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File: js/jquery.reconfig-1.0.js

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  Classes of giuseppe lucarelli   reconfig   js/jquery.reconfig-1.0.js   Download  
File: js/jquery.reconfig-1.0.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: jquery plugin
Class: reconfig
Get configuration from files, pages and databases
Author: By
Last change: changed sone .attr with .prop
Date: 10 years ago
Size: 34,924 bytes


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/* * @$Header: /var/cvsroot/reconfig/js/jquery.reconfig-1.0.js,v 1.4 2014/11/10 12:34:31 giuseppe Exp $ * * Date: 21 Feb 2012 */ (function ($) { $.fn.reconfig = function (options) { /** if you don't specify any 'target' option take '$reconfig' as default: to set a new object (i.e.): exampledata = { settings: { items: null }}; $('#samplediv').reconfig({target:exampledata,action: ['exec','build'],..... */ if(typeof == 'undefined') { _reconfig = $reconfig; } else { _reconfig =; delete(; } if(!(_reconfig instanceof Object)) { _reconfig = { settings: { items: null }}; } if(typeof options.items != 'undefined') { _reconfig.settings.items = options.items; } else if($.reconfig.defaults.items == null) { options.items = []; this.each(function () { if( != 'undefined' && > 0) { options.items.push(; } else if($(this).attr('class') != 'undefined' && $(this).attr('class') == 'is_ml') { options.items.push(this); } }); _reconfig.settings.items = options.items; } return new reconfig(options); }; reconfig = function (options) { var obj = this; var settings = $.extend({}, $.reconfig.defaults, options || {}); $.extend(obj, { login: function (id,msg) { // insert a 'link/button' to close/reset form and eventually destroy session var el = $('#'+id).attr('id'); if(!$('#login_form').html()) { var code = '<form method="post" action="" id="login_form"><div align="center"><div class="top" >'+(typeof msg != 'undefined' ? msg : 'Login')+'</div><div><span id="lusername" class="is_ml">User Name</span><input name="username" type="text" id="username" value="" maxlength="20" style="margin-left: 5px" /></div><div><span id="lpassword" style="margin-top:5px" class="is_ml">Password</span><input name="password" type="password" id="password" value="" maxlength="20" style="margin-left: 5px"/></div><div class="buttondiv"><input name="Submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Login" style="margin-left:-10px; height:23px" /> <span id="msgbox" style="display:none"></span></div></div></form>'; $(code).appendTo('#'+id); //settings.auth_user = ''; //settings.auth_pass = ''; if(typeof settings.auth_user != 'undefined' && settings.auth_user != null) $("#username").val(settings.auth_user); if(typeof settings.auth_pass != 'undefined' && settings.auth_pass != null) $("#password").val(settings.auth_pass); if(typeof settings.do_before_login === 'function') { settings.do_before_login(id); } } else { $('#login_form').show(); } $("#login_form").submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); settings.action[0]='exec'; _reconfig.settings = settings; $.reconfig.defaults.auth_user=_reconfig.settings.auth_user = $('#username').val(); $.reconfig.defaults.auth_pass=_reconfig.settings.auth_pass = $('#password').val(); obj.exec(id); if(_reconfig.settings.json_data !