PHP Classes

PHP Git Library Provider: Manipulate Git repositories using the git command

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Version License PHP version Categories
git-provider 0.11BSD License5.4PHP 5, Files and Folders, Project Man...


This class is a wrapper around the git command to manipulate Git repositories.

It can execute the git command to execute several types of operations with Git repositories. Currently it can:

- Create a repository
- Set the repository name and author
- Check if repository files are staged
- Commit changed files
- Remove files from the repository
- Clone repository from given URL
- Check if a repository is empty
- Check if a branch name exists
- Push changes to the origin repository
- Pull changes from an origin repository
- Create branch
- Checkout branch

Picture of Maik Greubel
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 4x



use Nkey\GitProvider\GitProvider;

set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . __DIR__ . "/../src" . PATH_SEPARATOR . __DIR__ . "/../vendor");


try {
// Create a provider instance
$bare = new GitProvider("./test.git");

// Create a bare repository
$bare->create(true, true);

// Set the project name
$bare->setProjectName("This is only a test repository");

// Now we can clone it...

    // First create a provider for the workspace repository
$workspace = new GitProvider("./test-workspace");
// Clone the bare repository
// First set author to be able to commit
$workspace->setAuthor("John Doe", "john@doe.tld");

// Add some crucial data to workspace
$fd = fopen($workspace->getPath() . "/I-am-some-stupid-file.txt", "w");
    if (
$fd) {
fputs($fd, "Hello repository", 16);

// Add the crucial data to index

// Commit the changes
$workspace->commit("Added some super mandatory file with high security content!");

// Push everything back to origin

// If you want you can destroy it...
    // $workspace->destroy();
    // $bare->destroy();
    // Or you examine the folders test.git and test-workspace inside example folder
    // using regular git commands to check if everything has worked as expected.
} catch (GitProviderException $ex) {


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This package provides an easy to use git client class for PHP. Here a small example to show the features:

$path = "/path/to/where/you/want/to/work/on/your/repo";

$provider = new GitProvider($path);

// Create a shared bare repository
$provider->create(true, true);
// Set the author of the repo
$provider->setAuthor("John Doe", "john@doe.tld");
// Provide a project name
$provider->setProjectName('A test repository');

// Some data to repository (file must exist)

// Commit your changes with a speaking message
$provider->commit("Added README");

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imagecontrib (2 files)
Files folder imageexample (2 files)
Files folder imagesrc (2 files)
Files folder imagetests (1 directory)
Accessible without login Plain text file .gitignore Data git ignore configuration
Accessible without login Plain text file .travis.yml Data Travis Ci configuration
Accessible without login Plain text file build.xml Data Ant build script
Accessible without login Plain text file composer.json Data Composer control file
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License
Accessible without login Plain text file phpcs.xml Data PHP Codesniffer configuration
Accessible without login Plain text file phpdox.xml Data phpdox configuration
Accessible without login Plain text file phpmd.xml Data PHP Messdetection configuration
Accessible without login Plain text file phpunit.xml Data PHPUnit configuration
Accessible without login Plain text file Data Readme 15KB
Downloadgit-provider-2024-01-10.tar.gz 11KB
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PHP Generics Download .zip .tar.gz Several general purpose classes such as Directory and logging exists already there Required
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