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PHP Print Labels to PDF | > | All threads | > | FPDF and Address Labels | > | (Un) Subscribe thread alerts |
![]() Thanks for writing and sharing your scripts.
I am familiar with FPDF and use it to create basic HTML formatted PDFs. I would like to add a PHP script that will produce a PDF that I can print to an Avery 5160 label sheet. US letter size, 30 labels in 3 rows of 10. Will your script work for this project? Many Thanks, Tim Brockett
![]() use this code
<?php require('fpdf/fpdf.php'); class PDF_Labels extends FPDF { private $labels = array(); private $margin_left = 5.95; // Left margin in mm (0.234") private $margin_top = 12.7; // Top margin in mm (0.5") private $label_width = 66.7; // Label width in mm (2.63") private $label_height = 25.4; // Label height in mm (1") private $cols = 3; // Number of columns private $rows = 10; // Number of rows private $h_gap = 3.175; // Horizontal gap between labels in mm (0.125") private $v_gap = 0; // Vertical gap between labels in mm (0") private $current_col = 0; private $current_row = 0; function __construct($orientation = 'P', $unit = 'mm', $format = 'Letter') { parent::__construct($orientation, $unit, $format); $this->SetMargins(0, 0, 0); $this->SetAutoPageBreak(false); } function AddLabel($content, $font = 'Arial', $font_size = 10, $font_style = '') { $this->labels[] = array( 'content' => $content, 'font' => $font, 'font_size' => $font_size, 'font_style' => $font_style ); } function GeneratePDF() { $this->AddPage(); foreach ($this->labels as $label) { // Calculate position for current label $x = $this->margin_left + ($this->current_col * ($this->label_width + $this->h_gap)); $y = $this->margin_top + ($this->current_row * ($this->label_height + $this->v_gap)); // Set font for this label $this->SetFont($label['font'], $label['font_style'], $label['font_size']); // Position for text $this->SetXY($x, $y); // Add content $this->MultiCell($this->label_width, 5, $label['content'], 0, 'L'); // Move to next position $this->current_col++; if ($this->current_col >= $this->cols) { $this->current_col = 0; $this->current_row++; // Check if we need a new page if ($this->current_row >= $this->rows) { $this->current_row = 0; $this->AddPage(); } } } } // Optional: Add method to draw label borders for debugging function DrawLabelBorders() { for ($row = 0; $row < $this->rows; $row++) { for ($col = 0; $col < $this->cols; $col++) { $x = $this->margin_left + ($col * ($this->label_width + $this->h_gap)); $y = $this->margin_top + ($row * ($this->label_height + $this->v_gap)); $this->Rect($x, $y, $this->label_width, $this->label_height); } } } } // Example usage $pdf = new PDF_Labels(); // Add labels (replace with your real data) for ($i = 1; $i <= 30; $i++) { $pdf->AddLabel("Label #$i\nCompany Name\n123 Street Name\nCity, State ZIP", 'Arial', 9); } // Uncomment to enable border drawing (useful for alignment testing) // $pdf->DrawLabelBorders(); // Generate and output the PDF $pdf->GeneratePDF(); $pdf->Output('labels.pdf', 'I'); // 'I' displays in browser, 'D' forces download, 'F' saves to server ?> |
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