== null)[1]); }); }, exec: function (id) { if(id === null) { alert("oops! no data, sorry"); } var el = $('#'+id).attr('id'), jsdata=null; if(settings.controller === null) { alert("oops! there is a problem executing script controller"); return; } if(typeof settings.do_before_exec === 'function') { settings.do_before_exec(id); } $.ajax({ url: settings.controller, type: 'POST', data: settings, async: false, dataType: 'json', beforeSend: function(){ }, success: function(data){ jsdata=data; if(typeof data.debug != 'undefined') { data.debug = null; } if(typeof data[id] == 'undefined' || data[id] === null) { alert("oops! no data for ["+id+"], sorry"); return; } if(typeof data[id].validation != 'undefined') { $("#msgbox").fadeTo(200,0.1,function() { $(this).html(data[id].validation). addClass('messageboxerror').fadeTo(900,1); }); } else { if(typeof $("#msgbox").css('visibility') != 'undefined') { $('#msgbox').html('Logging in.....').addClass('messageboxok'). fadeTo(900,1,function() { }); if($.inArray('nohide',settings.action) < 0) $('#login_form').hide(); $('#msgbox').fadeOut('slow'); } settings.json_data = data; } }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert("Exec error:\njqXHR: " + jqXHR.status + "\ntextStatus: " + textStatus + "\nerrorThrown: " + errorThrown); }, complete: function () { if(typeof settings.do_after_exec === 'function') { settings.do_after_exec(jsdata); } } }); }, /** this function will be called for 'fill' action too */ build: function (action) { var json_data = settings.json_data; if(json_data === null) { alert("oops! there is not json data"); return; } if(typeof settings.do_before_build === 'function') { settings.do_before_build(json_data); } var type = '',name='',label='',title='',value='',attrs='',evt='',encode=false; var lowercase='', uppercase='', selbycode=''; var code = '',depth=0; var json_el = null; _reconfig.settings = settings; _reconfig.settings.json_data = json_data; var display_plain_text = (typeof settings.display_plain_text != 'undefined' ? settings.display_plain_text : false); for(var item in settings.items) { var el = $('#'+settings.items[item])[0]; if(typeof el == 'undefined') { alert("oops! ["+settings.items[item]+"] item undefined"); return; } code=''; for(e in json_data[]) { type = '',name='',label='',title='',value='',attrs='',evt='',encode=false, lowercase=uppercase=null, selbycode=false; json_el = null; label=title=value=attrs=evt=''; encode=false; json_el = json_data[][e]; if(json_el.type == 'none') continue; if(json_el.type == 'html') { code += json_el.code; continue; } if(typeof json_el.lowercase != 'undefined') lowercase=json_el.lowercase; if(typeof json_el.uppercase != 'undefined') uppercase=json_el.uppercase; if(typeof json_el.selbycode != 'undefined') selbycode=json_el.selbycode; type = json_el.type; if(action != 'fill') { if(typeof json_el.html != 'undefined') { if(typeof json_el.html.prepend != 'undefined') { code += json_el.html.prepend; } } } /** if 'value' is not set use 'values'. for 'select','checkbox' and 'radio', pay attention because it indicates its 'selected' or 'checked' item */ if(typeof json_el.depth != 'undefined') depth = json_el.depth; value = (typeof json_el.value != 'undefined' && json_el.value != null && json_el.value.length > 0 ? json_el.value : (typeof json_el.values != 'undefined' && json_el.values !== null && json_el.values.length > 0 ? json_el.values : [])); _reconfig.settings.json_data[][e].value = value; if(typeof json_el.encode != 'undefined') encode = json_el.encode; if(typeof json_el.encode == 'string' && encode=='true') encode = true; if(encode === true || lowercase !== null || uppercase !== null) { if(typeof value == 'string') { if(encode === true) value = unescape(value); if(lowercase === true) value = value.toLowerCase(); if(uppercase === true) value = value.toUpperCase(); } else { for(var e in value) { if(encode === true) value[e] = unescape(value[e]); if(lowercase === true) value[e] = value[e].toLowerCase(); if(uppercase === true) value[e] = value[e].toUpperCase(); } } } name = (typeof != 'undefined' && > 0 ? : e); if(typeof json_el.attrs != 'undefined' && json_el.attrs['class'] != 'undefined' && json_el.attrs['class'] == 'is_ml') { value=$().getLanguage(value,settings); name=$().getLanguage(name,settings); } if(typeof json_el.label != 'undefined' && json_el.label.length > 0) { label = json_el.label; code += '<label id="l'+name+ '" for="'+name+'">'+label+'</label>'; } if(typeof