PHP Classes

PHP Dialog: Create console based UIs with the dialog program

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2012-04-11 (4 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedStarStarStar 41%Total: 718 All time: 4,416 This week: 1,113Up
Version License PHP version Categories
php-dialog 1.0Artistic License5.3PHP 5, Unix, Console
Description Author

This package can create console based user interfaces with the dialog program.

It takes the definition of dialog based user interfaces and creates them using dialog program to display the user interfaces and wait for the user responses.

It comes with several plug-in classes that can build many types of dialogs like forms, checkbox lists, calendar date picker, file selection, etc..

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2012
Number 6

Prize: One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
Some applications need to run from text based consoles with a command line interface shell.

However, most users are more familiar with GUI based user interfaces controls and metaphors.

This class can be used to implement text based interfaces with some of the common controls found in GUI applications.

It uses the dialog program to implement those controls, so it can pass the necessary parameters to the dialog program and can handle the response values returned by that program.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Michele Brodoloni
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x

PHP Dialog v1.0
Author: Michele Brodoloni <>

This class allows you to create pretty dialog boxes within your php-cli scripts. 
It relies on Linux "dialog" utility.

  * PHP 5.3 (due to a bug with proc_open() in PHP 5.1)
  * dialog 1.0 / 1.1 

  * Install the dialog utility using your favority package manager
    - apt-get install dialog     # (For Debian/Ubuntu)
    - yum install dialog         # (For RHEL/CentOS)
  * Download and extract this tarball
  * Place file class.dialog.php and the plugins directory wherever you want but in the same path.

To use this class just include it, and call the static factory() method to fetch the wanted object. 
Here's an example:

----------[ CODE:START ]--------------

    require_once 'path/to/class.dialog.php';
    $dialog = Dialog::factory($type, $params);

----------[ CODE:END ]-----------------

* $type is the type of dialog requested. Possible choices are:
    - confirm
    - msgbox
    - gauge
    - inputbox
    - calendar
    - timebox
    - ... And so on. Just list files into 'plugins' directory.

* $params is an optional associative array which sets default params during object construction. 
  It could come handy when need to instantiate several dialog objects with the same values (such as title, backtitle, ecc..)

----------[ CODE:START ]--------------

 require_once 'path/to/class.dialog.php';

 $params = array(
    'backtitle' => 'My App',
    'title'     => 'Box title'
 $d1 = dialog::factory('msgbox', $params);
 $d1->setCaption('Hello World #1')

 $d2 = dialog::factory('pause', $options);
 $d2->setCaption("Please wait $secs seconds.")

----------[ CODE:END ]-----------------


For further information please download and extract the zip file located
into the docs directory and then open the index.html file in the extracted

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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
This week:0
All time:4,416
This week:1,113Up
User Ratings User Comments (3)
 All time
The main dialog class has some OOP problems that could be eas...
1 year ago (Michael Cummings)
examples did not work
4 years ago (geeta)
What's a good package! Buy need more Documentation.
4 years ago (Tufan Baris YILDIRIM)