PHP Convert IPv4 Address: Convert formats of IPv4 network addresses

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ipv4-address-convert 1.0Custom (specified...5Networking, PHP 5, Conversion
Description Author

This package can convert formats of IPv4 network addresses.

It can take a string with a IPv4 address and converts to other formats like numbers in decimal, hexadecimal and binary.

The class can also do the opposite, i.e. take a IPv4 address as numbver in a decimal, hexadecimal and binary.

Picture of Angel Campos
Name: Angel Campos <contact>
Classes: 5 packages by
Country: Spain Spain
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IPv4 Address Converter

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This PHP package allows you to perform IPv4 Address conversion within Laravel applications.


The package accepts an IP address as an input and converts it to a specified IP address format. The input and output can be one of these formats: binary string, dotted decimal, hexadecimal string, or long integer


Converts from:

  • Binary
  • Decimal
  • Hexadecimal
  • Long

Converts to:

  • Binary
  • Decimal
  • Hexadecimal
  • Long


You can install the package via composer and then publish the assets:

Add the library to your composer.json file:

  "require": {
    "acamposm/ipv4-address-converter": "^1.0"

Or use composer to install the library:

composer require acamposm/ipv4-address-converter

*Note:* We try to follow SemVer v2.0.0.


Input Methods

These are the valid input methods for the conversion of the IP Addresses.


Set the input for the IP Address conversion as a binary string.

| accepts | string $address | | --- | --- | | returns | IPv4AddressConverter |


Set the input for the IP Address conversion as a doted decimal string.

| accepts | string $address | | --- | --- | | returns | IPv4AddressConverter |


Set the input for the IP Address conversion as a hexadecimal string.

| accepts | string $address | | --- | --- | | returns | IPv4AddressConverter |


Set the input for the IP Address conversion as a long integer.

| accepts | string $address | | --- | --- | | returns | IPv4AddressConverter |

Output Methods

These methods are valid output methods for the conversion of the IP address specified in the previous input methods.


Set binary string as desired output format.


Set dotted decimal as desired output format.


Set hexadecimal string as desired output format.


Set long integer as desired output format.


With these modifiers we can control the output of the conversion operation.


This modifier will apply dot notation to the output of the conversion, only available to binary strings and hexadecimal strings.

Sample outputs

From Decimal to Long Integer

This example shows how to convert a dotted-decimal IP address to a long integer IP address.

use Acamposm\IPv4AddressConverter\IPv4AddressConverter;

$converter = IPv4AddressConverter::convert()


The output of the conversion is a integer.


From Decimal to Binary String

This example shows how to convert a dotted decimal IP address to binary string IP address.

use Acamposm\IPv4AddressConverter\IPv4AddressConverter;

$converter = IPv4AddressConverter::convert()


The output is a binary string IP Address.

string(32) "11000000101010000000101011111110"

From Decimal to Binary String with Dot Notation

This example shows how to convert a dotted-decimal IP address to binary string IP address with dot notation.

use Acamposm\IPv4AddressConverter\IPv4AddressConverter;

$converter = IPv4AddressConverter::convert()


The output is a binary string IP Address with dot notation.

string(35) "11000000.10101000.00001010.11111110"

From Decimal to Hexadecimal

This example shows how to convert a dotted-decimal IP address to a hexadecimal string IP address.

use Acamposm\IPv4AddressConverter\IPv4AddressConverter;

$converter = IPv4AddressConverter::convert()


The output of the conversion is a hexadecimal string IP address.

string(8) "C0A80AFE"

From Decimal to Hexadecimal with Dot Notation

This example shows how to convert a dotted-decimal IP address to a hexadecimal string IP address with dot notation.

use Acamposm\IPv4AddressConverter\IPv4AddressConverter;

$converter = IPv4AddressConverter::convert()


The output of the conversion is a hexadecimal string IP address with dot notation.

string(11) "C0.A8.0A.FE"

Output All

There's an all method, that converts an input address to all formats. The input address for the conversion can be a binary, decimal, hexadecimal or long address.

use Acamposm\IPv4AddressConverter\IPv4AddressConverter;

$converter = IPv4AddressConverter::convert()


The output is an object with the address converted to all formats.

object(stdClass)#638 (4) {
  ["binary"] => 
  string(35) "11000000.10101000.00001010.11111110"
  ["decimal"] => 
  string(14) ""
  ["hexadecimal"] => 
  string(11) "C0.A8.0A.FE"
  ["long"] => 


To run the tests you only need to run this command:

composer test


Please see for more information what has changed recently.


Thank you for considering contributing to the improvement of the package. Please see for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover any security related issues, please send an e-mail to Angel Campos via instead of using the issue tracker. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


The php package IPv4 Address Converter, comply with the next standards:


Angel Campos


The package IPv4 Address Converter is an open-source package and is licensed under The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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