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File: classes/library/util.php

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  Classes of Gonzalo Chumillas   Ses Query   classes/library/util.php   Download  
File: classes/library/util.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Some util methods
Class: Ses Query
Manipulate records retrieved with select queries
Author: By
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Date: 11 years ago
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 * This file contains the util class.
 * @author Gonzalo Chumillas <>
 * @package library

 * class util
 * This class contains several useful static functions.
 * @package library
class util {
     * Checks whether a value is an empty string or a null value.
     * Example:
     * <pre>
     * util::isempty(''); // returns TRUE, as '' is an empty string
     * util::isempty(null); // returns TRUE, as the value is null
     * util::isempty('testing'); // returns FALSE, as 'testing' is not an empty string
     * util::isempty(0); // returns FALSE, as 0 is not a string
     * </pre>
     * @param string $str
     * @return boolean
public static function isEmpty($str) {
$str === NULL || is_string($str) && strlen($str) == 0;
     * Concatenates multiple strings using the 'glue' parameter.
     * This function ignores the undefined and empty strings.
     * Examples:
     * util::concat(', ', 'John', '', 'Maria', null, 'Mohamad'); // returns 'John, Maria, Mohamad'
     * util::concat(', ', 'John'); // returns 'John'
     * @param string url
     * @param string str...
     * @return string
public static function concat($glue) {
$ret = "";
$args = func_get_args();
$len = func_num_args();
        for (
$i = 1; $i < $len; $i++) {
$str = func_get_arg($i);
            if (
util::isempty($str)) {
            if (
strlen($ret) > 0) {
$ret = rtrim($ret, $glue) . $glue;
$ret .= $str;