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using action= to make several pages

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Subject:using action= to make several pages
Summary:Is there a easy way to cascade Forms generation
Date:2008-07-17 15:35:46
Update:2008-07-18 00:33:01

  1. using action= to make several pages   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of jp jp - 2008-07-17 15:35:46
I would like to make several php page in the form :
page1 page2 page3
with "next x/3 >> " buttons on each page.
I need to put action = "page2.php" in the first page, but I do not understand how to retreve data ( the data declaration was on page1)

Is there a easy way to do this ?


  2. Re: using action= to make several pages   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2008-07-18 00:33:01 - In reply to message 1 from jp
The paged layout plug-in can show a multi-page but maybe it is not what you want.

If you want to define a multi-step form, maybe it is better to use the same script for all pages and use hidden fields to pass on which page you are. Depending on which page you are you show only a page inputs and can tell the class to pass the other inputs as hidden input with the AddInputHiddenPart function.

Then you validate individual page inputs using the SubForm input parameter. Each input on the same page should have the same SubForm value. Passing that sub-form value to the Validate function make it validate only those inputs and not others in other pages.