Asit PHP Collection Class: Manages collections of elements stored in arrays

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2020-07-07 (Less than 1 hour ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 47 All time: 9,835 This week: 86Up
Version License PHP version Categories
asit 1.0GNU Lesser Genera...5PHP 5, Data types
Description Author

This package can manage collections of elements stored in arrays.

It provides a base class that stores values in an array with functions that implement the iterator seekable and countable PHP interface operations.

The package also provides sub-classes that implement more specialized collection types that provide additional possibilities:

- Collection values can only be of a single type.
- Collection that use the keys as unique primary keys for finding elements by key value. Primary keys are replaceable.
- Collections that use more than one key unique primary keys for finding elements by key value.
- Collections that can have tags, non-unique (secondary) keys, for finding elements by tag value.

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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 4x


[comment]: # (This file is part of Asit, manages array collections. Copyright 2020 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved, licence LGPL 3.0)


> Class It manages array collections * Implement _SeekableIterator_, _Countable_ and _IteratorAggregate_ methods * Collection elements are searchable using * Iterator (et al.) methods * The collection element may be of any value type

>Class ItList * Extends _It_ * Assure collection elements of expected valueType

> Class Asit manages assoc array collections * Extends _It_ * The assoc element array key is used as (unique) primary key * A primary key may be replaced by another (unique) key * Has primary key collection element get-/set-methods * Collection elements are also searchable using * primary key(s) * For non-assoc arrays, * primary key is the (numeric) array index

>Class AsitList * Extends _Asit_ * Assure collection elements of expected valueType

> Class Asmit * Extends _Asit_ * Allow multiple (unique) primary keys for (each)) collection element

>Class Asittag * Extends _Asit_ * Also secondary keys, additional (non-unique) tags (aka attributes?) may be set for each element * Collection elements are also searchable using * tag(s) * primary key(s) + tag(s)

>Class AsittagList * Extends _Asittag_ * Assure collection elements of expected valueType

>Class Asmittag * Extends _Asmit_ * Also secondary keys, additional (non-unique) tags (aka attributes?) may be set for each element * Collection elements are searchable using * Iterator (et al.) methods * primary key(s) * tag(s) * primary key(s) + tag(s)

>Class AsmittagList * Extends _Asmittag_ * Assure collection elements of expected valueType

But, review pros and cons not using some PHP built-in iterator class, ex [ArrayIterator]!

Method summary
  • [It] summary
  • [Asit/Asmit] summary
  • [Asittag/Asmittag] summary
  • It/Asit/Asmit/Asitag/Asmitag[List] summary

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composer require kigkonsult/asit:dev-master

Composer, in your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "kigkonsult/asit": "dev-master"

Composer, acquire access

use Kigkonsult\Asit\Asit;
include 'vendor/autoload.php';

Otherwise , download and acquire

use Kigkonsult\Asit\Asit;
include 'pathToSource/kigkonsult/Asit/autoload.php';


For support go to [ Asit]


This project is licensed under the LGPLv3 License

[ArrayIterator]: [Asit/Asmit]:docs/ [Asittag/Asmittag]:docs/ [Composer]: [ Asit]: [It]:docs/ [List]:docs/

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