json_el.attrs != 'undefined' && json_el.attrs['class'] != 'undefined' && json_el.attrs['class'] == 'is_ml') { label=$().getLanguage(label,settings); } if(label.length > 0 && settings.language != null && typeof settings.language[label] != 'undefined') label=settings.language[label]; attrs = ''; if(typeof json_el.attrs != 'undefined') { for(var e in json_el.attrs) { attrs += ' '+e+'="'+unescape(json_el.attrs[e])+'"'; } } if(typeof json_el.event != 'undefined') { for(var e in json_el.event) { evt += ' '+e+'='+unescape(json_el.event[e]); } } switch(type) { case 'function': var fn = Function('id','data','parms',json_el.code); //var fn = window[json_el.code]; fn(,json_data, (typeof json_el.parms != 'undefined' ? json_el.parms : null)); break; case 'eval': eval(json_el.code); break; case 'radio': if(action == 'fill') { if(typeof value != 'string') value = value[0]; item = (selbycode !== true ? value : json_el.values[value]); item = (lowercase !== null ? item.toLowerCase() : (uppercase !== null ? item.toUpperCase() : item)); $('input:radio[name="'+name+'"]') .filter('[value="'+item+'"]').prop('checked', true); break; } var item = ''; if(typeof value == 'string') value = [value]; if(typeof json_el.values == 'string') json_el.values=[json_el.values]; for(var e in json_el.values) { if(json_el.values[e] === null) continue; item = (selbycode === true ? e : json_el.values[e]); item = (lowercase !== null ? item.toLowerCase() : (uppercase !== null ? item.toUpperCase() : item)); is_checked = ($.inArray(item,value) >= 0 ? 'checked ' : ''); encode=display_plain_text; code += '<input type="radio" name="'+name+'"'+attrs+' value="'+ $.trim(json_el.values[e])+'" id="'+name+'-'+e+ '" '+(is_checked.length > 0 ? 'checked ' : ' ')+evt+ ' /><span id="span-'+escape(json_el.values[e])+'"'+ '>'+(encode === true ? unescape(json_el.values[e]) : json_el.values[e])+'</span>'; } break; case 'check': case 'checkbox': var is_checked = ''; // 'value' could be array to set multiple items var item = ''; if(typeof value == 'string') value = [value]; if(typeof json_el.values == 'string') json_el.values=[json_el.values]; for(var e in json_el.values) { if(json_el.values[e] === null) continue; item = (selbycode === true ? e : json_el.values[e]); item = (lowercase !== null ? item.toLowerCase() : (uppercase !== null ? item.toUpperCase() : item)); is_checked = ($.inArray(item,value) >= 0 ? 'checked ' : ''); if(action == 'fill') { $('#'+name+'-'+e).prop('checked', (is_checked.length > 0 ? true : false)); continue; } encode=display_plain_text; code += '<input type="checkbox" name="'+name+'" '+ 'id="'+name+'-'+e+'"'+attrs+' '+' value="'+ $.trim(json_el.values[e])+'" '+is_checked+ evt+'><span id="span-'+json_el.values[e]+'"'+ '>'+(encode === true ? unescape(json_el.values[e]) : json_el.values[e])+'</span>'; } break; case 'select': case 'option': if(type == 'select') code += '<select name="'+name+'" id="'+name+'"'+attrs+evt+'>'; if(action == 'fill') code=''; // 'value' could be array to set multiple items var item = ''; if(typeof value == 'string') value = [value]; if(typeof json_el.values == 'string') json_el.values=[json_el.values]; for(var e in json_el.values) { if(json_el.values[e] === null) continue; item = (selbycode === true ? e : json_el.values[e]); item = (lowercase !== null ? item.toLowerCase() : (uppercase !== null ? item.toUpperCase() : item)); code += '<option name="'+name+'" value="'+e+ '" id="'+name+'-'+e+'" '+ ($.inArray(item,value) >= 0 ? 