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PHP DI Container: Resolve dependencies from configuration files

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2017-03-14 (18 hours ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 46 This week: 11All time: 8,771 This week: 85Up
Version License PHP version Categories
php-di-container 1.0MIT/X Consortium ...5.5PHP 5, Language, Design Patterns
Description Author

This package can resolve dependencies from configuration files.

It can take a configuration file in the PHP, JSON, INI and YAML format with the definition of service classes.

The package can loads classes according to the requested services.

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PHP DI Container resolves dependencies for php application using Dependency Injection. And it provides a simple container for all depnedencies as well. It can take dependencies as argument to other classes and resolve them efficiently. Good thing about container is you can specify dependencies in many formats:





PHP DI Container is capable of reading configuration from above four formats and load them as services to the container using lazy loading using PHP Simple Config While using PHP Simple Config can use cache for our configuration as well to boost the performance. Please go through details about PHP Simple Config.

Future plan is to allow simple php container without any config file for small applications.

Note: Currently its only support PHP version 5.5 and above

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Package Details:

Install using Composer

Add following dependency to your composer.json

  require: {
     // Add this line to your `composer require` as shown below

Create a configuration file in the desired formate and use desired reader by default service loader will use php config file reader

use Mcustiel\Config\Drivers\Reader\php\Reader as PhpReader;
use Mcustiel\Config\Drivers\Reader\ini\Reader as IniReader;
use Mcustiel\Config\Drivers\Reader\json\Reader as JsonReader;
use Mcustiel\Config\Drivers\Reader\yaml\Reader as YamlReader;

PHP configuration file looks like something below and you can see it contains others classes as dependencies as well.

PHP Example:


return [
    'class-a'         => [
        'class'       => 'Tests\\DummyServices\\ClassA',
    'class-b'         => [
        'class'       => 'Tests\\DummyServices\\ClassB',
        'arguments'   => [
    'class-c'         => [
        'class'       => 'Tests\\DummyServices\\ClassC',
        'arguments'   => [

$loader = new ServiceLoader();

$services = $loader->loadServices(
    __DIR__ . "/Fixtures/phpServicesConfig.php",
    new PhpReader()

$container = new Container($services);

// To get services from container
$service = $container->get('foo');

JSON Example:

    "services": [
            "id": "class-a",
            "class": "Tests\\DummyServices\\ClassA"
            "id": "class-b",
            "class": "Tests\\DummyServices\\ClassB",
            "arguments": [
                    "id": "class-a"
            "id": "class-c",
            "class": "Tests\\DummyServices\\ClassC",
            "arguments": [
                    "id": "class-a",
                    "id": "class-b"

$services = $loader->loadServices(
    __DIR__ . "/Fixtures/jsonServicesConfig.json",
    new JsonReader()

YAML Example:

    class: Tests\\DummyServices\\ClassA
    class: Tests\\DummyServices\\ClassB
      class: class-a
    class: Tests\\DummyServices\\ClassC
      class: class-a
      class: class-b

$services = $loader->loadServices(
    __DIR__ . "/Fixtures/yamlServicesConfig.yml",
    new YamlReader()

INI Example:

class-a.class = Tests\\DummyServices\\ClassA
class-b.class = Tests\\DummyServices\\ClassB
class-b.arguments = class-a
class-c.class = Tests\\DummyServices\\ClassC
class-c.arguments = class-a
class-c.arguments = class-b

$services = $loader->loadServices(
    __DIR__ . "/Fixtures/iniServicesConfig.ini",
    new IniReader()

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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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