PHP Classes

values contained in left and rightItems ?

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Subject:values contained in left and...
Summary:how are you seeing the resultant array values?
Author:mike dee
Date:2005-10-07 17:53:36


  1. values contained in left and...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of mike dee mike dee - 2005-10-07 17:53:36
form and class work great, but how are you exposing the values within the leftItems and rightItems arrays?

My initial thought was to add logic to the classes to support additional class variables that I named firstContents and secondContents. these new variables contained the initial values of the select lists

at the time of submit you could query $this->firstContents and $this->secondContents to get the listing of items in each select box. that way you could tell what was changed.

however, the values of the select box options never come thru the class, they are all handled in the javascript so I was unable to implement this.

new to class files and OOP, wondering if you had any thoughts on how to go about trapping the values of the first and second select box items when the form is submitted?

