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include "stdo.class.php";
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Class SDTO - Simple DateTime Object
A simple way to handle times and dates and to convert between
System and SQL Formats
(C) 2001-2004 Christian Hansel, CVH, [email protected]
Distributed under GPL, may be distributed, modified and utilized if Copyright
notice is maintained and manual is provided and author is notified of modifications
Please support our development by sending remarks or comments or suggestions
<h2><strong> <br>
<font color="#0066FF">TEST Script / Manual / Hints for Usage </font></strong><br>
This class shall simplify the way you work with dates and times in PHP and MySQL.
It's main purpose is to convert between Unix/PHP and MySQL Formats and to make simple
time calculations or String Conversions.
This little manual shall give you an overview how to work with this class.
<font color="#0099FF">1. Creating the Object</font>
As Simple as That:
$dto = new SimpleDateTimeObject ();
to produce an Object with the Current System Time;
OR :
$dto = new SimpleDateTimeObject ($time);
to produce an Object with the provided Timestamp (Seconds since 1-1-1970);
<h5> </h5>
<font color="#0099FF">2. Setting the Object to a specific MySQL DateTime</font>
If you're working with Databse table where you store dates in MySQL Timestamps
or DateTimes or similar Formats you can set the Objects BaseTime to this
by using the SetMySQLDateTime() function :
OR if working with fetchresults:
$time = $dto->setMySQLDateTime("20040524100000");
is identical to $time = mktime(10,0,0,5,24,2004);
<font color="#0099FF">3. Simple Calculations</font>
Example: You have a given time and wish to Add X
$dto = new SimpleDateTimeObject ();
print "<br>".$dto->getString("M-d-Y H:i"); // Output May-24-2004 10:00
$dto->add(array("hours"=>2, "days"=>5));
print "<br>".$dto->getString("M-d-Y H:i"); // Output May-29-2004 12:00
<table width="66%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10">
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$dto = new SimpleDateTimeObject ();
print "<br>".$dto->getString("M-d-Y H:i"); // Output May-24-2004 10:00
$dto->add(array("hours"=>2, "days"=>5));
print "<br>".$dto->getString("M-d-Y H:i"); // Output May-29-2004 12:00
in combination with the Object's Time2Array function you can first parse a
a TimeString in MYSQL's Time Format and then add this value
This can be useful for instance when you have Timzone information stored in your DB:
$time = $row['user_timezone'] ; // assumed value is "01:00:00"
$time_arr = $dto->Time2Array($time); // Return array("hours"=>1,"minutes"=>0,"second"=>0)
print "<br>".$dto->getString("M-d-Y h:i a"); // Output May-24-2004 11:00 am
<table width="66%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10">
<td bordercolor="#999999" bgcolor="#CCFFFF">
$time = "01:00:00";
$time_arr = $dto->Time2Array($time); // Return array("hours"=>1,"minutes"=>0,"second"=>0)
print_r($time_arr) ;
print "<br>".$dto->getString("M-d-Y h:i a"); // Output May-24-2004 1:00 pm
Negativ Values are handled accordingly
$time = $row['user_timezone'] ; // assumed value is "-01:00:00"
$time_arr = $dto->Time2Array($time); // Return array("hours"=>1,"minutes"=>0,"second"=>0)
print "<br>".$dto->getString("M-d-Y h:i a"); // Output May-24-2004 09:00 am
<table width="66%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10">
<td bordercolor="#999999" bgcolor="#CCFFFF">
$time = "-01:00:00";
$time_arr = $dto->Time2Array($time); // Return array("hours"=>1,"minutes"=>0,"second"=>0)
print_r($time_arr) ;
print "<br>".$dto->getString("M-d-Y h:i a");
The sub() Function is similar to add but subtracts the values
<font color="#00CCFF">4. Calculating Periods or Time Differences</font>
The diff_MySQL function calcutes the difference or period between the basetime of the Object
and the MySQL DateTime provided as Parameter
$worktime = $dto->diff_MySQL("20030131050000");
print "<br>"." Time to finish : ".$worktime['years']." Years ".
