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File: xml_domit_nodemaps.php

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  Classes of John Heinstein   DOMIT XML parser   xml_domit_nodemaps.php   Download  
File: xml_domit_nodemaps.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: An implementation of the DOM NamedNodeMap and NodeList collections
Class: DOMIT XML parser
A Document Object Model (DOM) compliant xml parser
Author: By
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Date: 19 years ago
Size: 13,120 bytes



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<?php /** * DOMIT node maps are structures for storing and accessing collections of DOMIT_Nodes. * @package domit-xmlparser * @copyright (C) 2004 John Heinstein. All rights reserved * @license LGPL License * @author John Heinstein <> * @link DOMIT! Home Page * DOMIT! is Free Software **/ if (!defined('DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH')) { define('DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH', (dirname(__FILE__) . "/")); } /** * A DOM NodeList implementation * * @package domit-xmlparser * @author John Heinstein <> */ class DOMIT_NodeList { /** @var Array A container for the nodes in the list */ var $arNodeList = array(); /** * Return the node at the specified index * @param int The index of the requested node * @return Object A reference to the requested node, or null */ function &item($index) { if ($index < $this->getLength()) { return $this->arNodeList[$index]; } $null = null; return $null; } //item /** * Returns the number of nodes in the list * @return int The number of nodes in the list */ function getLength() { return count($this->arNodeList); } //getLength /** * Appends a node to the list * @return Object The appended node */ function &appendNode(&$node) { $this->arNodeList[] =& $node; return $node; } //appendNode /** * Removes the specified node from the list * @param Object A reference to the node to be removed * @return Object A reference to the removed node */ function &removeNode(&$node) { $total = $this->getLength(); $returnNode = null; $found = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { if (!$found) { if ($node->uid == $this->arNodeList[$i]->uid) { $found = true; $returnNode=& $node; } } if ($found) { if ($i == ($total - 1)) { unset($this->arNodeList[$i]); } else { $this->arNodeList[$i] =& $this->arNodeList[($i + 1)]; } } } return $returnNode; } //$removeNode /** * Formats a string for presentation as HTML * @param string The string to be formatted * @param boolean True if the string is to be sent directly to output * @return string The HTML formatted string */ function forHTML($str, $doPrint = false) { require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'xml_domit_utilities.php'); return DOMIT_Utilities::forHTML($str, $doPrint); } //forHTML /** * Generates an array representation of the node and its children * @return Array A representation of the node and its children */ function toArray() { return $this->arNodeList; } //toArray /** * Copies a node and/or its children * @param boolean True if all child nodes are also to be cloned * @return Object A copy of the node and/or its children */ function &createClone($deep = false) { $className = get_class($this); $clone = new $className(); foreach ($this->arNodeList as $key => $value) { $currNode =& $this->arNodeList[$key]; $clone->arNodeList[$key] =& $currNode->cloneNode($deep); } return $clone; } //createClone /** * Generates a string representation of the node and its children * @param boolean True if HTML readable output is desired * @param boolean True if illegal xml characters in text nodes and attributes should be converted to entities * @return string The string representation */ function toString($htmlSafe = false, $subEntities=false) { $result = ''; foreach ($this->arNodeList as $key => $value) { $currNode =& $this->arNodeList[$key]; $result .= $currNode->toString(false, $subEntities); } if ($htmlSafe) $result = $this->forHTML($result); return $result; } //toString /** * Generates a normalized (formatted for readability) representation of the node collection * @param boolean True if HTML readable output is desired * @param boolean True if illegal xml characters in text nodes and attributes should be converted to entities * @return string The string representation */ function toNormalizedString($htmlSafe = false, $subEntities=false) { $result = ''; foreach ($this->arNodeList as $key => $value) { $currNode =& $this->arNodeList[$key]; $result .= $currNode->toNormalizedString(false, $subEntities); } if ($htmlSafe) $result = $this->forHTML($result); return $result; } //toNormalizedString } //DOMIT_NodeList /** * A DOM NamedNodeMap implementation * * @package domit-xmlparser * @author John Heinstein <> */ class DOMIT_NamedNodeMap { /** @var Array A container for the nodes in the map */ var $arNodeMap = array(); /** @var Array A numerical index to the keys of the mapped nodes */ var $indexedNodeMap = array(); /** @var boolean True if the list has been modified and $indexedNodeMap needs reindexing */ var $isDirty = true; /** * Gets a node with the specifed name * @param string The name of the node * @return mixed A reference to the requested node, or null */ function &getNamedItem($name) { if (isset($this->arNodeMap[$name])) { return $this->arNodeMap[$name]; } $null = null; return $null; } //getNamedItem /** * Reindexes the numerical index for the named node map */ function reindexNodeMap() { $this->indexedNodeMap = array(); foreach ($this->arNodeMap as $key => $value) { $this->indexedNodeMap[] = $key; } $this->isDirty = false; } //reindexNodeMap /** * Assigns a node to the list * @param Object A reference to the node to be assigned * @return Object A reference to the assigned node */ function &setNamedItem(&$arg) { $returnNode = null; if (isset($this->arNodeMap[$arg->nodeName])) { $returnNode =& $this->arNodeMap[$arg->nodeName]; } else { $this->isDirty = true; } $this->arNodeMap[$arg->nodeName] =& $arg; return $returnNode; } //setNamedItem /** * Removes a node from the list, by name * @param string The name of the node to be removed * @return mixed A reference to the removed node, or null */ function &removeNamedItem($name) { $returnNode = null; if (isset($this->arNodeMap[$name])) { $returnNode =& $this->arNodeMap[$name]; unset($this->arNodeMap[$name]); $this->isDirty = true; } return $returnNode; } //removeNamedItem /** * Gets a node with the specifed name, taking into account namespaces * @param string The namespaceURI of the node * @param string The localName of the node * @return mixed A reference to the requested node, or null */ function &getNamedItemNS($namespaceURI, $localName) { $key = $this->getKeyNS($namespaceURI, $localName); //check for explicit namespaces if (isset($this->arNodeMap[$key])) { return $this->arNodeMap[$key]; } //check for implicit namespaces too //URI will be on element, but not attribute if (isset($this->arNodeMap[$localName])) { //get element namespace $firstAttr =& $this->item(1); $ownerElem =& $firstAttr->ownerElement; if ($namespaceURI == $ownerElem->namespaceURI) { return $this->arNodeMap[$localName]; } } $null = null; return $null; } //getNamedItemNS /** * Assigns a node to the list, using its namespaceURI and localName * @param Object A reference to the node to be assigned * @return Object A reference to the assigned node */ function &setNamedItemNS(&$arg) { $returnNode = null; $key = $this->getKeyNS($arg->namespaceURI, $arg->localName); if (isset($this->arNodeMap[$key])) { $returnNode =& $this->arNodeMap[$key]; } else { $this->isDirty = true; } $this->arNodeMap[$key] =& $arg; return $returnNode; } //setNamedItemNS /** * Removes a node from the list, by name, by local name and namespace URI * @param string The namespaceURI of the node to be removed * @param string The localName of the node to be removed * @return mixed A reference to the removed node, or null */ function &removeNamedItemNS($namespaceURI, $localName) { $returnNode = null; $key = $this->getKeyNS($namespaceURI, $localName); if (isset($this->arNodeMap[$key])) { $returnNode =& $this->arNodeMap[$key]; unset($this->arNodeMap[$key]); $this->isDirty = true; } return $returnNode; } //removeNamedItemNS /** * Returns the key of the NamedNodeMap, given the namespaceURI and localName * @param string The namespaceURI of the node to be removed * @param string The localName of the node to be removed * @return string The key of the NamedNodeMap */ function getKeyNS($namespaceURI, $localName) { if ($namespaceURI != '') { return $namespaceURI . ":" . $localName; } return $localName; } //getKeyNS /** * Return the node at the specified index * @param int The index of the requested node * @return mixed A reference to the requested node, or null */ function &item($index) { if ($this->isDirty) $this->reindexNodeMap(); return $this->arNodeMap[$this->indexedNodeMap[$index]]; } //item /** * Returns the number of nodes in the map * @return int The number of nodes in the map */ function getLength() { return count($this->arNodeMap); } //getLength /** * Formats a string for presentation as HTML * @param string The string to be formatted * @param boolean True if the string is to be sent directly to output * @return string The HTML formatted string */ function forHTML($str, $doPrint = false) { require_once(DOMIT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'xml_domit_utilities.php'); return DOMIT_Utilities::forHTML($str, $doPrint); } //forHTML /** * Generates an array representation of the node and its children * @return Array A representation of the node and its children */ function toArray() { return $this->arNodeMap; } //toArray /** * Copies a node and/or its children * @param boolean True if all child nodes are also to be cloned * @return Object A copy of the node and/or its children */ function &createClone($deep = false) { $className = get_class($this); $clone = new $className(); foreach ($this->arNodeMap as $key => $value) { $currNode =& $this->arNodeMap[$key]; $clone->arNodeMap[$key] =& $currNode->cloneNode($deep); } return $clone; } //createClone /** * Generates a string representation of the node and its children * @param boolean True if HTML readable output is desired * @param boolean True if illegal xml characters in text nodes and attributes should be converted to entities * @return string The string representation */ function toString($htmlSafe = false, $subEntities=false) { $result = ''; foreach ($this->arNodeMap as $key => $value) { $currNode =& $this->arNodeMap[$key]; $result .= $currNode->toString(false, $subEntities); } if ($htmlSafe) $result = $this->forHTML($result); return $result; } //toString /** * Generates a normalized (formatted for readability) representation of the node collection * @param boolean True if HTML readable output is desired * @param boolean True if illegal xml characters in text nodes and attributes should be converted to entities * @return string The string representation */ function toNormalizedString($htmlSafe = false, $subEntities=false) { $result = ''; foreach ($this->arNodeMap as $key => $value) { $currNode =& $this->arNodeMap[$key]; $result .= $currNode->toNormalizedString(false, $subEntities); } if ($htmlSafe) $result = $this->forHTML($result); return $result; } //toNormalizedString } //DOMIT_NamedNodeMap /** * A NamedNodeMap with specialized funtionality for Attribute nodes * * @package domit-xmlparser * @author John Heinstein <> */ class DOMIT_NamedNodeMap_Attr extends DOMIT_NamedNodeMap { /** * Generates an array representation of the node and its children * @return Array A representation of the node and its children */ function toArray() { $arReturn = array(); foreach ($this->arNodeMap as $key => $value) { $arReturn[$key] = $this->arNodeMap[$key]->getValue(); } return $arReturn; } //toArray /** * Generates a string representation of the node and its children * @param boolean True if HTML readable output is desired * @param boolean True if illegal xml characters in text nodes and attributes should be converted to entities * @return string The string representation */ function toString($htmlSafe = false, $subEntities=false) { $result = ''; foreach ($this->arNodeMap as $key => $value) { $currNode =& $this->arNodeMap[$key]; $result .= $currNode->toString(false, $subEntities); } if ($htmlSafe) $result = $this->forHTML($result); return $result; } //toString } //DOMIT_NamedNodeMap_Attr ?>