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PHP CSS Parser: Get HTML document nodes matching a CSS selector

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2013-09-25 (3 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 281 All time: 7,147 This week: 900Up
Version License PHP version Categories
css-parser 1.0.0BSD License5.3HTML, XML, PHP 5, Parsers
Description Author

This package can get HTML or XML document nodes matching a CSS selector.

It can parse a CSS query selector expression and find DOM document nodes that match the criteria defined by that expression.

The helper class can also return the HTML or XML string that represent a matching node.

Picture of Gonzalo Chumillas
Name: Gonzalo Chumillas <contact>
Classes: 8 packages by
Country: Spain Spain
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x

# cssparser

Evaluates a CSS selector expression and filters nodes from a given DOMNode object. For example:

// loads an xml document
$doc = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");

// filters nodes
$p = new CSSParser($doc, 'books item.sci-fi.horror[author_id ^= theodore][author_id $= sturgeon]');
$nodes = $p->parse();

// prints nodes
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
    echo CSSHelper::dom2str($node) . "\n~~~\n";

### Supported features

#### Basic selectors:
1. [All Selector (“*”)](
2. [Class Selector (“.class”)](
3. [Element Selector (“element”)](
4. [ID Selector (“#id”)](
5. [Multiple Selector (“selector1, selector2, selectorN”)](

#### Child filters:
1. [:first-child Selector](
2. [:nth-child() Selector](

#### Attribute filters:
1. [Attribute Contains Prefix Selector \[name|="value"\]](
2. [Attribute Contains Selector \[name*="value"\]](
3. [Attribute Contains Word Selector \[name~="value"\]](
4. [Attribute Ends With Selector \[name$="value"\]](
5. [Attribute Equals Selector \[name="value"\]](
6. [Attribute Not Equal Selector \[name!="value"\]](
7. [Attribute Starts With Selector \[name^="value"\]](
8. [Has Attribute Selector \[name\]](
9. [Multiple Attribute Selector \[name="value"\]\[name2="value2"\]](
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