$worktime['weeks']." Weeks ".
$worktime['days']." Days ".
$worktime['hours']." Hours "; // Output : Time to finish 0 Years 4 Weeks 2 Days 4 Hours
<table width="66%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10">
<td bordercolor="#999999" bgcolor="#CCFFFF">
print "<br>".$dto->getString();
$worktime = $dto->diff_MySQL("20030131050000");
print "<br>"." Time to finish : ".$worktime['years']." Years ".
$worktime['weeks']." Weeks ".
$worktime['days']." Days ".
$worktime['hours']." Hours "; // Output : Time to finish 0 Years 4 Weeks 2 Days 4 Hours
<font color="#0099FF">5. Get Formatted Outputs </font>
There are a couple of functions helping to produce formatted Timestrings
$dto = new SimpleDateTimeObject ();
print "<br>"."It's Day ".$dto->day()." of Month ".$dto->month() ; // Output : It's Day 24 of Month 5
you may also specify the specific format:
print "<br>"."It's the ".$dto->day("dS")." of ".$dto->month("M") ; // Output : It's the 24th of May
you may also specify a specific date in UNIX timestamp
print "<br>"."It's the ".$dto->day("dS",mktime())." of the current month " ; // Output : It's the 24th current month
<pre> </pre>
<table width="66%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10">
<td bordercolor="#999999" bgcolor="#CCFFFF">
$dto = new SimpleDateTimeObject ();
print "<br>"."<br>It's Day ".$dto->day()." of Month ".$dto->month() ; // Output : It's Day 24 of Month 5
print "<br>"."<br>It's the ".$dto->day("dS")." of ".$dto->month("M") ; // Output : It's the 24th of May
print "<br>"."<br>It's the ".$dto->day("dS",mktime())." of the current month" ; // Output : It's the 24th current month
for full Dates use the getString() or getMySQLDateTime() function with the Parameters
typical for PHP's own date function:
$dto = new SimpleDateTimeObject ();
print "<br>".$dto->getString(); // output : May, 24th 2004 02:00 am
print "<br>".$dto->getString('d.M.Y H:i'); // output : 24.05.2004 14:00
<table width="66%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10">
<td bordercolor="#999999" bgcolor="#CCFFFF">
$dto = new SimpleDateTimeObject ();
print "<br>"."<br>".$dto->getString(); // output : May, 24th 2004 02:00 am
print "<br>".$dto->getString('d.M.Y H:i'); // output : 24.05.2004 14:00
<p> </p>
I guess there's no need to further with this. Just a hint:
Using the format parameter is especially helpful in a multilanguage environment
by using a localizing function (but only if you have coded one) :
$dto = new SimpleDateTimeObject ();
$_SESSION['language'] = "de";
print "<br>".$dto->getString(lcl('d.M.Y H:i')); // output : 24.05.2004 14:00
$_SESSION['language'] = "en";
print "<br>".$dto->getString(lcl('d.M.Y H:i')); // output : May, 24th 2004 02:00 am
6. Get preconfigured SELECT Dropdown lists based on the current object's basetime
The SDTO Class has two ways to produce preconfigured Dropdown lists for HTML:
the datelist(), dropdown() function
The datelist function produces a fulldate formatted dropdown list, while the dropdown fuunction
can produce a dropdown list for either days, months,years, hours, minutes or seconds
Example datelist():
$dto = new SimpleDateTimeObject ();
$selecteddate = $dto->setMySQLDateTime($_POST["deadline"]);
print "".$dto->datelist( "deadline", array("style"=>"std_input", // the CSS Class
"running"=>"hours", // iterate hours
"run" => 168, // last entry 168 hours after the first
"steps"=>6, // each entry is 6 hours after the previous
"start"=>-6, // start from DTO's Basetime (here 24th May 2004 14:00) - 6 hours (so start at 24th May 2004 08:00)
"format"=>lcl("M_d_Y")." H:00 ", // show a localized Format
