/* Class name : Loader
* Inherited from :
* Created by : Junaid Hassan (email : [email protected] , blog : junaidhassanalvi.wordpress.com)
* Created On : 15-April-2103
* Description : Created to load different views and controllers
* Any one can write same functions to load files from includes and helpers or any custom folder
* Change Logs :
class Loader {
protected $catalog;
public function __construct($catalog) {
$this->catalog = $catalog;
//jha-- load model
//jha-- get models folder path form config
//jha-- first check if file exists in model forlder
//jha-- file name must be same as model name with a php extension
//jha-- check if class is present
//jha-- class name must be same as model name, prefixed with 'Model' keyword
//jha-- return class object if exists
public function model($model) {
$config = $this->catalog->get('config');
$model_path = $config->base_path . '/' . $config->paths->models . '/' . $model . '.php';
$class_name = $model . 'Model';
if (file_exists($model_path)) {
if (class_exists($class_name)) {
$obj = new $class_name($this->catalog);
$this->catalog->set($model, $obj);
} else {
die('Required model is not found');
} else {
die('Required model is not found');
//jha-- load views provided in $views array
//jha-- get views folder path form config
//jha-- check if file exists in views forlder
//jha-- file name must be same as model name with a php extension
//jha-- load file if present
//jha-- return recived html views or output on screen according to $return parameter
public function view($views, $data = array(), $return = false) {
$config = $this->catalog->get('config');
$output = '';
foreach ($views as $view) {
$view_path = $config->base_path . '/' . $config->paths->views . '/' . $view . '.php';
if (file_exists($view_path)) {
if (!$return) {
} else {
$output = ob_get_contents();
} else {
die('Required view is not found : ' . $view);
return $output;