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File: adodb/session/adodb-sess.txt

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File: adodb/session/adodb-sess.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: ADOBPHP Download for more information
Class: PHP MySQL JSON Manager
Build and Execute SQL queries with results in JSON
Author: By
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Date: 9 years ago
Size: 3,913 bytes



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John, I have been an extremely satisfied ADODB user for several years now. To give you something back for all your hard work, I've spent the last 3 days rewriting the adodb-session.php code. ---------- What's New ---------- Here's a list of the new code's benefits: * Combines the functionality of the three files: adodb-session.php adodb-session-clob.php adodb-cryptsession.php each with very similar functionality, into a single file adodb-session.php. This will ease maintenance and support issues. * Supports multiple encryption and compression schemes. Currently, we support: MD5Crypt ( MCrypt Secure (Horde's emulation of MCrypt, if MCrypt module is not available.) GZip BZip2 These can be stacked, so if you want to compress and then encrypt your session data, it's easy. Also, the built-in MCrypt functions will be *much* faster, and more secure, than the MD5Crypt code. * adodb-session.php contains a single class ADODB_Session that encapsulates all functionality. This eliminates the use of global vars and defines (though they are supported for backwards compatibility). * All user defined parameters are now static functions in the ADODB_Session class. New parameters include: * encryptionKey(): Define the encryption key used to encrypt the session. Originally, it was a hard coded string. * persist(): Define if the database will be opened in persistent mode. Originally, the user had to call adodb_sess_open(). * dataFieldName(): Define the field name used to store the session data, as 'DATA' appears to be a reserved word in the following cases: ANSI SQL IBM DB2 MS SQL Server Postgres SAP * filter(): Used to support multiple, simulataneous encryption/compression schemes. * Debug support is improved thru _rsdump() function, which is called after every database call. ------------ What's Fixed ------------ The new code includes several bug fixes and enhancements: * sesskey is compared in BINARY mode for MySQL, to avoid problems with session keys that differ only by case. Of course, the user should define the sesskey field as BINARY, to correctly fix this problem, otherwise performance will suffer. * In ADODB_Session::gc(), if $expire_notify is true, the multiple DELETES in the original code have been optimized to a single DELETE. * In ADODB_Session::destroy(), since "SELECT expireref, sesskey FROM $table WHERE sesskey = $qkey" will only return a single value, we don't loop on the result, we simply process the row, if any. * We close $rs after every use. --------------- What's the Same --------------- I know backwards compatibility is *very* important to you. Therefore, the new code is 100% backwards compatible. If you like my code, but don't "trust" it's backwards compatible, maybe we offer it as beta code, in a new directory for a release or two? ------------ What's To Do ------------ I've vascillated over whether to use a single function to get/set parameters: $user = ADODB_Session::user(); // get ADODB_Session::user($user); // set or to use separate functions (which is the PEAR/Java way): $user = ADODB_Session::getUser(); ADODB_Session::setUser($user); I've chosen the former as it's makes for a simpler API, and reduces the amount of code, but I'd be happy to change it to the latter. Also, do you think the class should be a singleton class, versus a static class? Let me know if you find this code useful, and will be including it in the next release of ADODB. If so, I will modify the current documentation to detail the new functionality. To that end, what file(s) contain the documentation? Please send them to me if they are not publically available. Also, if there is *anything* in the code that you like to see changed, let me know. Thanks, Ross