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PHP Simple Encryption and Decryption: Encrypt and decrypt data

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phpsimple-encryption 1.0.7The PHP License7.2Cryptography, PHP 7


This package can be used to encrypt and decrypt data.

It can take a given string of data and encrypt it using a given key string.

The package can also do the opposite, i.e. decrypt previously encrypted data using the same key.

It supports many types of encryption cyphers. By default it uses AES-256-CBC.


Read encrypted data
I need to read encrypted passwords stored in MySQL

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PHP Simple Encryption (php-simple-encryption)

A PHP library that makes encryption and decryption of text easy.


  • PHP 7.2+
  • Openssl PHP extension


Simply add a dependency on stymiee/php-simple-encryption to your project's composer.json file if you use Composer to manage the dependencies of your project.

Here is a minimal example of a composer.json file that just defines a dependency on PHP Simple Encryption:

    "require": {
        "stymiee/php-simple-encryption": "^1"

Basic Usage

To get a more detailed introduction to this library, visit the PHP Simple Encryption tutorial on my blog.


use Encryption\Encryption;
use Encryption\Exception\EncryptionException;

$text = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
$key  = 'secretkey';
try {
    $encryption = Encryption::getEncryptionObject();
    $iv = $encryption->generateIv();
    $encryptedText = $encryption->encrypt($text, $key, $iv);
    $decryptedText = $encryption->decrypt($encryptedText, $key, $iv);

    printf('Cipher   : %s%s', $encryption->getName(), PHP_EOL);
    printf('Encrypted: %s%s', $encryptedText, PHP_EOL);
    printf('Decrypted: %s%s', $decryptedText, PHP_EOL);
    printf('Version  : %s%s', Encryption::VERSION, PHP_EOL);
catch (EncryptionException $e) {
    echo $e;


Cipher   : AES-256-CBC
Encrypted: lierDqV4Qo3Cm87YU01K+YnQsDGrFsYypjHJVZaagqfLFg7xb2T7b9qfqb4NcoIGcTzqvQbOx72AVgbuRFxqgg==
Decrypted: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Version  : 1

An exception may be thrown if: - An invalid/unsupported cipher is attempted to be used (Encryption\Exception\InvalidCipherException) - A cipher available in openssl but yet implemented is attempted to be used (Encryption\Exception\CipherNotImplementedException) - generateIv() is unable to generate a initialization vector (Encryption\Exception\GenerateIvException). - Encryption::encrypt() is unable to encrypt the data (Encryption\Exception\EncryptException). - Encryption::decrypt() is unable to decrypt the data (Encryption\Exception\DecryptException).

Supported Ciphers

The PHP Simple Encryption library currently defaults to AES-256-CBC. This may change in future versions and will result in a major version bump when this occurs. You can check the version of your library by calling Encryption::VERSION. This library is currently on version "1".

To determine what cipher you are using you can call the getName() method on your encryption object.

$encryption = Encryption::getEncryptionObject();
$cipherName = $encryption->getName(); // AES-256-CBC

To get a list of ciphers supported by your system and this library you can call Encryption::listAvailableCiphers() to receive an array of available ciphers. This list is an intersection of available ciphers from your system's installed version of Openssl and ciphers supported by this library.

Total ciphers supported: 139 Default cipher: AES-256-CBC (version 1)

| AES | Aria/Blowfish | Camellia/Cast5/SM4 | DES/Idea/RC2/RC4/Seed | |-------------------------|---------------|--------------------|-----------------------| | aes-128-cbc | aria-128-cbc | camellia-128-cbc | des-cbc | | aes-128-cbc-hmac-sha1 | aria-128-ccm | camellia-128-cfb | des-cfb | | aes-128-cbc-hmac-sha256 | aria-128-cfb | camellia-128-cfb | des-cfb1 | | aes-128-ccm | aria-128-cfb1 | camellia-128-cfb | des-cfb8 | | aes-128-cfb | aria-128-cfb8 | camellia-128-ctr | des-ecb | | aes-128-cfb1 | aria-128-ctr | camellia-128-ecb | des-ede | | aes-128-cfb8 | aria-128-ecb | camellia-128-ofb | des-ede3 | | aes-128-ctr | aria-128-gcm | camellia-192-cbc | des-ede-cbc | | aes-128-ecb | aria-128-ofb | camellia-192-cfb | des-ede-cfb | | aes-128-gcm | aria-192-cbc | camellia-192-cfb | des-ede-ofb | | aes-128-ofb | aria-192-ccm | camellia-192-cfb | des-ede3-cbc | | aes-128-xts | aria-192-cfb | camellia-192-ctr | des-ede3-cfb | | aes-192-cbc | aria-192-cfb1 | camellia-192-ecb | des-ede3-cfb1 | | aes-192-ccm | aria-192-cfb8 | camellia-192-ofb | des-ede3-cfb8 | | aes-192-cfb | aria-192-ctr | camellia-256-cbc | des-ede3-ofb | | aes-192-cfb1 | aria-192-ecb | camellia-256-cfb | des-ofb | | aes-192-cfb8 | aria-192-gcm | camellia-256-cfb | desx-cbc | | aes-192-ctr | aria-192-ofb | camellia-256-cfb | id-aes128-ccm | | aes-192-ecb | aria-256-cbc | camellia-256-ctr | id-aes128-gcm | | aes-192-gcm | aria-256-ccm | camellia-256-ecb | id-aes192-ccm | | aes-192-ofb | aria-256-cfb | camellia-256-ofb | id-aes192-gcm | | aes-256-cbc | aria-256-cfb1 | cast5-cbc | id-aes256-ccm | | aes-256-cbc-hmac-sha1 | aria-256-cfb8 | cast5-cfb | id-aes256-gcm | | aes-256-cbc-hmac-sha256 | aria-256-ctr | cast5-ecb | idea-cbc | | aes-256-ccm | aria-256-ecb | cast5-ofb | idea-cfb | | aes-256-cfb | aria-256-gcm | chacha20 | idea-ecb | | aes-256-cfb1 | aria-256-ofb | chacha20-poly1305 | idea-ofb | | aes-256-cfb8 | bf-cbc | seed-cbc | rc2-40-cbc | | aes-256-ctr | bf-cfb | seed-cfb | rc2-64-cbc | | aes-256-ecb | bf-ecb | seed-ecb | rc2-cbc | | aes-256-gcm | bf-ofb | seed-ofb | rc2-cfb | | aes-256-ofb | sm4-cbc | | rc2-ecb | | aes-256-xts | sm4-cfb | | rc2-ofb | | | sm4-ctr | | rc4 | | | sm4-ecb | | rc4-40 | | | | | rc4-hmac-md5 |


If the text to be encrypted contains trailing null characters they will be removed when decrypting those values.

Some ciphers may not work on your version of PHP. The newer your version of PHP (and its openssl extension), the more ciphers that will be available to you.


If you require assistance using this library start by viewing the file included in this package. It includes common problems and their solutions.

If you need additional assistance, I can be found at Stack Overflow. Be sure when you ask a question pertaining to the usage of this library be sure to tag your question with the PHP and encryption tags. Make sure you follow their guide for asking a good question as poorly asked questions will be closed, and I will not be able to assist you.

A good question will include all the following: - A description of the problem (what are you trying to do? what results are you expecting? what results are you actually getting?) - The code you are using (only post the relevant code) - Your unencrypted text - The key you are using - The IV you are using - The output of your method call(s) - Any error message(s) you are getting

Do not use Stack Overflow to report bugs. Bugs may be reported here.

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