PHP Classes

Magic PHP Auto-Instantiator: Include and create objects with a single command

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autoinstantiator 1The PHP License3.0PHP 5, Language


This class can include classes and create objects with a single command.

It registers an error handler so when the PHP engine finds a line in PHP code in the form of directory.subdirectory.class; it triggers an error notice that calls the registered error handler.

The error handler loads the PHP script that triggered the error and parses the code to determine the directory path of the class file to be included.

Then the class creates an object stored in global variable of the specified class name.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2014
Number 6

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
Creating a new object usually requires to load the class file explicitly or using an auto-loader before creating an object of the loaded class.

This class provides a simpler solution that just requires a single line of code to automatically load the class and create an object of that class.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Andoitz Jordan Marmolejo
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x

Winner: 2x




        Include and instantiate PHP Classes automatically only writing something like "folder.folder.class;" on your PHP script.
        When we play with PHP MVC programming we ever have to make a class instantiation,
        then we need an include and have to know the exactly path for the folders, create the class
        and after we need to remember the name of instantiated variables that we did before.
        With this class you will need to use only one line to do this. Ever we will have the same name
        for the instantiated variable, so.. its really easy for remember.
            - This class was tested with the next specified environment:
                Windows XP
                WAMP SERVER 2.4
                PHP 5.4.16
                Apache 2.4.4
                $myClass = new myClass();
                $myClass2 = new myClass2();
                $myClass3 = new myClass3();
                * This code will create three classes and will call an example method for everyone.
                * This code will make it more easy.
    This class is only a testing class based in other programming languages like Java or ActionScript:
        import java.util.*
    I dont really know the real performance using this class on a production enviroment.
    As i said this class is only a testing class, the real way can be to make an apache extension, more complete and tested.

    For more information and updates please visit:



MAGIC PHP AUTO-INSTANTIATOR Include and instantiate PHP Classes automatically only writing something like "folder.folder.class;" on your PHP script. When we play with PHP MVC programming we ever have to make a class instantiation, then we need an include and have to know the exactly path for the folders, create the class and after we need to remember the name of instantiated variables that we did before. With this class you will need to use only one line to do this. Ever we will have the same name for the instantiated variable, so.. its really easy for remember. Enviroment: - This class was tested with the next specified environment: Windows XP WAMP SERVER 2.4 PHP 5.4.16 Apache 2.4.4 Example: Before: include('com/phpclasses/myClass.php'); include('com/phpclasses/myClass2.php'); include('com/phpclasses/myClass3.php'); $myClass = new myClass(); $myClass2 = new myClass2(); $myClass3 = new myClass3(); $myClass->example(); $myClass2->example(); $myClass3->example(); * This code will create three classes and will call an example method for everyone. After: com.phpclasses.myClass; com.phpclasses.myClass2; com.phpclasses.myClass3; $myClass->example(); $myClass2->example(); $myClass3->example(); * This code will make it more easy. This class is only a testing class based in other programming languages like Java or ActionScript: import java.util.* I dont really know the real performance using this class on a production enviroment. As i said this class is only a testing class, the real way can be to make an apache extension, more complete and tested. For more information and updates please visit:

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