Author: Brady Owens brady@fastglass.net
Distributed under GNU public liscense
This piece of code reads from a MySQL database, or a database of
your liking and displays images, where the information for these
images are contained within the database.
It offeres a page turning style of display, one image at a time with
navagational buttons at the bottom.
You can modify this script however you like to fit your needs.
$db = mysql_connect("localhost","login","password");
if(!isset($imagepointer)){$imagepointer = 1;} //checking to see if $imagepointer has been initialized
if($imagepointer == 0){$imagepointer = 1;} //my database index started with 1 and not zero
$sql = "select * from table_name where index = '$imagepointer'";
$result = mysql_query($sql,$db);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
//section finds out the max number of pictures
$sql1 = "select * from table_name";
$result1 = mysql_query($sql1,$db);
$numrows = mysql_num_rows($result1);
//section takes the data from the database and puts it into a variable
$rownum = $row["num"];
$author = $row["author"];
$comment = $row["comment"];
$filename = $row["filename"];
//Displaying the image and information along with it
echo "<center><img src=\"$filename\"></center><br><font color=\"#FFB903\">Author:</font>  $author<br><font color=\"#FFB903\">Comment:</font>  $comment ";
echo "<div align='center'>"; //formating
//This section contains the two navigational buttons.
//The IF statements prevent the buttons being displayed
//when the pointer is at the end or begining of the images.
//If you have problems with this section remove the PHP_SELF
//variable and replace it with the file name of this document.
if($imagepointer != $numrows){
echo "<FORM name='NEXT PIC' action='$PHP_SELF'><input type='hidden' name='imagepointer' value='";
echo $imagepointer + 1;
echo "'><input type='Submit' value='Next->'></form>";
if($imagepointer != 1){
echo "<FORM name='NEXT PIC' action='$PHP_SELF'><input type='hidden' name='imagepointer' value='";
echo $imagepointer - 1;
echo "'><input type='Submit' value='<-Back'></form>";
echo "</div>";