'selected ' : '')+ (type != 'select' ? attrs+evt : '')+ '><span id="span-'+name+'-'+e+'"'+'>'; encode=display_plain_text; /** if defined 'display': '0'->display array index; '1'->display array item; TODO: '1,1->multiarray*/ if(typeof json_el.display != 'undefined') { if(json_el.display == '0') { code += e; } else { var key = json_el.values[e]; code += (encode === true ? unescape(key) : key); } } else { // include 'json2.js' into your page to use 'parse' and // 'stringify' (for explorer) item = JSON.stringify(json_el.values[e]); code += (encode === true ? unescape(item) : item); } code += '</span></option>'; } if(action == 'fill') { $('#'+name+' option').remove(); $(code).appendTo('#'+name); break; } if(type == 'select') code += '</select>'; break; case 'img': if(action == 'fill') break; code += '<img id="'+name+'" src="'+value+'"'+attrs+evt+' />'; break; case 'button': if(action == 'fill') break; if(!value.length || value.length == 0) { value = name; } code += '<input type=button name="'+name+'" id="'+name+'"'+ attrs+' value="'+value+'"'+evt+'>'; break; case 'textarea': if(display_plain_text === true) value=unescape(value); if(action == 'fill') { $('#'+name).val(value); break; } code+='<textarea name="'+name+'" id="'+name+'"'+ attrs+evt+'>'+value+'</textarea>'; break; case 'input': if(display_plain_text === true) value=unescape(value); if(action == 'fill') { $('#'+name).val(value); break; } code += '<input type="'+ (type == 'password' ? 'password" ' : (type == 'hidden' ? 'hidden' : 'text" '))+ 'name="'+name+'" id="'+name+'" value="'+value+'"'+ attrs+evt+'/>'; break; default: encode=display_plain_text; if(encode === true) value=unescape(value); if(depth > 0) { value = json_el.values; } if(!(value instanceof Object)) value=[value]; for(var e in value) { if(encode == true) value[e]=unescape(value[e]); if(action == 'fill') { if(typeof $('#'+name+'-'+e).attr('id') != 'undefined') { $('#'+name+'-'+e).html(value[e]); } else { $('#'+name).html(value[e]); } continue; } code += '<'+type+ ' name="'+name+'" id="'+name+'-'+e+'"'+ attrs+evt+'>'+value[e]+'</'+type+'>'; } break; } // end switch type if(action != 'fill') { if(typeof json_el.html != 'undefined') { if(typeof json_el.html.append != 'undefined') { code += json_el.html.append; } } } } // end foreach single item if(action != 'fill') { $(code).appendTo(el); } } // end foreach items if(typeof settings.do_after_build === 'function') { settings.do_after_build(json_data); } }, get_data: function () { _reconfig.settings = settings; var type='',name='',value='',encode=false,type_of='',depth=0; for(var item in settings.items) { var el = $('#'+settings.items[item])[0]; for(e in _reconfig.settings.json_data[]) { json_el = _reconfig.settings.json_data[][e]; type = json_el.type; if(typeof json_el.type_of != 'undefined') type_of = json_el.type_of; if(typeof json_el.encode != 'undefined') encode = json_el.encode; if(typeof json_el.depth != 'undefined') depth = json_el.depth; if(type == 'none' || type == 'html' || type == 'button') { continue; } name =; value = new Array(); $('[name="'+name+'"]').each(function () { switch(type) { case 'radio': case 'check': case 'checkbox': if(this.checked) { var selbycode=false; if(typeof json_el.selbycode != 'undefined') selbycode=json_el.selbycode; if(selbycode != false) { value.push(,; } else { value.push(this.value); } } break; case 'select': case 'option': $('#'' option:selected').each(function () { var selbycode=false; if(typeof json_el.selbycode != 'undefined') selbycode=json_el.selbycode; if(selbycode != false) { value.push(this.value); } else { value.push($(this).text()); } }); break; default: if(typeof this.value != 'undefined') { value.push(this.value); } break; } }); // if value object is unchanged and 'all_data' != true ignore field if(settings.all_data !== true && obj.compare_array(json_el.value, value) === true) { delete _reconfig.settings.json_data[][e].value; continue; } /** if value is empty and all_data = true, set a value to run setup */ _reconfig.settings.json_data[][e].value = value; } } // end foreach json_data }, save: function () { if(typeof settings.do_before_save === 'function') settings.do_before_save(data); $.ajax({ url: settings.controller, type: 'POST', data: settings, async: false, dataType: 'json', success: function(data){ settings.json_data = data; if(typeof settings.do_after_save === 'function') settings.do_after_save(data); }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert("Saving error:\njqXHR: " + jqXHR.status + "\ntextStatus: " + textStatus + "\nerrorThrown: " + errorThrown); }, }); }, compare_array: function (a, b) { if(!