PHP Classes

quality control

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Subject:quality control
Summary:require at least a tiny bit of documentation
Author:Tom Carnevale
Date:2011-04-16 19:04:39
Update:2011-04-16 21:15:25

  1. quality control   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Tom Carnevale Tom Carnevale - 2011-04-16 21:07:24
A lot would be added to the quality of the site and to its efficiency if requirements for acceptance included a minimum of documentation.

For example, if connection parameters are required, why not state that someplace, e.g., inside an example file as a comment, or in a readme.txt file.

Sometimes I think classes are submitted (and accepted) for no other reason than an author's desire to see his or her name in print.


  2. Re: quality control   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2011-04-16 21:15:25 - In reply to message 1 from Tom Carnevale
Hello Tom,

Thank you for your feedback.

The spirit of PHPClasses is not to censor packages based on eventual quality criteria.

The site moderator that approves a class is just one person. It would be unfair to refuse packages based only on his own perception of quality.

The PHPClasses site is not an elitist site. Everybody has the chance to publish their work for evaluation of the whole community, not just the site moderator.

Therefore, once a package is published, every user that tries it can rate it in several aspects, that include documentation among others.

If you feel that a class can be improved providing documentation, just go on the rate link and rate it according to your perception. You are also allowed to post a comment to notify the author. The comment can be posted as a package forum thread or just sent privately to the author by e-mail.

This is believed to be the best way to let every author have the chance to have his work published and at the same time get useful feedback that may help him to improved.

Still, if you have other ideas that can help making this process better, just follow up with a comment here.