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ZipArchive not found exception, Class not found exception: ZipArchive how to resolve this

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ZipArchive not found exception, Class not found exception


Picture of GangaRaju by GangaRaju - 5 days ago (2016-10-19)

ZipArchive how to resolve this

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ZipArchive not found exception, Class not found exception, how to resolve this issue. Please help .

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1 Recommendation

Zip File: Create and extract ZIP archives in purely in PHP

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 15760 - 7 hours ago (2016-10-25) Comment

This means that for some reason you do not have the Zip extension enabled.

You can use this class that can create and extract Zip archives in pure PHP, so you do not need an extension;

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