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How to Implement a PHP Markdown to HTML Converter Using MarkDownify: Parse and render Github-flavored markdown as HTML

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2023-08-15 (1 month ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 25 This week: 4All time: 10,958 This week: 29Up
Version License PHP version Categories
markdownify 1.0MIT/X Consortium ...5HTML, PHP 5, Text processing, Parsers


This package can parse and render Github-flavored markdown as HTML.

It can take as a parameter a text string with Markdown tags. The text string may include GitHub Flavored Markdown.

The package can generate HTML to display the parsed Markdown text.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2023
Markdown is a popular format used to represent text that may have marks to format the way it can appear on HTML pages.

GitHub is a platform that popularized the use of Markdown to render formatted text for the descriptions of the repository hosted in GitHub.

GitHub added support to more custom Markdown tags. The resulting format is called Github Flavored Markdown.

This package can parse and render GitHub Flavored Markdown text.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Juan Camacho
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x




MarkDownify is a PHP library that simplifies the process of parsing Markdown into HTML code. It provides compatibility with the specifications of GitHub Flavored Markdown, making it a versatile tool for working with Markdown content.


  • Conversion of headings, emphasis, strong emphasis, and strikethrough.
  • Support for fenced code blocks with syntax highlighting.
  • Task lists, tables, footnotes, and definition lists.
  • Inline code, links, and images.
  • Support for horizontal rules, blockquotes, and ordered/unordered lists.
  • Highlighting, subscript, and superscript.
  • Emojis.


  • PHP 7.4 or higher


You can install MarkDownify via Composer. Run the following command:

composer require kuasarx/markdownify


To use MarkDownify in your PHP project, follow these steps:

  1. Require the autoloader generated by Composer:

    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
  2. Create a new instance of the `MarkDownify` class:

    use MarkDownify\MarkDownify;
    $text = "Your Markdown content";
    $parser = new MarkDownify($text);
  3. Parse the Markdown content into HTML:

    $html = $parser->parse();
  4. Use the parsed HTML in your application as needed.

CSS Styling

Here's how you can add CSS to the page to achieve a GitHub-like look: - Include GitHub Markdown CSS

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  • Style Your Container: Wrap the generated HTML output from MarkDownify in a `<div>` element with the class `markdown-body`. This class is defined in the GitHub Markdown CSS and applies the styling consistent with GitHub's Markdown rendering.
    echo '<div class="markdown-body">' . $html . '</div>';


Example 1: Basic Usage

    use MarkDownify\MarkDownify;
    // Markdown content
    $text = "# Hello, MarkDownify!\n\nThis is bold and italic text.";

    // Create a new instance of MarkDownify
    $parser = new MarkDownify($text);

    // Parse Markdown into HTML
    $html = $parser->parse();

    echo $html;

Example 2: Convert Task List

     use MarkDownify\MarkDownify;

    // Markdown content with a task list
    $text = "- [x] Task 1\n- [ ] Task 2\n- [x] Task 3";
    // Create a new instance of MarkDownify
    $parser = new MarkDownify($text);
    // Parse Markdown into HTML
    $html = $parser->parse();
    echo $html;

Example 3: Convert Table

     use MarkDownify\MarkDownify;

    // Markdown content with a table
    $text = "| Name  | Age | Gender |\n|-------|-----|--------|\n| John  | 30  | Male   |\n| Alice | 25  | Female |";
    // Create a new instance of MarkDownify
    $parser = new MarkDownify($text);
    // Parse Markdown into HTML
    $html = $parser->parse();
    echo $html;

MarkDownify is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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