"keyformat"=>"YmdH0000", // values formatted like 20040524140000
"selecteddate"=>$selecteddate)); // pre selected Value if POSTed before
// this produces a Select Dropdown Field named "deadline" ready to be used in HTML
<table width="66%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10">
<td bordercolor="#999999" bgcolor="#CCFFFF">
$dto = new SimpleDateTimeObject ();
if(isset($_POST["deadline"])) {
$selecteddate = $dto->setMySQLDateTime($_POST["deadline"]);
} else {
$selecteddate = $dto->setMySQLDateTime("20040524140000");
print "<br>SET : " .$dto->setMySQLDateTime("20040524140000"). " " . $dto->getString();
print "<br>".$dto->datelist( "deadline", array("style"=>"std_input", // the CSS Class
"running"=>"hours", // iterate hours
"run" => 168, // last entry 168 hours after the first
"steps"=>6, // each entry is 6 hours after the previous
"start"=>-6, // start from DTO's Basetime (here 24th May 2004 14:00) - 6 hours (so start at 24th May 2004 08:00)
"format"=>"M, d Y H:00 ", // show a localized Format
"keyformat"=>"YmdH0000", // values formatted like 20040524140000
"selecteddate"=>$selecteddate)); // pre selected Value if POSTed before
Example dropdown();
$dto = new SimpleDateTimeObject ();
if (isset($_POST['deadline'])) {
$pd = $_POST['deadline'];
$selecteddate = $dto->setMySQLDateTime($pd['year'].$pd['month'].$pd['day'].$pd['hour'].$pd['minute']."00");
print "".$dto->dropdown( "deadline[day]", array("style"=>"std_input","run" => 30, "start"=>0, "format"=>"day","selecteddate"=>$selecteddate)) . " " .
$dto->dropdown( "deadline[month]", array("style"=>"std_input","run" => 12, "start"=>0, "format"=>"month","formatshow"=>"M","selecteddate"=>$selecteddate)) . " " .
$dto->dropdown( "deadline[year]", array("style"=>"std_input","run" => 2, "start"=>0, "format"=>"year","selecteddate"=>$selecteddate)) . " at " .
$dto->dropdown( "deadline[hour]", array("style"=>"std_input","run" => 23, "start"=>0, "format"=>"hour","selecteddate"=>$selecteddate)) . " : " .
$dto->dropdown( "deadline[minute]", array("style"=>"std_input","run" => 59, "start"=>0, "format"=>"minute","selecteddate"=>$selecteddate)) . " o'clock";
<table width="66%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10">
<td bordercolor="#999999" bgcolor="#CCFFFF">
$dto = new SimpleDateTimeObject ();
if (isset($_POST['deadline'])) {
$pd = $_POST['deadline'];
$selecteddate = $dto->setMySQLDateTime($pd['year'].$pd['month'].$pd['day'].$pd['hour'].$pd['minute']."00");
print "<br>".$dto->dropdown( "deadline[day]", array("style"=>"std_input","run" => 30, "start"=>0, "format"=>"day","selecteddate"=>$selecteddate)) . " " .
$dto->dropdown( "deadline[month]", array("style"=>"std_input","run" => 12, "start"=>0, "format"=>"month","formatshow"=>"M","selecteddate"=>$selecteddate)) . " " .
$dto->dropdown( "deadline[year]", array("style"=>"std_input","run" => 2, "start"=>0, "format"=>"year","selecteddate"=>$selecteddate)) . " at " .
$dto->dropdown( "deadline[hour]", array("style"=>"std_input","run" => 23, "start"=>0, "format"=>"hour","selecteddate"=>$selecteddate)) . " : " .
$dto->dropdown( "deadline[minute]", array("style"=>"std_input","run" => 59, "start"=>0, "format"=>"minute","selecteddate"=>$selecteddate)) . " o'clock";
Try this code to see the difference
7. Remarks & Copyright notice
Please support our development by sending remarks or comments or suggestions
Please rate it at PHPClasses.org or wherever you got it from
(C) 2001-2004 Christian Hansel, CVH, [email protected]
Distributed under GPL, may be distributed, modified and utilized if Copyright
notice is maintained and manual is provided and author is notified of modifications