PHP Classes

User Input Validator: Validate request values according to given rules

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Version License PHP version Categories
input-validator 1.2MIT/X Consortium ...5.4HTTP, PHP 5, Validation
Description Author

This class can validate request values according to given rules.

It can take a array with the definitions of rules to validate values passed via POST or GET.

The class can check either the $_GET or $_POST array to verify if the values satisfy the defined rules.

It performs the supported types of validations using regular expressions. Currently it supports the validations of alphabetic strings with spaces, numbers or symbols, just numbers, just symbols, number or symbols, phone numbers, boolean or binary values.

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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x


InputValidator v1.0.0

Build Status


Quickly define and run validation check on user data provided upon either GET or POST requests.

Installation (via Composer)

composer require gavinggordon/input-validator

Include autoloader.php

include_once( __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php' );


Set Rules

The rules array contains the validation rules for each input. Each input is equal to 1 array, and, in itself, contains the rules for its own validation.

The first parameter of an input's validation array is used to define the Regex pattern by which to validate its value against.

The second parameter, which is also an array, is used to define the string length of the value, noted by the first parameter as a minimum length, followed by a maximum length.

$rules = [
    'alpha', [ 5,16 ]
    'phone', [ 7,15 ]
    'alpha_number_symbol_spaces', [ 2,155 ]

Create Instance

To instantiate the class, two arguments are required:

The first argument must be a string value of either 'GET' or 'POST', and is used to determine the request type being validated.

The second argument must be an array of rules, as mentioned in the above example.

$validator = new GGG\InputValidator( 'POST', $rules );

Run the Validator

$validated = $validator->validate();

Determine if Validated

// if passed validation 
if( $validated === true ) {

  // retrieve an associative array of inputs
  $data = $validator->getInputs();

// if has errors 
if( is_array( $validated ) ) {

  // show an array containing messages for
  // each input which did not pass validation.
  var_dump( $validated );

More Information


If you found this class to be at all interesting, helpful, particularly useful, or innovative in any way, check out my other PHP classes via my GitHub profile or profile.

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