol=' || '; // set the separator between directories $breadcrumb->showfile=TRUE; // shows the file name in the path $breadcrumb->special='elmer'; // special directory formatting $breadcrumb->changeName=array('dirname1'=>'Directory Name 1', 'dirname2'=>'Directory Name 2', 'dirname3'=>'Directory Name 3', 'dirname4'=>'Directory Name 4'); $breadcrumb->changeFileName=array($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']=>'Example Page', '/index.htm'=>'Contact Us'); $breadcrumb->fileExists=array('index.htm','index.php','default.htm'); $breadcrumb->cssClass='crumb'; // css class to use $breadcrumb->target='_top'; // frame target $breadcrumb->linkFile=TRUE; // Link the file to itself $breadcrumb->_toSpace=TRUE; // converts underscores to spaces echo "<p>".$breadcrumb->show_breadcrumb()."</p>"; ?> ======================================================================= DEFINITIONS: (Not setting any of these variables will result in the DEFAULT settings) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GLOBAL OPTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (homepage) sets the name of the home directory, leave empty if you do not want the home directory to show (DEFAULT = 'home') ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (symbol) set the separator between directories (DEFAULT = ' > ') ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (special) special directory formatting elmer = elmer fudd translation hacker = hacker speach translation pig = pig latin translation reverse = Reverses the text so it is backwards none = no special formatting (DEFAULT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (cssClass) Use a css class to define the look of your breadcrumb. (DEFAULT = No css style ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (_toSpace) Converts underscores '_' to a space in directory names. (DEFAULT = Keep underscores, no conversion ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (target) set the frameset target value (DEFAULT '_self') ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECTORY OPTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (dirformat) can be of type: ucwords = uppers case words (use with _toSpace) titlecase = upper case words except small words (the, is, with, etc) ucfirst = upper case first letter uppercase = all uppercase lowercase = all lowercase none = show directories as they are named in path structure (DEFAULT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (imagedir) sets the image directory path, plus the image type. (DEFAULT - Does not use images) You need to name your images the same as the actual directory names. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (changeName) Directory mapping/alias. Alias your actual directory name to one of your choosing. For example if your actual directory structure is /temp/educ/science/bio/ you can map each directory name to /Temporary/Education/Science/Biology and display it as such. (DEFAULT = No aliasing, display the actual directory name) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (removeDirs) remove directories from the breadcrumb. So for example if your breadcrumb looked like this: home > classes > help > status > test.php Using this function you can hide/remove the directory to show this: home > classes > help > text.php ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (unlinkCurrentDir) Remove the link to the current directory (DEFAULT = FALSE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE OPTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (showfile) shows the file name in the path (DEFAULT = TRUE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (fileExists) Link this directory only if one of the filenames exists Set your webservers default webpages that it checks for when a webpage has not been specified in the url. So for example many webservers look for a page called index.htm, index.html, index.php, default.htm, default.html, default.php. Or you can use this variable to just look for files you specify and link the directory if they exist. (DEFAULT = Link directories regardless of whether or not the directory has an index or default file) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (hideFileExt) hides the file extension (DEFAULT = FALSE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (changeFileName) Filename mapping/alias. Alias your file name to one of your choosing. For example if your filename is example.php you can show it as 'Example Page' (DEFAULT = No aliasing ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (linkFile) Links the file to itself (DEFAULT = FALSE) -----------------------------------------------------------------------