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Clike: Execute actions using the command design pattern

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2018-07-26 (1 month ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 87 This week: 39All time: 9,096 This week: 27Up
Version License PHP version Categories
clike 1.0.0The PHP License7.1Console, Design Patterns, PHP 7
Description Author

This package can execute actions using the command design pattern.

It provides a base class that can be extended to implement actions to be executed depending on conditions that the class can control.

Applications can extend the base class to implement functions that determine if the necessary conditions are satisfied before executing the desired action, execute the command actions, or return an error message when the conditions are not satisfied, or return the list of avaliable actions and their names.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2018
Number 2
The command design pattern is useful to create modular components for a command line shell application that can be expanded with more functionality implemented later by separate modules.

This package provides an implementation of the command design pattern to allow easy implementation of command line shell applications.

Manuel Lemos
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x


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Run in console below command to download package to your project:

composer require degraciamathieu/clike


Create a command

A command is a class that must implement the interface `DeGraciaMathieu\Clike\Contracts\Command::class`.

The following example is a valid command.

use DeGraciaMathieu\Clike\Lines;
use DeGraciaMathieu\Clike\Contracts;

class Clear implements Contracts\Command {

     * Get the command description
    public function description() :string
        return 'Command description...';

     * Check if the command is executable
    public function authorized() :bool
        return true;

     * Bind of this command
    public function binding() :string
        return '/clear';

     * Code executed by this command
    public function process() :void

     * Output of this command
    public function output() :array
        return [
            new Lines\Info('Output text...'),

Execute a command

Now let's play with our Clear command.

use DeGraciaMathieu\Clike\Command;

$command = new Command();
$command->execute(new Clear());

After checking that we can use this command with the `authorized` method this code will execute the `process` method of our command.

To finally execute the `output` method displaying the following result.

// array:2 [
//   "timestamp" => 1531339693
//   "lines" => array:1 [
//     0 => array:2 [
//       "type" => "info"
//       "content" => "Output text..."
//     ]
//   ]
// ]

Execute a command with Terminal

use DeGraciaMathieu\Clike\Terminal;

$terminal = new Terminal([

Retrieve all available commands with Terminal

use DeGraciaMathieu\Clike\Terminal;

$terminal = new Terminal([

// [
//     [
//       "binding" => "/clear"
//       "description" => "Command description..."
//     ]
// ]
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