PHP Classes

File: composer.json

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  Classes of Gavin Gordon Markowski   User Input Validator   composer.json   Download  
File: composer.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Composer.json
Class: User Input Validator
Validate request values according to given rules
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 1,047 bytes



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{ "name": "gavinggordon/input-validator", "description": "A PHP class which provides the ability to quickly validate user input, depending on a set of user-defined rules.", "license": "MIT", "keywords": [ "v1.0.0", "php", "input", "validation", "validator", "validate", "data", "check", "form", "test", "security", "safety", "preprocessing", "processing" ], "authors": [ { "name": "Gavin G Gordon", "email": "", "homepage": "", "role": "Developer" } ], "version": "1.0.0", "minimum-stability": "stable", "homepage": "", "support": { "issues": "", "source": "" }, "repositories": [ { "type": "git", "url": "" } ], "require": {}, "require-dev": { "phpunit/phpunit": "4.0.*" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "GGG\\": "src" } } }