(a instanceof Object)) a=[a]; if(!(b instanceof Object)) b=[b]; if(typeof a.length == 'undefined') a = [a]; if(typeof b.length == 'undefined') b = [b]; if(a.length == 1 && a[0] == '') a = []; if(b.length == 1 && b[0] == '') b = []; var equal = a.length == b.length; if (equal) { $.each(a, function (foo, val) { if (!equal) return false; if ($.inArray(val, b) == -1) { equal = false; } else { equal = true; } }); } return equal; }, run: function () { if(typeof(settings.action) != 'object') { settings.action = [settings.action]; } if(typeof(settings.items) != 'object') { settings.items = [settings.items]; } var action = ''; for(var i=0; i < settings.action.length; i++) { action = settings.action[i]; if(typeof action == 'undefined' || action == '') continue; if('login' == action) { obj.login(settings.items[0]); return; } else if('exec' == action) { obj.exec(settings.items[0]); } else if('save' == action) { obj.get_data();; } else if('build' == action) {; settings.action[i] = ''; } else if('fill' == action) {'fill'); settings.action[i] = ''; } else if('get_data' == action) { obj.get_data(); settings.action[i] = ''; } else if($.isFunction($reconfig[action])) { $reconfig[action](); } } } });; }; $.reconfig = { defaults: { auth_driver: null, auth_host: 'localhost', //null, auth_user: null, auth_pass: null, lang: 'en-EN', action: null, /* build save */ json_data: null, /* build directly with no script */ items: null, controller: null, /* script to build global json_data object for building */ do_before_exec: null, /* javascript funcion executed before posting data, ie: */ /* function(id){ if(typeof id !== 'undefined') do_something(id); },*/ do_after_exec: null, /* javascript funcion executed after posting data */ /* function(data){ if(typeof data !== 'undefined') do_something(data); },*/ do_before_save: null, /* like do_before_exec */ do_after_save: null, /* like do_after_exec */ all_data: true, /* true>save all data, false>save only changed values */ language: null, /* language:{login: 'connetti',logout: 'esci',..}*/ display_plain_text: false, /* display always unescaped text */ } }; })(jQuery); jQuery.fn.getLanguage = function(data, options) { if(typeof data == 'undefined' || typeof data != 'string') return ''; if(typeof options == 'undefined' || typeof options.language == 'undefined') return data; if(options.language != null && typeof options.language[data] != 'undefined') { return $.trim(options.language[data]); } return data; }; jQuery.fn.setLanguage = function(options) { var $this=this; if(typeof options.items != 'undefined') { $this=options.items; } var target=null; $.each($this,function () { if( != 'undefined' && > 0) { target=$('#'; } else { target=$(this); } if(typeof target.attr != 'undefined' && typeof target.val() != 'undefined' && target.val().length > 0) { target.val($().getLanguage(target.val(),options)); } else if(typeof target.text != 'undefined') { target.html($().getLanguage(target.text(),options)); } else if(typeof target.html != 'undefined') { target.html($().getLanguage(target.html(),options)); } }); }; String.prototype.trim = function (chars) { if(this && this.length > 0) return this.ltrim(chars).rtrim(chars); } String.prototype.ltrim = function (chars) { if(this && this.length > 0) { chars = chars || "\\s"; return this.replace(new RegExp("^[" + chars + "]+", "g"), ""); } } String.prototype.rtrim = function (chars) { if(this && this.length > 0) { chars = chars || "\\s"; return this.replace(new RegExp("[" + chars + "]+$", "g"), ""); } }