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Wrong response for russian translations

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Subject:Wrong response for russian translations
Summary:UTF8 not working
Date:2021-12-28 16:02:42


  1. Wrong response for russian translations   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of umni umni - 2021-12-28 16:02:42
Great script.

One thing I have noticed is that if you try to to translate some let say english text to russian, the response comes broken, like this :

{ "data": { "translations": [ { "translatedText": "??????????, ????????? ????. ???? ???????? ????????? ???????, ??? ????? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ?????????." } ] } }

Looking at the class, it already has utf8_decode($JsonGooTrnsltr);, so, no idea why it interprets it wrongly.