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File: lib/UI/jquery/js/paypal-button.js

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  Classes of Muhammad Mengrani   PHP-MVC   lib/UI/jquery/js/paypal-button.js   Download  
File: lib/UI/jquery/js/paypal-button.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP-MVC
Library that implements the MVC design pattern
Author: By
Last change: Update of lib/UI/jquery/js/paypal-button.js
Date: 11 months ago
Size: 7,845 bytes



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/*! * PayPalJSButtons * JavaScript integration for PayPal's payment buttons * @version 1.0.1 - 2013-03-26 * @author Jeff Harrell <> */ if (typeof PAYPAL === 'undefined' || !PAYPAL) { var PAYPAL = {}; } PAYPAL.apps = PAYPAL.apps || {}; (function () { 'use strict'; var app = {}, paypalURL = '', qrCodeURL = '{url}&pattern={pattern}&height={size}', bnCode = 'JavaScriptButton_{type}', prettyParams = { name: 'item_name', number: 'item_number', locale: 'lc', currency: 'currency_code', recurrence: 'p3', period: 't3', callback: 'notify_url' }, buttonImgs = { buynow: '//{locale}/i/btn/btn_buynow_{size}.gif', cart: '//{locale}/i/btn/btn_cart_{size}.gif', donate: '//{locale}/i/btn/btn_donate_{size}.gif', subscribe: '//{locale}/i/btn/btn_subscribe_{size}.gif' }; if (!PAYPAL.apps.ButtonFactory) { /** * Initial config for the app. These values can be overridden by the page. */ app.config = { labels: { item_name: 'Item', item_number: 'Number', amount: 'Amount', quantity: 'Quantity' } }; /** * A count of each type of button on the page */ app.buttons = { buynow: 0, cart: 0, donate: 0, qr: 0, subscribe: 0 }; /** * Renders a button in place of the given element * * @param business {Object} The ID or email address of the merchant to create the button for * @param raw {Object} An object of key/value data to set as button params * @param type (String) The type of the button to render * @param parent {HTMLElement} The element to add the button to (Optional) * @return {HTMLElement} */ app.create = function (business, raw, type, parent) { var data = new DataStore(), button, key; if (!business) { return false; } // Normalize the data's keys and add to a data store for (key in raw) { data.add(prettyParams[key] || key, raw[key].value, raw[key].isEditable); } // Defaults type = type || 'buynow'; // Cart buttons if (type === 'cart') { data.add('cmd', '_cart'); data.add('add', true); // Donation buttons } else if (type === 'donate') { data.add('cmd', '_donations'); // Subscribe buttons } else if (type === 'subscribe') { data.add('cmd', '_xclick-subscriptions'); // TODO: "amount" cannot be used in prettyParams since it's overloaded // Find a better way to do this if (data.items.amount && !data.items.a3) { data.add('a3', data.items.amount.value); } // Buy Now buttons } else { data.add('cmd', '_xclick'); } // Add common data data.add('business', business); data.add('bn', bnCode.replace(/\{type\}/, type)); // Build the UI components if (type === 'qr') { button = buildQR(data, data.items.size); data.remove('size'); } else { button = buildForm(data, type); } // Register it this.buttons[type] += 1; // Add it to the DOM if (parent) { parent.appendChild(button); } return button; }; PAYPAL.apps.ButtonFactory = app; } /** * Builds the form DOM structure for a button * * @param data {Object} An object of key/value data to set as button params * @param type (String) The type of the button to render * @return {HTMLElement} */ function buildForm(data, type) { var form = document.createElement('form'), btn = document.createElement('input'), hidden = document.createElement('input'), items = data.items, item, child, label, input, key, size, locale; btn.type = 'image'; hidden.type = 'hidden'; form.method = 'post'; form.action = paypalURL; form.className = 'paypal-button'; = '_top'; for (key in items) { item = items[key]; if (item.isEditable) { input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text'; input.className = 'paypal-input'; = item.key; input.value = item.value; label = document.createElement('label'); label.className = 'paypal-label'; label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(app.config.labels[item.key] + ' ' || '')); label.appendChild(input); child = document.createElement('p'); child.className = 'paypal-group'; child.appendChild(label); } else { input = child = hidden.cloneNode(true); = item.key; input.value = item.value; } form.appendChild(child); } size = items.size && items.size.value; locale = &&; form.appendChild(btn); btn.src = getButtonImg(type, size, locale); // If the Mini Cart is present then register the form if (PAYPAL.apps.MiniCart && data.items.cmd.value === '_cart') { var MiniCart = PAYPAL.apps.MiniCart; if (!MiniCart.UI.itemList) { MiniCart.render(); } MiniCart.bindForm(form); } return form; } /** * Builds the image for a QR code * * @param data {Object} An object of key/value data to set as button params * @param size {String} The size of QR code's longest side * @return {HTMLElement} */ function buildQR(data, size) { var img = document.createElement('img'), url = paypalURL + '?', pattern = 13, items = data.items, item, key; // QR defaults size = size && size.value || 250; for (key in items) { item = items[key]; url += item.key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(item.value) + '&'; } url = encodeURIComponent(url); img.src = qrCodeURL.replace('{url}', url).replace('{pattern}', pattern).replace('{size}', size); return img; } /** * Utility function to return the rendered button image URL * * @param type {String} The type of button to render * @param size {String} The size of button (small/large) * @param locale {String} The locale * @return {String} */ function getButtonImg(type, size, locale) { var img = buttonImgs[type] || buttonImgs.buynow; // Image defaults locale = locale || 'en_US'; size = (size === 'small') ? 'SM' : 'LG'; return img.replace(/\{locale\}/, locale).replace(/\{size\}/, size); } /** * Utility function to polyfill dataset functionality with a bit of a spin * * @param el {HTMLElement} The element to check * @return {Object} */ function getDataSet(el) { var dataset = {}, attrs, attr, matches, len, i; if ((attrs = el.attributes)) { for (i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; i++) { attr = attrs[i]; if ((matches = /^data-([a-z0-9_]+)(-editable)?/i.exec( { dataset[matches[1]] = { value: attr.value, isEditable: !!matches[2] }; } } } return dataset; } /** * A storage object to create structured methods around a button's data */ function DataStore() { this.items = {}; this.add = function (key, value, isEditable) { this.items[key] = { key: key, value: value, isEditable: isEditable }; }; this.remove = function (key) { delete this.items[key]; }; } // Init the buttons if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { var ButtonFactory = PAYPAL.apps.ButtonFactory, nodes = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), node, data, type, business, i, len; for (i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; i++) { node = nodes[i]; if (!node || !node.src) { continue; } data = node && getDataSet(node); type = data && data.button && data.button.value; business = node.src.split('?merchant=')[1]; if (business) { ButtonFactory.create(business, data, type, node.parentNode); // Clean up node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } } } }()); // Export for CommonJS environments if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') { module.exports = PAYPAL; }