PHP Classes

PHP Primitive Types Class: Manipulate PHP primitive value types as objects

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2019-05-04 (2 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 46 All time: 9,556 This week: 365Up
Version License PHP version Categories
php-prim 1.0.0MIT/X Consortium ...7.3Utilities and Tools, Text processing, D..., P..., T...
Description Author

This package can manipulate PHP primitive value types as objects.

It provides several classes that encapsulate the behavior of several types of data types like strings, booleans, integers, and floats.

The objects of these classes are immutable, so applications cannot change them after they are created.

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PHP Prim is a PHP library that exposes primitive object data types for your convenience.


>Requirements: >- PHP 7.3+ >- BC Math extension (for UUIDs) >- JSON extension >- Multibyte String extension

Install Prim using Composer:

composer require norse-blue/prim


There are three ways to create a primitive object data type instance

  1. Using the new keyword:

    `php use NorseBlue\Prim\Scalars\StringObject as Str;

    $str = new Str('my string'); echo $str->upper();

    // Outputs: // MY STRING `

  2. Using the facades:

    _Note: params passed by reference are not supported in facades because the calls depend on __callStatic, which does not pass params by reference. See [Overloading][php_overloading_url]._

    `php use NorseBlue\Prim\Facades\Scalar\StringFacade as Str;

    echo Str::upper('my string');

    // Outputs: // MY STRING `

  3. Using the namespaced functions:

    `php use NorseBlue\Prim\string;

    $str = string('my string'); echo $str->upper();

    // Outputs: // MY STRING `

You can also chain methods together:

use NorseBlue\Prim\string;

$str = string('THIS IS MY TEXT.')->lower()->ucfirst();
echo $str;

// Outputs:
// This is my text.

You don't need to worry about side-effects, as the objects are immutable and each function returns a new immutable object, so to store the value don't forget to assign it to a variable.


For the full documentation refer to the docs folder.


Please refer to the file for more information about what has changed recently.


Contributions to this project are accepted and encouraged. Please read the file for details on contributions.



If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.

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PHP Prim is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


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