Hello Mat,
Thank you for asking. This package is pending review. We sent you an email many months ago about the review's result. We don't know if you received that message.
Anyway, unfortunately, the word "class" in English is ambiguous. It may mean class, as in a teaching class. I may also say "class," as in a class of objects.
The PHP Classes site is about Object Oriented Programming because organizing code as classes of objects makes your applications a better organization and promotes the reuse of code.
For instance, you may have two functions with the same name in different classes for different purposes.
In procedural programming, defining two functions in different scripts with the same name would not be allowed by the PHP language because it would be ambiguous, and the PHP runtime engine would not be able to figure out which function you mean when applications call a global function with that name.
In Object Oriented Programming, ambiguity does not happen because different classes have different names.
Object Oriented Programming based on classes is good for you because it promotes a better organization of your code and helps you to have your code admired by more developers who want to reuse packages made of classes.
That is why we only approve packages made of classes of objects now.
Specifically, the package's code you sent is a PHP script made of procedural code.
We suggest you improve your code to turn it into a class of objects (Object Oriented Programming). There is a tutorial article to guide you on how to do that.
Would you like to convert your package code to a class so we can approve it quickly?