PHP Docker API: Interact with Docker instances with the Engine API

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2020-11-12 (1 month ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 40 This week: 11All time: 9,981 This week: 20Up
Version License PHP version Categories
docker-engine-api-po 1.0.0Custom (specified...5Networking, PHP 5, Web services, Hosting
Description Author

This package can interact with Docker instances with the Engine API.

It provides an Docker server class that can send HTTP requests to Docker instances with given host to perform several types of operations. Currently it can:

- Get the list of containers running in a host
- Get the details and statistics for a container
- Get the images list and their details
- Get the networks list and their details
- Get the volumes list and their details

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2020
Docker is a well known tool to manage containers on which developers can deploy their applications in the development or test environments in a way that it is easy to push to the production environments, so there is not much difference between the different environments.

This package provides a PHP solution that allows querying Docker to obtain details of the state of the instances that may be running on a given machine.

It makes it easy to monitor applications running as Docker instances, so developers can check the status of their applications.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Angel Campos
Name: Angel Campos <contact>
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: Spain Spain
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x


Docker Poller for Laravel

This package allows laravel applications to interact with the Docker Engine API.

The Docker Engine API is an HTTP API served by Docker Engine. It is the API the Docker client uses to communicate with the Engine, so everything the Docker client can do can be done with the API.


You can install the package via composer and then publish the assets:

composer require acamposm/docker-poller

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerPollerServiceProvider"

*Note:* We try to follow SemVer v2.0.0.


To use this packet, you must enable first the Docker Engine API, normally the Engine API listens on port 2375, but it is configurable.

*Note:* In production environments, you must always secure the API with SSL encryption and control who can perform request to this API.


Basic Initialization

First, create a DockerServer instance with the details of the docker server hosts.

*Note:* By default, the DockerServer class, has as a default parameters the default port of Docker Engine API (2375) and the protocol (http).

Docker Engine API over HTTP

use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerServer;

$server = (new DockerServer())->server('localhost');


use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerServer;

$server = (new DockerServer())->insecure()->port(12375)->server('localhost');

Docker Engine API over HTTPS

use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerServer;

$server = (new DockerServer())->secure()->server('localhost');


use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerServer;

$server = (new DockerServer())->secure()->port(12375)->server('localhost');

API Resources


Get Containers List

Get a list of the running containers in the docker host.

use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerServer;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerApiRequest;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\Enums\ResourceMethods;

$server = (new DockerServer())->server('');

$containers_list = (new DockerApiRequest($server))

Get Container Details

To get the full details of a container...

use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerServer;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerApiRequest;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\Enums\ResourceMethods;

$server = (new DockerServer())->server('');

$container_details = (new DockerApiRequest($server))
  ->containers(ResourceMethods::CONTAINERS_INSPECT, 'container_name')

Get Container Stats

Get the resources used by a single container, then use the class ContainerMetrics to get the usage of a container.

use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\ContainerMetrics;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerServer;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerApiRequest;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\Enums\ResourceMethods;
$server = (new DockerServer())->server('');

$container_stats = (new DockerApiRequest($server))
  ->containers(ResourceMethods::CONTAINERS_STATS, 'container_name')

$metrics = (new ContainerMetrics($container_stats))->metrics();


The result will be a json object with the container statistics, ready to save to a database.

  "timestamp": "2020-09-20T19:00:05.491127778Z",
  "id": "2206b35c6fecc6ce320effb68492d8a79fd5f2e5f230dda9371fca8c822428df",
  "name": "/nextcloud",
  "cpu": {
    "count": 2,
    "percent_free": 99.9960912,
    "percent_used": 0.0039088
  "memory": {
    "free": 8236134400,
    "used": 105889792,
    "total": 8342024192,
    "percent_free": 98.730646308823,
    "percent_used": 1.2693536911766
  "network": [
      "eth0": {
        "rx_bytes": 3337270,
        "rx_packets": 3306,
        "rx_errors": 0,
        "rx_dropped": 0,
        "tx_bytes": 1002431,
        "tx_packets": 2090,
        "tx_errors": 0,
        "tx_dropped": 0


Get Images List

To get a list with all images on the docker host.

use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerServer;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerApiRequest;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\Enums\ResourceMethods;

$server = (new DockerServer())->server('');

$images = (new DockerApiRequest($server))

Get Image Details

To get the full details of an image.

use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerServer;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerApiRequest;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\Enums\ResourceMethods;

$server = (new DockerServer())->server('');

$image_details = (new DockerApiRequest($server))
  ->images(ResourceMethods::IMAGES_INSPECT, 'image_name')


Get Networks List

use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerServer;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerApiRequest;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\Enums\ResourceMethods;

$server = (new DockerServer())->server('');

$networks = (new DockerApiRequest($server))
Get Network Details

To get the full details of a network in the docker host.

use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerServer;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerApiRequest;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\Enums\ResourceMethods;

$server = (new DockerServer())->server('');

$network_details = (new DockerApiRequest($server))
  ->networks(ResourceMethods::NETWORKS_INSPECT, 'network_name')


Get Volumes List

Get a list of volumes in the docker host.

use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerServer;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerApiRequest;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\Enums\ResourceMethods;

$server = (new DockerServer())->server('');

$volumes = (new DockerApiRequest($server))

Get Volume Details

Get a list of volumes in the docker host.

use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerServer;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\DockerApiRequest;
use Acamposm\DockerEngineApiPoller\Enums\ResourceMethods;

$server = (new DockerServer())->server('');

$volume_details = (new DockerApiRequest($server))
  ->volumes(ResourceMethods::VOLUMES_INSPECT, 'volume_name')


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Thank you for considering contributing to the improvement of the package. Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover any security related issues, please send an e-mail to Angel Campos via instead of using the issue tracker. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.



The package Ping is open-source package and is licensed under The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder image.github (2 files)
Files folder image.idea (5 files, 1 directory)
Files folder imagesrc (4 files, 4 directories)
Files folder imagetests (2 files)
Accessible without login Plain text file composer.json Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file composer.lock Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file Lic. License text
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation

 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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All time:9,981
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